Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

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Algae Treatment Thursday 6/27/24

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lake Truesdale (@laketruesdale) @pond_and_lake_connection came today to treat the lake with #cutrine to control algae. Water restrictions (swimming, irrigation) are 24 hours so all will be ready for the weekend #truesdalelake Follow for ...

Lower Hudson Lakes Conference – June 14, 2024

NYSFOLA Lower Hudson Regional Conference
June 14, 2024 - 9:00am to 12:30pm

at The Sedgewood Club on China Pond, Kent, NY The Sedgewood Club on China Pond, Kent, NY Register Now Registration Reminder -- If you have already registered, thank you. There is no need to ...

Friday June 21st – Summer Solstice FULL MOON Regatta!

Get yourself and your boat(s) ready for the first Truesdale Lake moonlight regatta of 2024. Date is June 21st (the Strawberry Moon). If the weather cooperates this will be a fun way to kick off the true summer season ...

TLPOA Spring 2024 Newsletter

This newsletter is published and sent to the TLPOA membership. Some of the items are TLPOA specific, but many of them are of interest to all lake residents regardless of association. Here's a snippet of the top front page... (more ...
/ / 2024, News, newsletter, spring, tlpoa

Lake Wide Tag Sale – June 1 (Rain Date Jun 8)

From the TLPOA: "The TLPOA social committee is organizing a lake-wide tag sale for June 1st (rain date June 8th). We are asking lake community households that want to participate to sign up (link below) and we will advertise to ...
/ / 2024, News, tag sale, tlpoa

Continued push for sewer proposal

UPDATE from the Lewisboro Septic/Sewer Working Group which includes residents of Truesdale Lake and the Three Lakes (Waccabuc, Rippowam, Oscaleta) plus Town Board members, other officials, and consulting engineers. A brief recap: In 2021, the town obtained grant funds for ...

TEA 2024 Beach Cleanup and Summer Kickoff Party

Spring is here and summer's on its way! The annual TEA spring beach cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 18th 2024 from 9-11 a.m; (Rain date is Sunday, May 19th, 9-11 a.m.) Clean up involves raking the shoreline of weeds, cleaning up after our resident ...
/ / cleanup, Event, kickoff, News, party, summer, tea

Goose Egg Oiling 2024 Update #1

Canada Geese couple guard their nest on Pirate Island. Truesdale Lake has obtained a Fish & Wildlife Service federal permit to addle and oil resident Canada Goose eggs. This program has been going in one form or another for over ...
/ / 2024, geese, lake management, News

Spring 2024 TEA Membership Meeting: Mon, April 15

SPRING 2024 Membership Meeting April 15th @ Horse & Hound The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, April 15, 2024 at the Horse & Hound at 94 Spring Street. We also plan to have a laptop/camera at ...

Canada Geese Control Efforts for 2024

We will resume actively oiling goose eggs on the three big islands of Lake Truesdale in the upcoming weeks of spring 2024. We do this to control the population of Resident Canada Geese on the lake. We will do an ...
/ / 2024, FWS, geese, News

Truesdale Dam Overtopping Events Since 1999

"Auxiliary Spillway" events at the Truesdale Lake Dam This is documentation of the five heavy rainfall over-topping events of our dam to inject into the Truesdale Lake website if you wish. I've copied Janet as well because her reports ...
/ / dam, historical, hurricane, News, overtopping, photo, storm, weather

360 Panoramas

[video src="" /] ...
/ / 2024, aerialphotos, News, photo, photo

Notice of Consent 2024 – Annual Notice Sent to Riparian Homeowners

These annual notices were sent via email to all association homeowners as required by New York State law. They are a continuation of our annual lake management program, including treatment, dating back over 50 years undertaken when we engaged Pond ...

Lake New Year’s Resolutions 2024

Some Lake Stewardship Resolutions for the new year:
  1. I will join and volunteer with my lake association and make my voice heard and my energy felt during this coming year.
  2. If I do work on my house or ...
/ / 2024, lake stewardship, News, resolutions

2023 Lake Drawdown Update #3

We received 1.66 inches of rain during the Sunday through Monday morning storm (Dec 10-11).  As expected, the lake rose 9 inches from that storm with all three siphons flowing well. Today, Tuesday 12 DEC, the lake level is 12.5 inches ...
/ / 2023, drawdown, lake management, News

2023 Lake Drawdown Update #2

Today, December 2nd, the lake level is 15 inches (1.25 feet) below the spillway ramp: 2 NOV: The siphons were installed and started on schedule, but problems were quickly evident when they all shut down - remaining dormant for two ...
/ / 2023, drawdown, lake management, News

2023 Lake Drawdown Update #1

From Scot Evans: Lucille Munz took my hand-drawn siphon design and converted it to AutoCAD. The design and the changes made are attached here as a pdf.  TruesdaleLake-UpdatedSiphonSection-V2aDownload James Gorman made many of these changes without having the new diagram ...

Caroling at the TLPOA Beach – Dec 16

Holiday Caroling at the beach on Gilbert Street, Saturday Dec. 16 from 5:45-7:30pm Gather at the Dam/Bridge on Indian Lane and carol down Gilbert Street to a warm fire, hot cocoa, and Santa on the beach! RSVP to so ...
/ / 2023, beach, caroling, Event, holiday, News, santa, tlpoa

Lake Winter Drawdown 2023-24

Hello Neighbors, As a part of our lake management initiative, we will commence the lake drawdown next week. Over the coming weeks, you can anticipate a gradual decrease in the lake's water level by approximately 3 to 4 feet. This ...
/ / 2023, drawdown, News

Halloween Parade 2023 Photos

Residents and their kids met up at the Lewisboro Library on Saturday Oct 28th to go on a costumed halloween parade to the Gilbert Street Beach. ( is link in case gallery does not come up.) Photos below: ...
/ / 2023, halloween, News, photo

TLPOA Fall 2023 Newsletter

This newsletter is published and sent to the TLPOA membership. Some of the items are TLPOA specific, but many of them are of interest to all lake residents regardless of association. Here it is: TLPOA-FALL-2023-NEWSLETTER-FINALDownload Note: If you are in ...
/ / 2023, fall, News, newsletter, tlpoa

TLPOA Oktoberfest Oct 28, 2023

For TLPOA Members - Oktoberfest on the Gilbert Street Beach Saturday, Oct 28, 2023 at 3pm. Beer, food, and games! RSVP ...
/ / 2023, Event, News, oktoberfest, tlpoa

Halloween Parade – October 28, 2023 at 10am

Meet up at the Lewisboro Library at 10am on Saturday, Oct. 28 for the annual Halloween Parade. Paraders will walk from the Library to the Gilbert Street Beach where there will be a pumpkin contest and refreshments. Come get dressed ...
/ / 2023, fall, halloween, News, parade, tlpoa

Fall 2023 TEA Membership Meeting: Mon, Nov 13

Fall 2023 Membership Meeting November 13th @ Horse & Hound The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, November 13, 2023 at the Horse & Hound at 94 Spring Street. We also plan to have a laptop/camera at ...
/ / 2023, fall meeting, membership, News, tea

Pond & Lake Connection Siphon Upgrade and Truesdale Lake Drawdown 2023-24

The critical drawdown months are NOV & DEC and the target depth needs to be achieved before the ice-in freeze occurs in early December. The full drawdown period each year is NOV - DEC - JAN - FEB. Rainfall totals ...
/ / 2023, drawdown, lake management, News, winter

Phragmites Treatment Oct 4, 2023

You may have noticed the rapid growth and spread of phragmites both around town and especially around our lake shoreline. Phragmites is an invasive plant with no upside benefits. There is more information in this post about why we are ...

Restoring Balance: The Imperative to Remove Phragmites from Freshwater Lake Shorelines

Introduction Freshwater lakes are vital ecosystems that support a rich diversity of plant and animal life. However, the delicate balance of these ecosystems can be disrupted by invasive species like Phragmites australis, commonly known as common reed. While Phragmites may ...

Third Time’s a Charm? Moonlight Regatta August 26… A Blue Moon!

August has two full moons - tonight (August 1) and August 30. When there's a second full moon in a month it's called a Blue Moon. The closest weekend night to the August 30 full moon is Saturday, August 26th ...
/ / 2023, Event, moonlight, regatta, summer, tea, tlpoa

Cutrine Algae Treatment Thursday Aug 3, 2023

Pond & Lake Connection will be treating our lake this Thursday with Cutrine. There are no swimming restrictions or irrigation restrictions using lake water.  ...

Algae Treatment Monday July 24

On Monday, July 24th, our lake management company, Pond and Lake Connection, will be treating our lake with Cutrine (algae treatment). There is no swimming restriction. If you irrigate your lawn using lake water, we suggest waiting 24 hrs after ...


In 2021, the Town of Lewisboro received a grant from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP) to perform engineering studies on three of our lakes—Waccabuc, Truesdale and Kitchawan—to assess the impacts of septic systems and identify ...
/ / 2023, lewisboro lakes, News, NYC DEP, septic, sewer

Two More Full Moons for Summer 2023

Summer Full Moon #1 of 3 The July 3 full moon was not really visible this summer. The July full moon is typically known as "The Buck Moon" is also known as "The Thunder Moon." It certainly lived up to ...

Hazy Smoky Days on Truesdale Lake

Canadian wildfire effects seen over #truesdalelake and #southsalemny today ...
/ / 2023, canada, News, photo, wildfire

Moonlight Regatta – July 3rd

Get yourself and your boat(s) ready for the first Truesdale Lake moonlight regatta of 2023. Date is July 3rd (the Buck Moon). Bring the kids. Bring the lights! Bring the cheer! Sunset is at 8:30pm on Monday July 3rd ...
/ / 2023, moonlight, News, regatta

Lake Treatment May 19, 2023

Dear Neighbors, Pond and Lake Connection will be doing their first treatment on the lake Friday, May 19th. As in the past, there is no recreational restriction.  There is, however, a 24 hr irrigation restriction since this application is an herbicide ...

Wastewater Study Update

This document provides a status report of the activities following engineering studies on three Lewisboro lakes as of April 30, 2023. Authored by Sue Enos, chair of the Lewisboro Lakes Coalition.   Background The Town of Lewisboro received a grant ...

Ray Morse

Ray Morse On Saturday, June 3rd at 2pm there will be a memorial service for Ray Morse at the Jesse Lee Memorial Methodist Church at 207 Main St. in Ridgefield, CT. Ray was a member of the Truesdale Lake Community ...
/ / 2023, memorial service, News

Spring 2023 TLPOA Newsletter

The TLPOA publishes periodic newsletters (archive here). This is the latest TLPOA news - including some general lake news for all residents. We encourage you to read it! TLPOA-NEWSLETTER-APRIL-2023-FinalDownload ...
/ / 2023, News, newsletter, tlpoa

May 7th – Historic Hamlet Hunt 2023

Discover Town Treasures at the 2023 Historic Hamlet Hunt!

Sunday, May 7, 12:00 - 4:00 pm The Lewisboro Library and Town Historian, Maureen Koehl, are hosting another Historic Hamlet Hunt - a family-friendly community event that is a fundraiser for the ...

Canada Geese Control Efforts for 2023

We will resume actively oiling goose eggs on the three big islands of Lake Truesdale in the upcoming weeks of spring 2023. We do this to control the population of Resident Canada Geese on the lake. We will do an ...

Spring 2023 TEA Membership Meeting: Mon, April 10th

Spring 2023 Membership Meeting April 10th @ Horse & Hound The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, April 10, 2023 at the Horse & Hound at 94 Spring Street. We also plan to have a laptop/camera at ...
/ / meeting, membership, News, spring, tea

Trees for Tribs – “Buffer in a Bag” program opens for applications

The application period for the Trees for Tribs’ "Buffer in a Bag" program is now open. Qualifying private and public landowners may apply for a free bag of 25 tree and shrub seedlings for planting near streams, rivers, or lakes ...
/ / 2023, buffer, dec, News, riparian, trees

Love Your Lake – Valentine’s Resolutions for a Healthier Lake and Strong Community

  1. I will join and volunteer with my lake association and make my voice heard and my energy felt during this coming year.
  2. I will get my septic tank pumped and inspected. If the tank baffles are missing or damaged, I'll have them ...

Notice of Consent 2023 – Annual Notice Sent to Riparian Homeowners

These annual notices were sent via email to all association homeowners as required by New York State law. They are a continuation of our annual lake management program, including treatment, dating back over 50 years undertaken when we engaged Pond ...

Lewisboro Comprehensive Plan Public Input Meetings Coming up Winter & Spring 2023

Note: First public comment meetings for the Lewisboro Comprehensive Master Plan Steering Committee is January 21st at John Jay High School. Please read the note below from our Lewisboro Lakes Coalition representative Susan Enos, a 70+ year resident of Truesdale ...

2022-23 Drawdown Coming Soon!

Photo: exposed tree stumps left behind are revealed during the 2019 drawdown. The stumps date from 1929 when the stream was dammed and the lake was formed. These trees were cut down but the stumps were not removed and they ...
/ / 2022, drawdown, News

Lake Drawdown Plan 2022-2023

We plan to do a winter lake drawdown on Truesdale Lake starting late November 2022 lasting until around February-March 2023. The aim is to duplicate the successful drawdowns of 2019-20 and 2020-21. We skipped last year on the advice of ...
/ / 2022, drawdown, lake management, News

2022 Halloween Parade

Halloween Parade
Saturday, October 29th - 11 AM
Parade Details:
Don your spookiest, most creative Halloween Costumes and meet us behind the Lewisboro Library at 11 AM! Decorate wagons, strollers, etc and join us as we parade to the Gilbert Street ...
/ / 2022, halloween, News

Fall 2022 TEA Membership Meeting: Mon, Nov 14

Fall 2022 Membership Meeting November 14th @ Horse & Hound The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, November 14, 2022 at the Horse & Hound at 94 Spring Street. We also plan to have a laptop/camera at ...
/ / 2022, fall, meeting, News, tea

Lewisboro Comprehensive Master Plan Update

The Town of Lewisboro is in the process of rewriting the Town Comprehensive Plan. There was no significant mention of the lakes in the 1985 Master Plan or the 1999 update and we believe it’s essential for the new Plan ...
/ / comprehensive plan, lewisboro, News, survey

Lake Treatment tomorrow – August 31

Our lake treatment company, Pond and Lake Connection will be treating our lake tomorrow, Tuesday, August 31st. There is no recreational restriction with the algae treatment SeClear. There is, however, a 24 hr irrigation restriction ...

Why is the lake green? Late summer lake management.

Welcome to August 🙂 The lake is always some shade of green in (late) August. This is due to several things:
  • Lack of water turnover. It hasn't rained in a while, at least not a significant amount that wasn't immediately ...

Lake Treatment this week – Aug 17

Our lake management company, The Pond & Lake Connection ( will treat the lake for algae as needed this week Wednesday Aug 17. The treatment chemical is SeClear. Treatment is weather and water temperature permitting. There is a 24hr restriction ...

Full Moon Regatta – Sept 10, 2022

Get yourself and your boat(s) ready. Bring the kids. Bring the lights! Meet out in the center of the lake starting between 7:00-7:30pm. Sunset on 9/10 is 7:13pm and "nautical twilight" ends 8:13pm (stars start to appear). Astronomical twilight ends ...
/ / 2022, moonlight, News, regatta

Lake Treatment Today – July 21, 2022

Our lake management company, The Pond & Lake Connection ( will treat the lake for algae as needed on Thursday July 21st. Weather and water temperature permitting, the lake will be treated with and there is a 24hr restriction for ...

Moonlight Regatta Tonight! (July 9)

Get yourself and your boat(s) ready. Bring the kids. Bring the lights! Meet out in the center of the lake starting between 8:15-8:30pm. Sunset tonight is 8:28pm and "last light" is 9:01pm. The moon will be high in the sky ...

Summer 2022 Sunfish Sailing Kickoff Weekend Coming Up

Dear Truesdale Sunfish Sailors and Aspiring Sailors, Truesdale Lake Sunfish race buoys are out -- and the course is ready to go. All we need are sailors! The typical Truesdale Sunfish Fleet #27 season consists of a 10-week series over ...

Lake Treatment – June 28, 2022

To ensure the lake is in great shape for the upcoming holiday weekend, our lake management company, The Pond & Lake Connection ( will treat the lake for weeds and algae as needed on Tuesday June 28th. Weather permitting, the ...

Moonlight Regatta Photos

We had well over 25 boats out on the lake lighting up the night under the nearly full moon Saturday, June 11th on Truesdale Lake. (The June full moon is nicknamed the "Strawberry Moon" which fit the strawberry shortcake cupcakes ...
/ / 2022, Event, moonlight, News, photo, photos, regatta, summer, tlpoa

Beach Cleanup Thank You

Place: TEA Beach; Date: Saturday, May 21st; Reason: Pre-Opening Clean up Day Thanks to two dozen volunteers, the TEA’s annual Clean up Day went well and was very a productive event. In one sunny morning we were able to:
  • move a ...
/ / 2022, beach, clean-up, cleanup, News, photo, tea

Lake Treatment – May 26, 2022

Our lake management company, The Pond & Lake Connection ( will treat the lake for weeds and algae as needed on Thursday May 26th. Weather permitting, the lake will be treated with Nautique ( and there is a 24hr restriction ...

Moonlight Regatta June 11 – Plus Summer Kickoff

TEA typically opens the summer with an open invite to lake residents & guests to our BBQ at the TEA Beach the second Saturday in June. (June 11, 2022) #weatherpermitting This year this date corresponds to the first (nearly) full ...
/ / 2022, beach, News, social, tea

Let’s Talk Lakes – Conference & CSLAP training

June 3, 2022; 9am - 2pm • Sedgewood Club, Kent, NY 8:30 registration & networking CSLAP Training 2-4pm Meeting set up in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension, the New York Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA), Town of Kent, Putnam County ...

TEA Beach Cleanup – May 21

The annual pre-season beach cleanup and beautification at the Truesdale Estates Association beach on Truesdale Lake Drive is set for Saturday, May 21 from 9am-12noon. Let us know if you can come out! We will be putting out the swimming ...
/ / 2022, beach, cleanup, Event, News, summer, tea

Canada Goose Control 2022

We have resumed actively oiling goose eggs on the three big islands of Lake Truesdale for spring 2022. We do this to control the population of Resident Canada Geese on the lake. We have checked the three islands of the ...
/ / canadagoose, egg, eggoiling, eggs, FWS, geese, News, permit, spring

Spring 2022 TEA Membership Meeting: Mon, April 4

Spring 2022 Membership Meeting April 4th @ Horse & Hound The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, April 4, 2022 at the Horse & Hound at 94 Spring Street. We also plan to have a laptop/camera at ...
/ / Event, meeting, News, spring, tea

First Ice of 2022

January 6th we woke up to our lake completely covered in ice. This was one of the latest times if not the latest in the past 25 years and probably much longer. Please click on this overhead 360º view of ...
/ / 2022, News, panorama, photo, winter

Lake New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

Some Lake Stewardship Resolutions for the new year:
  1. I will join and volunteer with my lake association and make my voice heard and my energy felt during this coming year.
  2. I will get my septic tank pumped and inspected. If the ...

Update on TEA Boat Launch Property at Corner of Lake Shore Drive and Gilbert Street

In September, a request from Lewisboro highway superintendent Peter Ripperger about cutting down dead ash trees near power lines on the TEA's boat launch property (1.5 acres) at the intersection of Lake Shore Drive and Gilbert Street started a multi-phase ...
/ / 2021, boat launch, lakeshore, News, project, tea

Holiday Caroling and Fundraiser

Join us for a Holiday Caroling Night at the TLPOA Beach! December 19th @ 6 PM Part of the evening will be a Luminary Fundraiser to support Animal Nation! In the spirit of the Holiday Season, we would like to continue ...
/ / associations, Event, holiday, News, social, tea, winter

TLPOA Winter 2021 Newsletter

top screen shot of TLPOA Winter 2021 newsletter The TLPOA has resumed publishing a periodic newsletter. Contributions from lake residents are welcome. Email the Newsletter editor Clare Panno ( with photos, information, updates, and stories relevant to the lake. Click ...
/ / 2021, News, newsletter, tlpoa, Truesdale Lake, winter

Weir Board Removal for Winter 2021-22

Announced to the TLPOA email list yesterday. Since this affects all lakefront property owners, we are announcing it here as well: "To prevent flooding from this week's impending storms, we are removing the weir board from the dam tomorrow, October ...

Hurricane Ida Post-Storm Report

Ida was the second major hurricane of 2021 that affected the NY Metro area and dumped a lot of rain in South Salem. It was the second hurricane in a 10 day span. This report was compiled by lake resident ...
/ / dam, flood, hurricane, News, overtopping, truesdaledam

Earmark request for the Truesdale Lake Dam and Bridge

This letter was sent August 26, 2021 from Scot Evans (lake resident) to U.S. Representative Sean Patrick Maloney's office. FROM: SCOT EVANS, TRUESDALE LAKE DAM REPAIR & RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT TO: ERNEST KLEPEIS, DISTRICT DIRECTOR
/ / 2021, dam, lake management, letter, News, News, tea, tlpoa

Sunfish Near End-of-Summer Report

Sunfish Fleet #27 is going strong on Lake Truesdale. We have six active sailors in our 2021 fleet. This is down a bit from our banner year in 2020 when we saw a covid-surge in sailing and many other activities ...
/ / 2021, News, summer, sunfish

Hurricane Henri Post-Storm Report

by Scot Evans Truesdale Lake received a total rainfall of 2.91" and Twin Lakes received 3.12" during the 35 hours of precipitation from Tropical Depression HENRI. Offshore, it was a CAT 1 Hurricane, downgraded to a Tropical Storm as it ...
/ / dam, henri, hurricane, News, rain, weather

Spring 2021 TLPOA Newsletter

Screen shot from page 1 of the Spring 2021 TLPOA newsletter The TLPOA Spring 2021 newsletter is available to download here. TLPOA-NEWSLETTER-SPRING-2021Download The topics included in this newsletter include:
  • Amended Bylaws
  • Water Corporation Update
  • e-Mail Billing
  • Branch & Twig Pick-up
  • Our Beach Opens!
  • Sandcastle ...
/ / 2021, News, tlpoa

Photos from Full Moon Regatta

Residents came out onto Lake Truesdale with over 40 boats and floats to watch the full moon rise in the east on July 23, 2021. Here are some photo highlights from the evening: These and additional photos are at ...
/ / 2021, full moon, moonlight, News, regatta

Lake Rights vs. Lake Access

Recently there has been news of two vacant properties for sale by the town that carry lake rights to Truesdale Lake. Here is the statement read to the Lewisboro Town Board during public comment period on July 26, 2021: "Tonight ...
/ / associations, News, tea

Reminder: Full Moon Regatta This Friday 7/23 – Get your boats ready!

We will meet in the middle of the lake starting around 8:00pm friday night 7/23. See prior post for more details. The TEA will be holding a "moonrise BBQ" at the Truesdale Lake Drive beach starting at 5:30 p.m. and ...
/ / Event, full moon, News, regatta, summer

Algae Treatment set for July 22

Pond & Lake Connection fanboat on Lake Truesdale. Pond and Lake Connection will be treating the lake Thursday July 22nd. With this algae treatment there are no restrictions on swimming or irrigation. This treatment is part of the Truesdale Lake ...

Truesdale Full Moon Regatta – Friday, July 23

Come out on the lake to welcome the full moon FRIDAY July 23, 2021.
  • Plan to be underway by 8:15 (prep your boats during daylight hours) and arrive mid-lake by 8:30pm. The moon will rise at 8:32pm but won't be ...
/ / 2021, full moon, moonlight, News, regatta, summer

Initial Treatment May 24, 2021

May 24th Initial Treatment for 2021 Summer Season Pond and Lake Connection will be treating the lake on Monday, May 24th. The lake drawdown worked as planned as you can see that any plant growth out in the water is ...

NY State Septic Repair and Replacement Program Outline

There is a new septic repair and replacement program offering assistance to eligible homeowners in eligible counties in New York State. Houses around Truesdale Lake are specifically eligible for this program to help defray the costs of upgrading or ...

Goose Management 2021 Program Status Update

We have six volunteers who are managing the Fish & Wildlife Service permit that allows us to control the Canada Goose population on Truesdale Lake. The permits allow us to addle and oil the eggs to prevent the eggs from ...
/ / geese, lake management, News

Truesdale Fishing Rules 2021

Truesdale Fishing Tag Application link Lake Members: AMENDED FISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR 2021 As many of you are aware, last year we had a substantial increase in folks who were not members of the associations fishing on our dam ...
/ / 2021, fishing, license, News

2021 Canada Goose Control

We will resume actively oiling goose eggs on the three big islands of Lake Truesdale for spring 2021. We do this to control the population of Resident Canada Geese on the lake. We have checked the three islands of the ...
/ / 2021, canadagoose, eggoiling, eggs, News

TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting April 5

Spring 2021 Membership Meeting Apr 5th @ ZOOM Virtual Meeting info will be sent to TEA members via email, send us a note if you did not get it. The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, ...

Truesdale Winter Panorama

First try at creating an overhead panorama of Lake Truesdale in the winter. Let me know what you think. Email Winter Panorama Link ...
/ / 2021, News, photo, winter

Ice Safety Tips

With ice formed over much of the lake and deep cold overnight temps over the last week, weekend ice skating might be a thing this weekend for the first time this year! Before venturing out, check the ice safety tips ...
/ / ice, News, skating, winter

TLPOA Winter Newsletter Published

Jan 13, 2021 - TLPOA Winter 2021 Newsletter published. Available for download below. View TLPOA Winter 2021 Newsletter Thanks to editor Clare Panno and all of the contributors. Send in your ideas for the next one. See newsletter for contact ...
/ / News, newsletter, tlpoa, winter

The History of Truesdale Lake – The First 100 Years

Lake resident Priscilla Luckow has completed a years-long research project into the history of Truesdale Lake. The document she produced is now available on the website here and can also be downloaded as a PDF file here. The story of ...
/ / Archive, associations, history, lake, News

Some Lake New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

Some Lake Stewardship Resolutions:
  1. I will get my septic tank pumped and inspected. If the tank baffles are missing or damaged, I'll have them replaced. (Wind River, formerly Kaiser-Battistone offers 15% discount for lake area residents - but you have to ...

Truesdale Lake Pop-Up Store Open thru Jan 4

The original 1927 TLPOA Logo and headline from the house sales brochures is featured in the merchandise for this limited-time pop-up store which features shirts, sweats, hats, and other custom printed items featuring the logo. If you are interested ...
/ / 2020, For Sale, forsale, popup, store

TLPOA Newsletter and Archive Page Published

The TLPOA has started publishing its newsletter again. The editor is resident Clare Panno. She wrote articles and received contributions from lake residents and TLPOA board members for the most recent newsletter from Fall 2020. The TLPOA newsletter was ...
/ / 2020, archive, News, newsletter, tlpoa

2020/2021 Truesdale Lake Drawdown to Begin Next Week

Photo: exposed tree stumps left behind are revealed during the 2019 drawdown. The stumps date from 1929 when the stream was dammed and the lake was formed. These trees were cut down but the stumps were not removed and they ...

November 2nd – TEA Fall 2020 Membership Meeting

Fall 2020    Membership Meeting Nov 2nd @ ZOOM Virtual (meeting info available via email, send us a note if you did not get it) The TEA Annual Fall Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, Nov 2, 2020 via Zoom ...
/ / 2020, fall, fall meeting, meeting, News, tea

History: TLPOA Newsletter Archive Gallery

Imaged TLPOA Newsletters from 1980 - 2008. Not a complete archive but there are a lot of them! Towards the end of the Newsletter archive are scans of the original Truesdale Lake sales brochure. The trees were a lot shorter ...
/ / archive, News, tlpoa

Lake Treatment for Phragmites TODAY 9/29/20

Photo: Pon & Lake Connection fanboat surveying and treating today. Pond & Lake Connection was out on the lake this morning treating phragmites which are an invasive species of reed that grows along the shoreline. The herbicide used was Clearcast ...

Truesdale Lake Drawdown 2020-21

As a part of our continuing lake management plan, we will be drawing down the lake level again this fall to help control weed growth in the spring. Photo: 2019-2020 siphon installation at the Indian Lane Dam on Truesdale Lake ...
/ / 2020, drawdown, fall, lake, lake management, News

Skip Secures Summer Sailing Sweep

Skip Jahn put the cherry on the top of his 2020 Truesdale Lake Summer Sunfish season by taking the annual President's Cup race on Labor Day Monday. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lake Truesdale (@laketruesdale) ...
/ / 2020, News, President's Cup, sailing, summer, sunfish

Labor Day Weekend 2020 – Boating Events

Dear Truesdale Lake Residents: This Labor Day weekend is looking very fine weather-wise. We have three boating events planned for the weekend:
  1. Saturday 9/5 evening - Moonlight Regatta.
  2. Sunday 9/6 1:30 pm - Final Sunfish Fleet #27 Races of the ...

Mid-Season Sunfish Fleet #27 Race Update

Week 5 Recap Latest race last Sunday saw some gusty wind conditions with lead changes and a brand new racer! Season Race #9 finish order:
5-Elizabeth Season Race #10 finish order:
5-Elizabeth Season standings are here: Skip is keeping ahold of ...
/ / 2020, News, sunfish

Moonlight Regatta – Saturday, September 5th

Come out on the lake during the evening of the (mostly) full moon Saturday September 5, 2020. Plan to be underway by 7:15 (prep your boats during daylight hours) and arrive mid-lake by 8pm. All ages welcome! Light up your ...
/ / 2020, full moon, moonlight, News, regatta

Lake Treatment Set for August 5, 2020 – Algae Treatment

Video: Pond and Lake Connection Fanboat in July 2020. A Truesdale Lake algae treatment is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5. UPDATE: due to road closures from hurricane isaias, lake treatment was moved to August 18. Pond and Lake Connection will ...

Local Artist Spotlight: Reflecting on Reflections Virtual Show

Image: Click image for link to Lewisboro Library instagram page On Tuesday August 4th at 7 p.m., join long-time Lake Truesdale resident, professional artist, and photographer Jeff Vreeland as he presents "Reflecting on Reflections… a diverse collection of photographs using ...

TEA Current Officers and Board Members 2019-2020; Call for New Board Members and Officer Nominations for 2021-2022 term

The Truesdale Estates Association is comprised of members and officers from the TEA deeded lake rights area. (See map at link or in full post for details.) Board members serve two year terms and have no term limits. Officers have ...
/ / 2020, meeting, News, officers, tea, teaboard

Proposed Cell Tower Locations near Lake Truesdale

These proposals are of interest to many in the neighborhood around Lake Truesdale. Homeland Towers, the cell tower construction and leasing company, has proposed two locations for a future cell tower in the South Salem hamlet near Truesdale Lake.
  1. The ...

Lake Treatment Set for July 16, 2020 – Algae Treatment

Photo: Pond and Lake Connection fan boat July 1, 2020 treating with SeClear. Pond and Lake Connection will treat the lake with Se-Clear for algae on Thursday, July 16 ( They will not apply any herbicide so there are no ...

TLPOA Governing Board Nominations July 2020

TLPOA Governing Board Nominations July 2020 Note: this went out via email to the TLPOA email list. Posting here for reference and wider access. The following slate of Truesdale Lake Property Owners Association (TLPOA) Governing Board nominations are proposed by ...
/ / 2020, bylaws, meeting, News, officers

Truesdale Moonlight Regatta

More info on moonlight regattas on Truesdale Lake: Come out on the lake during the evening of the (mostly) full moon Saturday August 1. Plan to be underway by 8:30 (prep your boats during daylight hours) and arrive mid-lake ...

Lake Treatment July 1

Photo: Pond & Lake Connection fanboat on Lake Truesdale. Pond & Lake Connection will be treating the lake for algae on Wednesday, July 1 as a preventative measure ahead of the July 4th holiday weekend. The lake is looking very ...

2020 Fishing Survey Report

[Download the report as a pdf file via the link below.] fishing-survey-reportDownload 2020 Spring/Summer Fishing Survey Prepared for: Truesdale Lake Community Prepared by: Robert J. Cummings June 23, 2020 Dates of Survey: May 24, 2020 - June 9, 2020 Section ...

Summer Sunfish Racing 2020 Season Kickoff

Dear Truesdale Sunfish Sailors and Aspiring Sailors, Truesdale Lake Sunfish race buoys are out -- and the course is ready to go. All we need are sailors! The typical Truesdale Sunfish Fleet #27 season consists of a 10-week series ...
/ / 2020, News, races, series, summer, summer series, sunfish

Truesdale Lake Fishing Survey

Please take this 2 minute survey about fishing and Truesdale Lake. If the survey below does not work for you please click here to take the survey directly on the JotForm site. Thanks for your participation ...
/ / 2020, fishing, News, survey

Egg Oiling Update #2

This is Update #2 for our 2020 egg oiling. To read the first update, click here. To read the initial posting about Truesdale egg oiling, click here. Background For Spring 2020 Truesdale Lake applied for and received a United States ...

TEA Beach Open For Summer 2020

The TEA Beach officially opens this weekend under social distancing restrictions. NY State requires all who visit a beach have a mask that can be used in case the beach gets too crowded. Please use common sense, be aware of ...
/ / 2020, beach, News, summer, tea


Link to essential local COVID-19 resources. Updated each day as we get more information and resource links. Help us by sending us info! ...
/ / 2020, coronavirus, covid19, News, resources

Egg Oiling Update

For Spring 2020 Truesdale Lake applied for and received a Fish and Wildlife Services permit for egg oiling. The permit number is FWS RCGR #13757A. For more information on egg oiling and the purpose of it, please read this ...

2020 Geese Management

A new group of residents has recently taken over actively oiling goose eggs on the three big islands of Lake Truesdale for spring 2020. This is done to control the population of Resident Canada Geese on the lake. Egg oiling ...

Drawdown Report 13

All Posts tagged drawdownreport - see all blow-by-blow updates (inclucing this post) as they were posted and communicated in late 2019 through early 2020. Summary: January 25, 2020 marked the last day of drawdown target depth - where the lake's ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Notice of Consent – Annual Mailing Sent to Riparian Homeowners

These annual notices were sent via US Mail to all riparian (lake-side) homeowners as required by New York State law. They are a continuation of our annual lake management program, including treatment, dating back over 50 years undertaken when we ...

Drawdown Report 12

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...

Drawdown: Report 11A

Greetings James, This is ninth dry day of our break following all that pesky rain. All your siphons are churning away nicely.
The lake ice continues to melt with rain arriving Sunday night, through Monday. The lake level lowered at ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 11

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 10

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Aerial Survey Lake Perimeter

A friend lent me his drone for an aerial survey of the lake as it is now during the drawdown. I have posted below some of the photos from November 15 when the lake was half frozen on the surface ...
/ / 2019, aerialphotos, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 9

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 8

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 7

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 6

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 5

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 4

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News, report

Septic Pumping Discount for Truesdale Lake Residents

We have good news: Wind River Environmental is offering a discount on septic pumping and maintenance to Truesdale Lake area residents (Wind River was known for a few years as EarthCare which was formerly Kaiser-Battistone). Base cost for pumping septic tanks 1,000 ...
/ / 2019, News, septic

Drawdown: Report 3

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Drawdown: Report 2

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Has Lake Truesdale Sprung a Leak?

That was the question we got through email from a local resident. Thankfully there is no leak -- just the very quick effects of the planned drawdown project that was successfully re-engineered by volunteers and Pond & Lake Connection after ...
/ / 2019, dam, drawdown, News, project

Drawdown: Report 1

These are some of the email reports and communications from Scot Evans from Truesdale Lake, James Gorman from Pond & Lake Connection, and others involved with the project. Putting selected parts up here for all to see what some of ...
/ / 2019, drawdown, drawdownreport, News

Lake Drawdown Has Begun for 2019

The Summer boards have been removed from the dam. Our lake manager Pond & Lake Connection (P&LC) has installed the siphon tubes that will draw the lake level down another 2-3 feet to expose the lake bed over the winter ...

Shoreline Maintenance Musings and other Lake Topics

In conversation and comments from around the lake, the weeds and algae are common topics -- especially in the summer. One thing to remember is: We live on a lake, not next to a pool. The lake supports a multitude ...
/ / 2019, lake management, News

Lake treatment set for July 23

Pond & Lake Connection will treat the lake for weeds and algae as needed on Tuesday July 23rd.  We use Clipper for weeds ( and Se-Clear for algae ( There is a 24hr restriction for irrigation with Clipper but no other ...

Lake Treatment Set for Today June 27, 2019

Pond & Lake Connection in their fan boat. Used for lake surveys and treatment. Pond & Lake Connection will treat the lake for weeds and algae as needed this Thursday June 27th. We use Clipper for weeds ( and Se-Clear ...

Geese, Goslings, Eggs, and Oil

A number of residents have been actively oiling goose eggs on the islands of Lake Truesdale since 2008 to control the population of Resident Canada Geese on the lake. But the existing crew of people trained to oil eggs it ...
/ / 2019, eggs, geese, lake management, News

First Lake Treatment Set for Friday, May 17, 2019

Fanboat surveying the plants of the lake. (Photo by Rob Cummings) Truesdale Lake will be treated with the herbicide Clipper on Friday, May 17. Our lake manager from Pond & Lake Connection will spray Clipper from their boat along the ...

Regional Lake Association Meeting Set for June 14 in Carmel

Back by popular demand!  This year's regional New York State Federation of Lake Association (NYSFOLA) Lower Hudson Lakes meeting will be on Friday, June 14, at the Sedgewood Club on the shores of China Pond in Carmel.  Thanks to Dora ...

June 13, 2019 – Lakewide meeting – Drawdown Initial Results & 2019 Plan

On Thursday, June 13 starting at 8:15pm at the South Salem Presbyterian Church, we will be holding a meeting open to all lake association and lakefront owners about the drawdown of Lake Truesdale. The Pond and Lake Connection (the company ...
/ / 2018, drawdown, News

Foggy Lake Truesdale Sunday

I paddled around the lake this past Sunday afternoon in the fog with my camera in tow. I captured a bunch of scenes around the lake -- enjoy! (Photos by and ©Rob Cummings, more from the same kayak trip ...
/ / 2018, fog, News, photo, photos, winter

October 19 Lake Drawdown Article in Record Review Newspaper

I write a bi-weekly column in the Record-Review ( called "Talk of The Town" about current events in Lewisboro. Occasionally I will also write an article and submit photos about various topics and events in town. A few weeks ago ...
/ / 2018, drawdown, News, recordreview

Your Lake and You – Newsletter

From "Your Lake & You!" -- the NALMS (North American Lake Management Society) newsletter (excerpt): "The purpose of this newsletter is to help you better understand the fascinating things that you may not know about your lake and to guide ...
/ / lake management, NALMS, News, newsletter

Some TLPOA and Lake History

Truesdale Lake property Owners Association Inc. A Look At The Past (Thanks to Karen Jahn for providing the original scans - see below) July, 1931 Truesdale Lake Club was created. Previously known as the Truesdale Lake Colony, the club was ...
/ / Archive, history, News, tlpoa

Lake Drawdown

This is to let you know that plans are in place for Pond and Lake Connection (the company that has managed Truesdale Lake weed and algae control for the past two years) to commence work on the Truesdale Lake ...

Six Lewisboro Lakes Gain Special Status Under State Legislation – Press Release June 20, 2018

News Release SIX LEWISBORO LAKES GAIN SPECIAL STATUS UNDER STATE LEGISLATION State Assemblyman David Buchwald announced that the State Assembly and Senate have voted to pass legislation to make a group of lakes in Lewisboro eligible for more state funding ...

Slides from June 19 Open Lake Meeting

Below are the slides from the Truesdale Lake Planning Group meeting on Tuesday night 6/19/2018. A text version of the presentation is on the website here. The original Powerpoint document is available here >> Truesdale Lake Planning Committee Presentation V2 (powerpoint format) ...
/ / 2018, lake management, News

June 19 @8:15pm – Truesdale Lake Planning Group meeting

There will be a meeting of the Truesdale Lake Planning Group this coming Tuesday, June 19th at the South Salem Presbyterian Church at 8:15 PM (following the annual TLPOA meeting). Last June several lake residents gave a  presentation regarding the ...
/ / 2018, lake management, News

Sunday June 10th TEA Summer Kickoff Party

As you start planning for the early summer - add The TEA Summer Kickoff BBQ to your plans! Join us on SUNDAY, June 10 from 3 - 7pm on at the Truesdale Lake Drive beach.  As a reminder, the TEA ...
/ / 2018, News, party, summer, tea

First Lake Treatment 2018

The Pond and Lake Connection will treat the lake for the first time this season on May 15. We will be watching for the results. from David Sachs' post on James [Gorman, of Pond & Lake Connection] stopped by ...


Lake Truesdale Hydro-Dredging Project Project Overview Many homeowners have suggested that dredging is an obvious solution for improving the health of the lake. This project endeavors to determine what can be done and what the impact will be. A group ...
/ / 2017, hydro dredging, News


Dear Truesdale Lake Resident, Last June and this past September, TLPOA and a small group of Truesdale Lake residents held two public meetings to determine if there was enough interest from lake residents to explore the possibility of dredging some ...
/ / 2017, hydro dredging, News

Hydro-Dredging Meeting (Summary) , October 12, 2017

The Hydro-Dredging Project Group of nine people, representing all three associations as well as unaffiliated lake residents, met this past Thursday to discuss the plan to hydro-dredge the hot spots on Truesdale Lake. We have already begun the first of ...
/ / 2017, hydro dredging, News

Diet For A Small Lake – FREE book download

We have published this in the past, but for all new residents -- and those who may have missed it the prior publications -- this is a great resource for learning about the lake. If you ever wonder "how ...

Information About Hydro Dredging and Solicitation for Questions You May Have

Lake Truesdale residents -- you may have heard talk about a new proposed project: Hydro Dredging. Project leader Cliff Munz along with several other lake residents have been putting their heads together these past several months. There has been one ...

Informational Meeting about Targeted Hydraulic Dredging Tonight

Update: We are gathering information together about the Hydro Dredging under consideration. Check back at the link for more info as we add it. At 8:15 p.m. Thursday, June 15th, Truesdale Lake residents are invited for a discussion about hydraulic dredging ...

May 16th, 2017 Lake Treatment

From the folks at The Pond and Lake Connection: Here is a map with the approximate application sites. We used Clipper today to treat for elodea and curly-leaf pondweed. As discussed there are other locations in the lake with vegetation, ...

A Note About The Lake, Treatment, Weeds, etc.

I have received a few notes over the last month about the Lake, the weeds, last summer, and the potential of a repeat. I started to respond to each person individually but it grew into a longer note that I'd ...

Letter About Proposed Changes to Town Wetlands Law

Passing on this note from Janet Andersen who is a resident in the Twin Lakes neighborhood, a member of the Three Lakes Council, and Chair of the Lewisboro Conservation Advisory Council (CAC). Friends and neighbors, The Town Board proposed a ...

A Note From The Vet

Passing on this public service note from neighbor and veterinarian Carol Gamez: Hello Everyone, Happy New Year and happy snow season! It's a great time of year to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. I have been enjoying my jogs around the ...
/ / 2017, dogs, News, pets

Truesdale Lake Update – December 2016

Sharing this note from David Sachs, TLPOA President, about results from some testing and lake plans for next summer. More to come in regular updates: Truesdale Lake Update - 2016-12-29 Greetings and Happy Hanukah and Merry Christmas to you all. I ...

Truesdale Lake Update 2017

Sharing this note from David Sachs, TLPOA President, about the past summer and preliminary plans for next summer. More to come in regular updates. As of 2016-10-24 Good day to you all on this brisk and beautiful October afternoon. I ...

Invasive Plants Guide

If you have ever wondered whether certain plants in Truesdale Lake are invasive, this free PDF booklet will tell you. We have a couple of species shown in the book, but fortunately not many. The book is a project of Michigan State ...
/ / 2016, download, invasives, News, NYSFOLA

Septic Pumping Discount for Truesdale Lake Residents

We have good news: Earth Care is offering a discount on septic pumping and maintenance to Truesdale Lake area residents (EarthCare was formerly Kaiser-Battistone, both are now part of Wind River Environmental) . Cost for pumping tanks 1,000 gallons or smaller is ...
/ / earth care, kaiser battistone, News, septic

Treatment Report from September 1, 2016

Solitude Lake Management came to inspect and treat the lake Thursday, September 1st, 2016. They were able to do only a partial treatment due to lake conditions. Excerpt of report below: Water column heavy with unicellular algae.  Elodea throughout the lake. Less ...
/ / 2016, Algae Control, lake management, News, SOLitude

Algae Treatment Report from August 18th, 2016

Solitude Lake Management came on Thursday August 18th to inspect, test, and treat the lake. Since the conditions were favorable (good dissolved oxygen levels), the algae treatment was performed. From the report (also attached): Inspected Lake: Observed elodea, lilies, unicellular ...

Lake Loop in Church Tavern Biathlon Labor Day Monday

"Who Will Take The Tankards?" - The sign at the end of Spring Street near St John's Church has popped up again! What does it mean? It means the Church Tavern Biathlon is ready for its 6th year! The 7 mile biking ...
/ / 2016, biathlon, church tavern, Event, News

August 4th, 2016 Algae Treatment

Solitude came to the lake and did a survey and algae treatment today. Photo and report below. From Report: Aquatic Plants Observed: Elodea, Lilies, Duckweed Algae Observed: Benthic and Floating filamentous algae, Unicellular Heavy Elodea throughout almost entire lake with ...

Lake Treatment and Survey Report – July 21st, 2016

Truesdale Lake was treated with Copper Sulfate for algae control on 7/21/16. From the report: 7/21/16 Treatment and Survey of Lake Truesdale Observed elodea, white lilies, and duckweed along with floating filamentous algae and unicellular algae. Princeton hydro is working hard ...

Summer Squall Chases Harvester to Shore

A late afternoon thundershower chased the harvester back to dry land as quickly as the treads could drive it across the lake. See photo attached. Fortunately better weather is in the forecast for tomorrow ...

Harvester in Action

Some photos and video of the Princeton Hydro Truxor amphibious weed assault vehicle in action. Piloted by Matthew of Princeton Hydro. Harvester Removing Weeds [KGVID width="640" height="360" downloadlink="true"][/KGVID] ...

Harvester Arrival

We have contracted with Princeton Hydro to mechanically harvest weeds using their "Truxor" amphibious vehicle with multiple attachments. See photos for details. They will be here for the next week+. Work will start tomorrow morning (Tuesday 7/19). More "action shots" ...

Lake Survey Report – July 13th, 2016

From the report: 7/13/16 Survey of Lake Truesdale The water column was green with unicellular algae. North of the launch and up along eastern shore displayed Elodea in sparse patches. Denser infestation in the northeastern cove covered with filamentous algae. The ...
/ / 2016, lake management, News, SOLitude, summer

Lake Management Presentation by Christian Jenne from SUNY Oneonta

On Thursday, June 16th, Christian Jenne presented his preliminary findings on the state of Truesdale Lake. Slides from his presentation are below. His final written report - which is also his Masters in Lake Management thesis for the SUNY Oneonta ...

Lake Meeting June 16th

Reminder: Two meetings on Thursday evening 6/16 at the South Salem Presbyterian Church.
  1. TLPOA members will meet from 7 - 8 p.m. -- to review TLPOA matters (our budget, our water system, our plans for the coming year). This ...

Call for Summer Lake Photos

Send in your Summer Photos all summer long to and I will post them at the lake website right here. Photos can feature wildlife, summer activities, leaves, flowers, boating, swimming, sailing, fishing -- or pretty much anything that happens in summer around ...
/ / 2016, News, photos, summer

Dead Fish

You may have noticed dead fish along the shoreline recently. We have seen this before with Sunfish late every spring. But this looks like a different species of fish - Alewife - which we have not seen before in such quantities ...

Regional FOLA lakes meeting 7/22 at China Lake in Carmel

A note below from Janet Anderson who is an active member of the Three Lakes Council (Waccabuc/Rippowam/Oscaleta) in Lewisboro: Hello lake folk! Save the date!  This year's Regional FOLA lakes meeting will be Friday, July 22, at the Sedgewood Club ...

Spring at the Lake

We got a lot of photos from the Fall photo series request - not so much for the winter one (probably since we didn't have much of a winter this year...) We're back again for your SPRING PHOTOS! Send your spring lake photos ...
/ / 2016, News, photos, spring

Please Help Keep The Lake and Neighborhood Clean

Truesdale Lake is lovely for a walk any time of year. We welcome many people from both the neighborhood and outside the area to our perfect 2.6 mile loop. Unfortunately, some folks walking with dogs are not cleaning up after ...
/ / 2016, dogs, lake health, News

2016 Lake Treatment Notification

LETTER OF NOTIFICATION 2016 Lake Treatment Program Date:   April 1, 2016 Truesdale Lake Property Owners Association (TLPOA) and Truesdale Estates Association (TEA) will continue the Lake Management Program for Truesdale Lake in 2016. The Program is intended to control ...

Article Link: Plants to Use and Avoid When Planting a Vegetative Buffer

Allied Biological has merged with another company and renamed itself SOLitude. SOLitude is the company we contract with (edit: we no longer use SOLitude for lake treatment) to apply herbicides and algaecides to the lake in the spring and summer ...

TEA Spring Membership Meeting April 4th

The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 4th, 2016 at the Horse & Hound on Spring Street.  The meeting will be held in the back room. Meet and greet at 7:15 and meeting will begin at 7:30 ...
/ / 2016, meeting, News, spring, tea

Under The Radar Neighborhoods – Republished Article

Posted this over 10 years ago when it first came out - someone recently forwarded me a link to this 2005 Westchester Magazine article featuring the Truesdale neighborhood. “What about a home in the $500 to $800-thousand range in ...
/ / 2005, 2016, article, News, real estate

NYSFOLA Conference April 29-May 1: The Water is Great in New York State

From the New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA) below about the annual conference April 29th - May 1st, 2016 at the White Eagle Conference Center in Hamilton, NY: Greetings NYSFOLA Members! "The Water is Great in New York ...

Winter Ice Safety Post

I have upgraded the ice safety post from an annual post at the beginning of winter to a permanent page under the Lake Management menu item at the top of the lake website. That way it will be easier to ...
/ / 2016, ice safety, News, rescue, video, winter

Welcome 2016! Some Lake Resolutions for the New Year

Some Lake Stewardship Resolutions:
  1. I will get my septic tank pumped and inspected. If the tank baffles are missing or damaged, I'll have them replaced. (Kaiser-Battistone offers 15% discount for lake area residents - but you have to tell ...

Listing of All Website Posts

This page: has a summary listing of all 300+ chronological website posts made on throughout its nearly 15 year history. A listing of the less time-sensitive (aka "timeless") Pages of this website can be found here: including pages like Truesdale ...
/ / 2015, links, News, website

Winter Is Coming

Everyone had such a great response to the Fall photo series, we're back again for Winter! Send your winter lake photos to and I will post them at the lake website. Photos can feature snow, ice, bare trees, fog, winter ...
/ / 2015, 2016, News, photos, skating, wildlife, winter

Truesdale Lake – End of Year Report

Allied Biological issued their first of a kind end of year report for Truesdale Lake. It summarizes the state of the lake and the treatments made to the lake for the summer 2015 season. It's a quick read and a ...

Lake Manager Talk December 10th at 7:30pm

Forwarding a note From David Sachs via Next-door Truesdale website:  "Good afternoon on this overcast and damp and chilly December afternoon. Just a quick reminder - Michael Martin from Princeton Hydro will be speaking tomorrow evening - about lake management ...

SAVE THE DATE — Caroling On The Beach – Sunday December 20 – 5:30 p.m.

Cross-posted from Nextdoor site: SAVE THE DATE -- Caroling On The Beach - Sunday December 20 - 5:30 p.m. Come and join us for our annual caroling on the beach. We will be at the Gilbert Street Beach - and all ...
/ / 2015, caroling, holiday, News, social, winter

Lake Watershed Survey

Christian Jenne, graduate student of Lake Management at the State University of New York at Oneonta, has put together and distributed a survey to help determine characteristics of our lake and the surrounding area. This feedback will be one facet ...
/ / 2015, lake management, News, SUNY Oneonta


Lake Truesdale Sunset tonight. Click to enlarge. It was quite a show. Photos can't really capture it, but we can try ...
/ / 2015, photo, photo

Signs of Fall

Leaves are changing colors, days are getting shorter, and beach toys have been packed away for the winter. Share your fall photos of Truesdale Lake - send them to us at and we'll put them up here. UPDATE: Thank ...
/ / 2015, fall, News, photo, photos

Horse & Hound Featured in Local Restaurant News

FiOS TV did a feature story on the history of the Horse & Hound. It features interviews with local patrons and Sue Vales, the owner/chef at the restaurant. Click below to check the 5 minute video feature on a regular ...
/ / 2015, horse & hound, local, News, restaurant, social, video, wildlife

Field Guide to Invasive Plants

If you have ever wondered which plants in Truesdale Lake are invasive, this free PDF booklet will tell you. We have a couple of species shown in the book, but fortunately not many. One of the reasons we have boat ...
/ / 2015, free, lake management, News, NYSFOLA, pdf, plants

Treatment Report August 12

Allied Biological was out at 7am yesterday morning (8/12) for survey and then treatment. After a few weeks of stymied treatment attempts due to weather and water conditions, the latest one was successful. Excerpt below in text, full report image ...

Truesdale Lake Treatment Update – 2015-07-30

Note from David Sachs, TLPOA President (via Nextdoor Truesdale): Good morning to you all. As many of you know, treating the lake is a complex business, and sometimes we are unable to treat it even when we are ready, willing ...

Remaining Algae Treatments for Summer 2015

We currently have 3 more algae treatments scheduled for this summer: July 28, August 11, and August 25 (all Tuesdays). All treatments are dependent on lake condition and weather. NY State does not allow us to treat more frequently than every ...

5th Year for Church Tavern Biathlon

"Who Will Take The Tankards?" asks the sign at the end of Spring Street near St John's Church. That means the Church Tavern Biathlon is BACK! The 7 mile biking portion of the course circles Lake Truesdale in a counter-clockwise manner ...

Algae Treatment 7/14/15

Allied Biological will be visiting Truesdale Lake on Tuesday July 14th, 2015 for a survey and possible algae treatment if needed. This post will be updated with the survey and treatment report. UPDATE: treatment and survey report below. ...

Algae Treatment 6/30/15

Allied Biological will be visiting Truesdale Lake on Tuesday June 30th, 2015 for a survey and possible algae treatment if needed. This post will be updated with the survey and treatment report. UPDATE: treatment report below: ...

NYSFOLA Regional Conference July 24, 2015

The New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA) will once again host a regional conference in the Lower Hudson Region.  All NYSFOLA members are invited to this scenic spot on the shores of China Lake. July 24, 2015  9:30am ...
/ / 2015, Event, lake management, News, NYSFOLA

Lake Management Presentation by Christian Jenne on June 18th

Christian Jenne is a Masters Degree candidate at SUNY Oneonta's Lake Management program. He is working with us at Truesdale Lake during his graduate studies to develop a Lake Management plan to help guide our lake stewardship efforts. Last night ...

June 16 Lake Survey and Treatment Report

Allied Biological came yesterday for a survey and treatment. Report and excerpt is below. From comments: "Sparse unicellular algae in water column. Trace floating Elodea stems, but no rooted plants observed. Trace White waterlilies in north end of lake by ...

Summer Kickoff Party

June 13th Summer Kickoff Party Open House Starting at 3pm through 7pm (or whenever the last member leaves) on Saturday June 13th we will welcome in the summer season at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive. All lake area residents ...
/ / 2015, beach, Event, Event, News, social, summer, tea

TEA Votes to Discontinue Associate Member Program

The TEA recently voted to discontinue their associate member program at the Spring 2015 TEA Membership Meeting. This vote does NOT affect the regular deeded TEA residents. The main reasons for the discontinuation are:
  • Financial: The program was costing the ...
/ / 2015, associate members, News, tea

June 18th – TLPOA Annual Meeting plus Combined Lakewide Meeting Afterwards

From David Sachs, TLPOA President (respond or comment at Nextdoor Truesdale site here): "Good morning to you all. I hope that you had a chance to enjoy this beautiful weekend. The TLPOA raft is back in place (thanks Skip and Jay!) ...

Treatments May 14th and May 28th

Allied is planning to treat the lake with Aquathol K for weeds this Thursday, May 14th (weather permitting). We will leave the lake level low until Thursday since it will have to be held in for 14 days after treatment. This will maximize ...

TEA Beach Clean Up Saturday May 16th

Saturday, May 16th Beach Pre-Opening Clean up and Pizza Open House We are planning on gathering at the TEA beach on Saturday May 16th from 9:30am-12noon to spread new sand, put up the beach ropes, and beautify the beach after ...
/ / 2015, beach, clean-up, News, spring, summer, tea

Lake Survey Report – April 27, 2015

First lake survey of 2015 completed Monday, April 27, 2015 by Allied Biological. Summary below and report attached. "Truesdale Lake aesthetically looks good. Trace amounts of benthic filamentous algae, Curlyleaf Pondweed and Chara observed around launch and beach area. Lake currently ...

TEA Spring Membership Meeting

The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 20th, 2015 at the Horse & Hound on Spring Street.  The meeting will be held in the back room. Meet and greet at 7:15 and meeting will begin at 7:30 ...
/ / 2015, News, tea

Muskrat and Melting Ice

In 16 winters here I don't remember seeing the ice stay past March 31st. This winter was so cold we entered the month of April with ice and it has stuck around for a few days. The warm air and the ...
/ / 2015, fog, ice, muskrat, News, photo, photo, wildlife, winter

Coyotes on the Lake

A pair of coyotes were spotted at various places on the lake today. They were scavenging a deer carcass on the northern half of the lake and then scouting down to the southern end. They did a few rounds today and ...
/ / 2015, coyote, News, video, wildlife, winter

2015 Lake Treatment Letter of Notification

LETTER OF NOTIFICATION Date: February 2015  Re: Proposed Lake Management Program - Truesdale Lake Truesdale Lake POA and Truesdale Estates Association are planning to continue the Lake Management Program for Truesdale Lake in 2015. The Program is intended to control pondweeds (Potamogeton crispus and P. foliosus) and algae, thus improving water ...

Boat Sticker Application Online

Lake Truesdale is frozen now -- but before too long it will be boating season again! If you have a new boat or if your existing boat sticker has fallen off, you can use the online form to obtain a new sticker ...

Fantastic Skating Conditions!

Today had some of the best whole-lake skating conditions we've seen in years! So many people were out enjoying the lake today. It was great to see everyone! Check below to see if we got you in a photo of ...
/ / 2015, fishing, hockey, News, photo, skating, social, winter

Happy 2015! – Some Lake Resolutions for the New Year

Some Lake Stewardship Resolutions:
  1. I will get my septic tank pumped and inspected. If the tank baffles are missing or damaged, I'll have them replaced. (Kaiser-Battistone offers 15% discount for lake area residents - but you have to tell them ...

Caroling on the TLPOA Beach – Dec 21st @5:30pm

From the website: Good afternoon to you all on this sunny and brisk December afternoon. We are planning to have our 38 or 39th annual caroling on the beach - on Sunday December 21 - starting at 5:30 p.m ...

Associations Around Truesdale Lake

Truesdale Lake has two large associations and one small association. In addition there are about a dozen riparian houses (i.e. on the lake) but in none of the associations. We call these "unaffiliated" households. Below is a map of the associations, click ...

TEA Fall Membership Meeting December 4, 2014

The TEA Annual Fall Membership Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 4, 2014 at the Horse & Hound on Spring Street.  The meeting will be held in the back room and is open to TEA Members in Good Standing.  There ...
/ / 2014, docks, lake management, News, tea, treatment

Blue Green Algae Article in NY State Conservationist Magazine April 2014

I have scanned in and posted below a great article titled "My Poor Little Lake" about Blue-Green algae and lakes it has affected across New York State. The article was written by Scott Kisbaugh and Karen Stainbrook who both work ...

October 2014 Wall Street Journal Article ‘South Salem: A Fantastic Place to Grow Up’

Our lake was featured prominently in an article in the Wall Street Journal the weekend of October 11-12, 2014. It was in the Property section of the paper (page A18) and had a cover photo of Lake Truesdale. ...

Lake Health Article

DO YOUR PART TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH OF OUR LAKE “Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents;  it was loaned to you by your children.” -Ecologist Lee Talbot, quoting an ancient proverb What you ...

September Lake Management Presentation

On Sunday, September 21st, TLPOA President David Sachs presented the current state of our lake to a packed house at the Cyrus Russell House in Cross River, NY. In case you missed the presentation, we have posted the slides in ...

Yard Care for Lake Stewardship

A second article from the Three Lakes Council website we'd like to highlight is titled "Lake Living" and has great information on keeping your lawn green while keeping the lake from getting green. Some excerpts: How you care for your ...

Get The Scoop On Poop

Our neighbors in the Three Lakes Council (Lakes Waccabuc, Rippowam, and Oscaleta) have an excellent website. One great article that caught my eye was the titled "Pet Waste - Get the Scoop on Poop" -- all about dog (and cat) ...
/ / 2014, cats, dogs, News, pets, phosphorus, three lakes council

Sunfish Fleet #27 Fall Series

The Truesdale Lake Sunfish Fleet #27 had its first event of the Fall 2014 Series on Sunday afternoon. Four sailors came out to sail - originally five sailors were on the water but an equipment problem caused one sailor to withdraw ...
/ / 2014, fall series, fleet #27, News, sailing, sunfish

Neighborhood Tag Sale September 13-14, 2014

This Saturday and Sunday, September 13th and 14th, there will be a neighborhood tag sale event. Start at 33 Lake Shore Drive where a number of families will combine at one location to kick off your tag sale quest. At ...
/ / 2014, Event, Event, News, News, social, tag sale

Lakewide Update Meeting

From David Sachs: "Good morning to you all. Reminder - we will have an update meeting about the lake - on Sunday September 21 - from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. - at the Cyrus Russell House. We will present information ...

President’s Cup trophy race tomorrow September 1st

Fleet #27 Commodore Ira Sanchick has announced that --weather permitting -- the traditional Truesdale Lake President's Cup race will be held at 2pm September 1st (Labor Day Monday). Start location: start buoys near Patek's old house -- across from ...
/ / 2014, boating, News, President's Cup, sailing, sunfish

Algae Treatment Today – August 25, 2014

Allied Biological treated the lake for algae using copper sulfate today. 24 hours swimming restrictions in effect ...
/ / 2014, Algae Control, allied biological, News

Algae Treatment Scheduled for Tuesday, August 19th

The next algae treatment by Allied Biological will be on Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 weather and conditions permitting. The report from yesterday's treatment is available here: If you have any feedback on this new treatment, please let us ...

Rescheduled Algae Treatment set for August 11

The algae treatment has been rescheduled for Monday, August 11, 2014. As always this subject to change due to weather and other factors. The treatment is set to be Green Clean Pro (website:, data sheet: GreenClean Pro as a permitted algicide carries the ...

August 5th Algae Treatment Postponed

An update from David Sachs: Good morning to you all. We just got this note from Allied Biological - the folks who treat the lake. It is not good news - but I thought you all should know. We will ...

Lake Treatment Tuesday August 5th

Allied will treat the lake with copper sulfate for algae control this coming Tuesday, August 5th weather permitting. We will post when they have done the treatment. No swimming for 24 hours post treatment. Check other information on our lake treatment plan ...

Docks on Truesdale Lake

Truesdale Lake is a man-made lake. For most natural lakes in New York State, the lake bottom is owned by the state. This is not the case for Lake Truesdale. Since it was originally farmland prior to the damming of the lake, the ...

Association Beach Rules Links

Summer is in full swing on Truesdale Lake!  Please enjoy the lake, the beaches, and the views! Each association has rules about beach usage.  They are here: TLPOA - Gilbert Street Beach TEA - Truesdale Lake Drive Beach If there ...
/ / 2014, beach, News, safety, tea, tlpoa

Clambake August 2nd

The TLPOA Clambake will be held on Saturday August 2 (or August 3 in case of rain) on the Gilbert Street beach starting at 7pm. It is a fun event -- and this year Captain John's will be catering it ...
/ / 2014, clambake, Event, News, News, rsvp, social, tea, tlpoa, vreeland

UPDATED: Lake Treatment Scheduled For July 21

Update: Allied has scheduled an algae treatment ([download id="45"]) on Monday July 21st (was originally July 22)-- weather permitting (rain usually cancels treatment). We will post when they have done the treatment. No swimming for 24 hours post treatment. Check other information on ...

Church Tavern Biathlon Gearing Up for Fourth Year

You may have noticed the "Who Will Take The Tankards?" sign at the end of Spring Street near St John's Church. That means the Church Tavern Biathlon is BACK! The South Salem Church Tavern Biathlon, hosted by St. John's Church on Labor Day, September 1st at 9:30am will ...
/ / 2014, biathlon, biking, Event, News, South Salem

Treatment July 7th, 2014

Allied is treating for algae today July 7th, 2014. Twenty-four hour swimming restriction is in effect. UPDATE 7/9/14: treatment report below: ...

June 19 Lake Treatment and Survey

Allied Biological came Thursday June 19th and did a survey and treated with copper sulfate. Text from the report (attached): Truesdale Lake looks very good at this time. Unicellular algae only reducing water clarity to 5.5 feet.  "Brown blobs" of ...

Lakes, Plants, Algae, and Wildlife

The first thing people say when they move to a lake is "It is so beautiful!" The second thing is often "Can we get rid of those weeds in the lake?" The short answer is: No - It is a ...
/ / 2014, Lake maintenance, News, treatment

Lake Survey and Treatment Monday 6/16

Allied Biological will be conducting a lake survey and algaecide treatment on Monday 6/16/14, weather permitting. Please observe posted signs about swimming. Beaches will be closed for 24 hours. Do not use the lake water to irrigate your lawn or plants ...

Fishing at Truesdale Lake

[Note: This is a snippet from the "Fishing" information at the lake website.] Fishing at Lake Truesdale Truesdale Lake is a private lake with no public access allowed. All fishing access is either from private property, docks, or registered boats ...
/ / boating, fishing, Lake maintenance, News

Boat Sticker Application Now Online

The application form for obtaining your free Truesdale Lake boat registration sticker is now online! If you don't already have a boat sticker -- or if you have purchased a new boat -- please fill out the simple online application ...

TEA Beach Clean Up Day Saturday May 31st

Come out to help get the TEA beach into shape for the summer! Saturday, May 31st at 9am. Come for an hour come for a few hours! We need help setting up the beach ropes, the swimming dock, raking the sand, ...

Lake Treatment Survey Report May 20, 2014

Allied came for rescheduled treatment this morning. Survey report attached. Excerpt below: Moderate to heavy density Curlyleaf Pondweed in 60-70% of the lake basin. Plants at or within 1' of the surface. A few scattered stems of Leafy Pondweed observed, ...

Treatment Rescheduled for May 20th

Last week's treatment was postponed due to heavy rain forecast. Since we need to retain the water for a set time after treatment, it was postponed to make it more effective and longer lasting. New treatment day is Tuesday, May ...

May 14th Lake Treatment

Allied is scheduled to treat the lake for Curly Pondweed next Wednesday, May 14, 2014. The main summer board will go in and Ken will build up the dam to hold the treatment in for 14 days. Since Allied will ...

First Allied Plant Survey of 2014

Allied Biological visited the lake yesterday to perform a plant and algae survey. Results are attached below. Click to view larger. Let us know if you have questions or comments. ...

A Meeting for Southern NY Lake Associations on Lake Management Options

The Three Lakes Council is sponsoring a meeting at the South Salem Firehouse (1190 Route 35, South Salem, NY) for southern New York lake associations on Thursday, March 27th, 2014 from 6:30 - 8:30pm. Allied Biological is organizing the speakers including ...

Letter of Notification

Note to Truesdale Lake area homeowners regarding lake treatment plan went out February 2014. Copy of it is here ...

Love Your Lake: Valentine’s Resolutions for Lake Area Homeowners

Thanks to Janet Andersen for these timely resolutions: Lake Stewardship Resolutions:
  1. This year my septic tank will be pumped and inspected. If the tank baffles are missing or damaged, I'll have them replaced. (Kaiser-Battistone offers 15% discount for ...
/ / 2014, boating, Lake maintenance, News, septic

Republished: May 7th 2009 EcoLogic Lakes Report Presentation to Town Board

This is a re-publication of an article first posted on this website in 2009 here (link goes to old website archive). We recently came across it and are re-posting it for the benefit of residents new and old. Multiple watersheds ...

Road Salt and Lake Health

Cross-posting from the Nextdoor Truesdale site: I have been noticing large amounts of road salt in certain areas around the lake, and it made me wonder what sort of effects the salt can have on lake ecology. I started Googling, ...

Lake Watershed Information

The lake associations commissioned a report on Truesdale Lake in 2001 that was done by Land-Tech Consulting. It has been over 13 years since the report publication and many new residents probably have never seen it. I have excerpted a map ...

Ice Safety

ICE SAFETY (this document is also available as a pdf download here) Truesdale Lake freezes in the winter and is often perfect for sledding, skating, ice hockey, cross country skiing and just taking a beautiful winter walk. However one must never go ...
/ / ice, News, safety, winter

Caroling at the Gilbert Street Beach

Please join your neighbors and friends for the 38th Annual Caroling at the Gilbert Street Beach this Sunday at 5:30. Bring a log for the fire and sip warm cocoa and have some goodies. Santa will be there! ...
/ / 2013, caroling, christmas, Event, holiday, News

Free Lake Management Book: Diet for a Small Lake

The classic lake management book 'Diet for a Small Lake' has been made available as a free pdf download. Originally published in 1990 -- this is the updated 2009 edition. The physical book is published at cost - hardcover is ...

Redistricting Truesdale Petition

Dear Lake Truesdale Community Members, I am a member of your lake community, I live among the Vreeland Properties on Hoyt Street. I have lived here for 9 years. I am very concerned with the redistricting of Lake Truesdale should ...
/ / 2013, News, schools

Beautiful Truesdale Lake Photos

This album was put together over the last 10 years by lake resident Jonathan Rodgers. All photos were taken from his property on the lake. A small sample of photos is shown below. Click the image to see the full album ...

Lake Level Being Lowered for Winter

Hi all. It is time to begin preparing for winter. Ken will begin the process of lowering the lake and plans to pull the summer board by next weekend (November 2-3.) Please pull boats, docks, etc., to prepare for the ...
/ / 2013, dam, lake management, News, winter

THIS WEEKEND Boats must be unlocked and moved away from launch area at Gilbert Street boat launch

From TLPOA: OWNERS OF BOATS AT THE GILBERT STREET BOAT LAUNCH MUST UNLOCK AND MOVE BOATS FROM THE LAUNCH AREA THIS WEEKEND. If you have been around the lake in the past few weeks you will have noted that there ...
/ / 2013, boat stickers, boat storage, boating, News

Lake End of Summer and Early Fall Algae

There is a good amount of detail and updates on the Nextdoor Truesdale neighborhood site about the unusual and persistent algae bloom we've experienced over the last month. Rather than duplicate the posts and discussions here I encourage you to ...

Quick Update on Lake

Good afternoon to you all. Ray Morse has been taking secchi readings of the lake (basically a test to tell you how clear, or not clear, the water is) for a long time. On Monday - before any lake treatment, ...

Truesdale Lake, Blue Green Algae and What to Expect

July 30, 2013 Truesdale Lake, Blue Green Algae and What to Expect Greetings on this absolutely beautiful late July afternoon. It is simply amazing outside today – with wonderful temperature, and humidity and neat summer sounds. That is the good ...

Beaches Are Open!

The last few days has seen a marked improvement in the water clarity and quality. Most likely this is due to the heat wave lifting and recent cooling rain. Enjoy the lake this weekend! ...
/ / 2013, beach, lake management, News, summer, tea, tlpoa

Hydrilla Hunt Webinar July 26th

Join the Hydrilla Hunt! On July 26 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the New York Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA) will present a webinar to instruct volunteers on the skills needed to identify Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrilla).  Hydrilla is an aquatic ...

Lake Survey Report 7/23/13

Allied's lake survey from July 23, 2013 is included below. They also did a microscopic water test and confirmed the presence of blue green algae (Anabaena). ...

Beach & Lake Update

Allied came to the lake yesterday and found oxygen levels too low for an algae treatment. When water heats up, its ability to hold dissolved oxygen goes down. If an algaecide treatment were made in current conditions it could cause ...

Church Tavern Biathlon Returns for Third Year

The South Salem Church Tavern Biathlon, hosted by St. John's Church on Labor Day, September 2nd at 9:30am will again have part of its course around Truesdale Lake. The biathlon is returning for its third year in 2013. The bike course starts at St. John's at the corner ...
/ / 2013, biathlon, Event, News, News, social, sports, summer

Beaches CLOSED – Blue Green Algae Bloom

The heat wave and lack of rain has caused a blue green algae bloom at the lake. All beaches are closed for the weekend. Residents are advised to avoid swimming in the lake until further notice. Pets should avoid the ...

Treatment Scheduled for Monday July 22nd

We are on schedule for algicide treatment this Monday 7/22. Standard water use restrictions apply for copper sulfate. Do not use lake water to irrigate lawns for 24 hours. No swimming for 24 hours after application. Looks like the heat ...

Treatment Report July 8, 2013

Allied Biological applied Copper Sulfate as an algaecide on July 8, 2013 to slow the seasonal growth of the filamentous algae and unicellular algae. Standard water use restrictions apply (i.e. don’t water your lawn with lake water after treatment, no swimming for 24 hours post ...

NY Federation of Lakes Association Meeting Friday July 19th

Two weeks to go!  A reminder that our next regional Federation of Lakes Association (FOLA) meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 19, at the Sedgewood Club on the shores of China Lake in Carmel, NY.  David Africk has generously agreed ...

Sunfish Race Photos from last Sunday’s Race

Thanks to Dawn Plunkett who sent us these great photos of the first race of the season! ...
/ / 2013, boating, Event, News, photo, sailing, summer, sunfish

Sunfish Racing 2013

Race buoys are out and the course is ready to go! We traditionally run two races every Sunday starting at 1:30pm between July 4th and Labor day. These races are strictly for fun -- very low pressure. Beginners and ...
/ / 2013, News, sailing, summer, sunfish

TEA Beach Lifeguard Schedule

New! The TEA Beach Schedule Is Available at This Website We have a new feature at the website: the TEA Beach Lifeguard Calendar! A direct link is here: There is also a quick link to the calendar on every page ...
/ / 2013, beach, lifeguards, News, tea

Treatment Report June 24, 2013

Allied Biological applied Copper Sulfate as an algaecide on June 24, 2013 to slow the seasonal growth of the filamentous algae. Summary report is attached below (click for larger size). ...

Annual TEA Kickoff BBQ a Sunny Success

The annual TEA Summer Kickoff Party was a success last saturday with hefty burgers, hot dogs, and dodgeball on tap. Thanks to Debbie for getting us started up, Cathy for organizing the food, and Lisa and Glenn for doing invites ...
/ / 2013, bbq, beach, Event, News, News, party, social, tea, wildlife

50 Ways to Love Your Lake

The Town of Lewisboro has a Townwide Lakes Committee with representatives from all seven lakes in Lewisboro. Check their page at the town website here: They have posted lots of information and studies at the town site. In addition, they ...

Sunfish Spawning and Fish Deaths

Each spring at the lake edges you will see signs of Sunfish spawning. The sunfish create circular 'nests' by fanning away debris and exposing the rocks or sand below. They aggressively defend these nests from others in the water, including ...

Boards Out

From Pam Santare: "In anticipation of heavy rain, Ken removed all the boards [from the dam] except the summer board last evening. The lake has been emptying since then. He did not remove the summer board because he would not ...

Allied Lake Survey Report – May 21, 2013

Allied did a boat survey of plant and algae on the lake Tuesday May 21st. Their report is above. Click the image for a larger copy ...

TEA Beach Cleanup May 18th

TEA Members please join in on May 18th starting @ 9am at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive for our annual pre-season beach cleanup and beautification! We will be putting out the swimming dock and ropes, raking new sand ...
/ / 2013, beach, clean-up, Event, News, social, tea

Treatment Report May 6th, 2013

Allied applied Sonar AS as an herbicide today (May 6th, 2013) to slow the growth of the invasive curlyleaf pondweed. Summary report is attached below (click for larger size). ...

Allied Lake Survey Report – April 29, 2013

Allied did a boat survey of plant and algae on the lake today. Their report is above. Click the image for a larger copy ...

Some information about Non-resident Canadian Geese

This is an excerpt from this article on the website. It bears repeating as we enter another springtime at our lovely Lake Truesdale! Animal waste is one of the many little sources of pollution that can add up to big ...

Proposed Lake Management Program 2013

All residents in the Truesdale deeded lake rights households (as well as downstream households) will receive a letter about our Proposed Lake Management Program for 2013. The letter can be found here along with links to the various herbicides our treatment company may use in ...
/ / 2013, lake management, News, News, tea, tlpoa, treatment

Nextdoor Truesdale Neighborhood Website

Nextdoor Truesdale is an private website for neighbors in the Truesdale Lake area. If you are in one of the lake associations, you should join in. To date 86 members have signed up. Join up with the Nextdoor site via the ...

Lake Survey and Treatment August 28th, 2012

Allied Biological surveyed the lake Tuesday 8/28/2012 and applied copper sulfate in a routine algae treatment. 24 hour water use restrictions apply (i.e. don’t water your lawn with lake water after treatment.) Complete report below ...

Church Tavern Biathlon Ready for Second Year

The South Salem Church Tavern Biathlon returns for its second year. The event is hosted by St. John’s Church on Labor Day, September 3rd at 9:30am and will have part of the bike course around Truesdale Lake. The bike course starts at St. John’s Church at the corner of ...

Treatment Scheduled for 8/28 – Beaches closed for day

Allied Biological will be surveying and treating for algae on Tuesday, August 28th. Beaches will be closed for the day and will re0pen on Wednesday 8/29 in time for the final stretch to Labor Day Weekend ...

Lake Survey and Treatment Report

Allied Biological surveyed the lake 8/13/2012 and applied copper sulfate in a routine algae treatment. 24 hour water use restrictions apply (i.e. don't water your lawn with lake water after treatment.) Complete report below ...

TEA Clambake September 8th – Save the Date!

Mark your calendars!  The Annual TEA Clambake is set for Saturday, September 8th, 2011 beginning at 7pm. The event will be held at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive and is open to TEA Members, Associates, and their guests. If you are ...
/ / 2012, clambake, Event, News, social, tea, wildlife

Summer Season is Here!

The beaches are opening this weekend! Lots of activity around South Salem as well. The Memorial Day Fair is Monday. The 10k and 5k Races start early - 8am for the 10k, 9:30am for the 5k. The 1 mile kids ...
/ / 2012, beach, Event, News, News, tea, tlpoa, Truesdale Lake

May 24th, 2012 Lake Survey and Treatment Report

The lake was surveyed by Allied Biological and treated for algae on May 24th, 2012. Treatment notices were posted around the lake. Swimming and irrigation restrictions are 24 hours. Treatment report is below ...

April 30th, 2012 Lake Survey and Treatment Report

Allied Biological came Monday, April 30th and did a lake survey and treatment with the herbicide "Sonar" after the survey. The report is below. (Click here to download the Sonar AS label.) ...

Proposed Lake Management Program 2012

All residents in the Truesdale deeded lake rights households (as well as downstream households) will receive a letter about our Proposed Lake Management Program for 2012. The letter can be found here along with links to the various herbicides our treatment company ...

Old Town Canoe and Sunfish Boom/Sail/Mast For Sale

Two items for sale locally on the lake. Click on the photos above to see larger images. Asking prices:
  • 16' Old Town Penobscot canoe $700; SOLD
  • Sunfish boom/mast/damaged sail, with fittings $300. SOLD
If ...
/ / 2011, for sale, For Sale

Storm Debris Will NOT Be Picked Up By The Town

Dear Neighbors, It is confirmed, the town is not chipping the debris from personal property left over from the snow storm of two weeks ago.  It is every property owner's responsibility for the disposal of branches that fell on their ...
/ / 2011, clean-up, News, News, storm, tea, tlpoa

Have You Seen This Missing Dock?

If anyone has noticed a dock floating free in the lake or has tied one up recently, write a comment or email us at The dock disappeared during the storm after Irene. It was there on Sept 7, floating ...
/ / 2011, missing dock, News, News

Early Fall Canoe Trip Photolog

Photos from a sunset trip around the lake today. Click read more to see the entire gallery ...
/ / 2011, fall, photo, photo, wildlife

TEA Clambake Cancelled – Potluck Dinner Planned Instead

TEA Members, Associates, and Friends: Unfortunately the TEA Clambake had to be cancelled***. We only got 14 RSVPs by the RSVP date which is not enough to justify a catered affair with DJ (we typically have 60-90 attendees). The power ...
/ / 2011, clambake, Event, hurricane, News, News, social, summer, wildlife

Truesdale Hurricane Irene Prep

Starting Saturday evening we will be seeing a lot of rain which will be joined by high winds for much of Sunday from Hurricane Irene. To prepare your property and shoreline for the onslaught, make sure you:
  • Bring in any boats that are ...

Church Tavern Biathlon Course Includes Lake Area

The new South Salem Church Tavern Biathlon, hosted by St. John's Church on Labor Day, September 5th at 10am will have part of the course around Truesdale Lake. The bike course starts at St. John's at the corner of Spring Street ...
/ / 2011, cool, Event, Event, News, summer

Have You Seen This Cat?

Have you seen Morpheus (Mo) Albert? He's a solid gray, neutered male with a small white patch on his throat, about 15 pounds, mellow personality. Mo is a sweet and calm British Shorthair who has a tendency to make himself ...
/ / 2011, missing cat, News, News

Lake Treated Today – Beaches Reopen Tomorrow

Allied came and applied the regular algae treatment to the lake this morning. Swimming is prohibited for 24 hours and we anticipate the beaches reopening tomorrow at around noon. The cooler temperatures after the rainstorms over the weekend will help ...
/ / 2011, Algae Control, beach, News, News, summer, tea, tlpoa, treatment

Beaches Closed

A survey of Truesdale Lake Thursday (8/18) morning indicated poor water quality. With the forecasted rain, Allied Biological, the company that monitors and treats the lake, recommended that the upper board be removed from the dam to allow the lake to ...

Save The Date – TEA Clambake Saturday Sept 10th

Mark your calendars!  The Annual TEA Clambake is set for Saturday, September 10th, 2011 beginning at 6:30pm. The event will be held at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive and is open to TEA Members, Associates, and their guests ...

Sailing Buoys Out! Come Sail Away!

The Truesdale Sunfish Fleet #27 is happy to annouce the race buoys are out and ready for practice and racing. The Sunfish races are typically held sundays at 1:30pm. Look for further information at the website before this weekend ...
/ / 2011, News, sailing, sunfish

Lake Treatment Scheduled for Thursday 8/4/11

There is a lake treatment scheduled for Thursday August 4th for algae control. Beaches are closed for the day. Please observe posted information signs about swimming and irrigation ...

Lake Treatment Scheduled for Thursday 7/21

There is a lake treatment scheduled for Thursday July 21st for algae control. Beaches are closed for the day. Please observe posted information signs about swimming and irrigation ...

Moonlight Regatta Saturday July 16th

The Truesdale Moonlight Regatta is this coming weekend. Sail, row, or paddle July 16 (Saturday) starting at 9pm. Dock owners are encouraged to light lanterns to help guide the way! Boaters remember to bring lights as well... See you ...

Lake Treatment Scheduled for Thursday 7/7

There is a lake treatment scheduled for Thursday July 7th for algae control. Please observe posted information signs about swimming and irrigation ...

Summer Kickoff Party a Success!

The TEA Summer Kickoff party held Sunday June 12th was a rousing success! Over 50 neighbors and friends attended the event and held back the threatening clouds for the duration of the party. Dodgeball was again a fan favorite. The ...
/ / 2011, beach, Event, News, photo, photo, social, tea

Another Sunset Shot

With longer days, I now get home before the sun has completely set. Grabbed this pano yesterday (14 June 2011). (Click on photo to see larger version.) Sunset Over Truesdale Lake ...

TEA Summer Kickoff Party Sunday June 12th

Join us for the TEA annual summer kickoff party Sunday June 12th from 3-7pm at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive! The TEA will provide burgers and hot dogs plus soft drinks and water. Potluck for salads, desserts, and ...
/ / 2011, beach, Event, News, photo, social, tea

Have you seen this missing cat?

Update: Moose has been FOUND! She returned late Friday night vocal and hungry but otherwise unharmed. Thanks to everyone with sharp eyes out there. Local cat who answers to Moose has been missing for a few days. If you have any ...

Thanks to All Beach Cleaners!

Thanks to everyone who helped out with the TEA Beach Clean-up this past Sunday. We got most everything accomplished - still a few projects to go before the beach can officially open this Saturday! (Fishing dock and stringing buoys for swim area.) ...
/ / 2011, beach, News, photo, tea

TEA Beach Clean Up this Sunday

We will be doing a beach cleanup this Sunday, May 22nd starting at 10am going to about 2pm. Please come if you can... even for 30, 60, 90 (or more!) minutes... Any and all help is appreciated and welcomed! Some ...
/ / beach, clean-up, Lake maintenance, News, tea

TEA Associate Member Information

Each season TEA invites a limited number of local families who live outside of the TEA deeded area to join as associate members for the summer beach season. Once the limited spots are filled we cannot take any more associate ...
/ / associate members, beach, News, tea

Sunfish Wanted

If anyone has or knows of a Sunfish for sale on or nearby the lake, please use the Contact Us form to get in touch. We have a homeowner looking to buy! If anyone is looking to sell or buy ...

Jack Fles

Jack Fles, longtime Truesdale Lake resident and sailor, passed away yesterday.  Our condolences to his family. His obituary is below from the Lewisboro Ledger: Jacob William Fles, known as Captain Jack by friends and family, died on Monday, March 21, ...
/ / News, photo, sunfish / 1 Comment on Jack Fles

Dog Walkers – Please Clean Up After Your Pet

Truesdale Lake is lovely for a walk any time of year. We welcome many people from both the neighborhood and outside the area to our perfect 2.6 mile loop. Unfortunately, some of the folks walking with dogs are not cleaning ...

Link to Allied Newsletter

Our lake treatment company, Allied Biological, has a newsletter for winter 2011. The direct link to the PDF file (7.5mb) is here: It has information about lake treatment and lake biology at many different lakes in the NY/NJ/CT area ...
/ / 2011, allied biological, lake management, News

Holiday Photos Wanted

We are looking for any holiday photos from around the lake. Send them to and we'll post them in an album here. Have a great holiday season! ...
/ / photo

Black Friday Sale: Rowboat!

Update: SOLD! Black Friday Price: $100!  After the boat is taken in for the winter the price goes back up.  Act now and have a great rowboat for next spring and summer! From Mark Patek: It is a Grumman aluminum ...
/ / boating, for sale, News, rowboat

Halloween Night on Lake Truesdale

A beautiful evening in a great neighborhood!  Thanks to all who opened their houses to the kids of all ages.  It was good to see everyone out and about ...
/ / cool, fall, fun, halloween, night, photo, photo, wildlife

Do you know this cat?

If you recognize this cat, please contact us via email (lake at  It has been seen on the eastern side of Truesdale Lake in the Hoyt Street area.  Thanks! ...
/ / 2010, cat, lost, News

North American Lake Management Society

From the North American Lake Management Society website: The NALMS mission statement is simple and clear: The purpose of the Society is to forge partnerships among citizens, scientists, and professionals to foster the management and protection of lakes and ...
/ / lake management, News, website

Two Sunfish sailboats for sale

Vi and Mark Patek will be moving to Massachusetts this winter and are taking only one of their three Sunfish.  If you are interested, please call as soon as possible as we are going up to MA on Wednesday, September 1st ...

Clambake Invitations Sent Out

Invitations to the Annual TEA Clambake went out last weekend.  The event is a tradition for ending the summer season at the beach.  Open to adults only it features a DJ, dancing, choice of lobster, steak, or chicken entree. Plus ...
/ / 2010, beach, clambake, cool, Event, Event, News, social, tea, wildlife

Lake Management

The Truesdale Lake website has a Lake Management section with lots of information about the lake and the environment. The Truesdale Lake Management Committee is a subcommittee of the Truesdale Lake Property Owners Association.  Its members belong to both the ...

Dam Spillway Vandalized

In response to earlier efforts to saw through the spillway boards, TLPOA volunteers installed metal shielding over the wooden board installation that has been used for over 70 years to regulate the water level in Truesdale Lake. The vandals were ...
/ / 2010, dam, lake management, News, News, tlpoa

Copper Sulfate (Algae) Treatment Today

Allied Biological treated the lake with Copper Sulfate today to stem late summer algae growth. Please observe posted signs about irrigation and bathing ...

Full Moon Regatta This Saturday

This  Saturday is the Lake Truesdale annual Full Moon Regatta.   All boats welcome – put a lantern on your dock.  Saturday July 24, starting @ 8:45pm ...
/ / 2010, boating, Event, Event, News, sailing, social

Save the Date: TEA Clambake Set for Saturday, Sept 11

Mark your calendars!  The Annual TEA Clambake is set for Saturday, September 11th, 2010 beginning at 6:30pm. The event will be held at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive and is open to TEA Members, Associates, and their guests ...
/ / 2010, beach, Event, Event, News, social, tea, wildlife

Photos and Lake Stories Needed!

If you have any lake related photos (wildlife, landscape, social, etc.) please send them in to and we will post them along with a caption or story if you have one.  Thanks! ...
/ / News, News, photo, social, wildlife

Lake Treatment Scheduled for Monday July 12th

There is a lake treatment scheduled for Monday July 12th. Please observe posted information signs about swimming and irrigation ...

Three Robberies in the Surrounding Lake Neighborhood

Three houses have been robbed in South Salem over the past week including a house on Route 35 and Spring Street.  The thieves only went after  small valuables.  If you are away have a neighbor check on your house.  Lock ...
/ / 2010, News, News, safety

Lake treatment June 28th

There is a lake treatment scheduled for Monday June 28th. Please observe posted information signs about swimming and irrigation ...
/ / 2010, Event, lake management, News, treatment

TEA Summer Kickoff BBQ

The TEA summer kickoff BBQ was held on June 13th.  Nearly 50 people showed up over the course of the afternoon and early evening.  Early on rain threatened but held off.  Josh Fink cooked up burgers and hot dogs.  Rosemarie ...
/ / beach, Event, News, News, photo, social, summer, tea

Sunfish 2010 Season Starting Soon

TRUESDALE LAKE  SUNFISH RACING SCHEDULE 2010 SUNFISH FLEET #27 OBJECTIVE The prime objective of our racing series is to have fun and encourage us all to leave our lawn maintenance, desk work and other chores and spend some time out ...
/ / boating, News, sailing, summer, sunfish

Summer’s Here – Recap of Beach Rules for Associations

Welcome to Summer on Truesdale Lake!  Please enjoy the lake and the beaches! Each association has rules about beach usage.  They are here: TLPOA - Gilbert Street Beach TEA - Truesdale Lake Drive Beach Boat storage is only allowed on ...

Lake Treatment Postponed Until Thursday May 27th

The lake treatment originally scheduled for Monday, May 24th has been rescheduled to Thursday May 27th.  The reason for the change is the Allied scientists visiting the lake for the treatment were concerned about the number of dead fish they ...

TEA Beach Cleanup Day Report

We had 30 adults and kids at the TEA Beach pitching in to get the beach ready for opening day next Saturday, May 29th!  Thanks to all who came and helped.  It was great to see familiar faces and several ...

TEA Beach Cleanup This Sunday May 23 starting @ 10am

We will be getting the TEA beach ready for the summer season this Sunday May 23rd starting at 10am. First things include getting the swimming dock floated and tied up along with the swimming float ropes -- if you can ...
/ / 2010, beach, clean-up, Event, News, summer, tea

UPDATE: Venue change for tonight’s talk

VENUE CHANGE for the Three Lakes Council seminar at 7:30 pm on May 21 - Tonight! (see original story below) We will hold our seminar at the Waccabuc Country Club Beach Club, in the boathouse.  The Beach Club is where ...

This Friday 5/21 – Presentation on the phytoplankton and zooplankton in our lakes

From Janet Anderson of the Three Lakes Council: All are welcome to the Three Lakes Council presentation on the phytoplankton (algae) and zooplankton (critters) found in lakes, and how these items at the base of the food chain can influence ...

TEA Summer Kickoff Party Sunday June 13th

TEA Members & Associates: The Summer Kickoff Party is at the TEA beach on Sunday June 13th. Party starts at 3PM - 7PM. BYO salads, snacks, or dessert to share if you can! We'll have burgers, hot dogs, soft drinks, ...
/ / 2010, beach, Event, social, tea

Lake Treatment Monday, May 24th

Allied has scheduled a Lake Survey and Treatment visit for Monday, May 24th. Water use restrictions will be posted on that day around the lake. No swimming for 24 hours after treatment ...
/ / Event, lake management, treatment

TEA Spring Membership Meeting May 17

The Truesdale Estates Association (TEA) will hold its annual Spring Membership meeting on Monday, May 17th at 7:30pm at the Horse & Hound on Spring Street. All TEA Regular Members are invited to attend. Agenda is review of FY2009-2010 financials, ...
/ / 2010, beach, Event, lake management, meeting, tea

No Phosphorus Fertilizer

As of May 2009, Westchester County prohibits the use of Phosphorus fertilizer.  Please make sure you don't mistakenly run afoul of this law.  Notify your lawn care company. Remember, a pound of phosphorous can generate 500 -1100 pounds of algae ...

First Treatment Scheduled for April 22

Allied Biological has scheduled the first lake treatment of 2010 for April 22, 2010.  It will be an inspection and treatment with Aquathol-K herbicide to control weed growth.  Early treatment helps control growth over the summer. Treatment may be postponed ...

Three Lakes Website

The Three Lakes Council (Lakes Waccabuc, Rippowam, Oscaleta) has a great website with lots of information that is also relevant to Truesdale Lake.  Their website is  One great article is about Yard Care for Lake Stewardship with information about ...

Please No Dogs on Beaches

Please do not let your dog into the beach areas on Truesdale Lake.  This is a safety and health issue.  For more information about the reasons and risks, please see this permanent page on the website: Thank you for ...
/ / 2010, beaches, dogs, law, News

Kaiser-Battistone Discount on Septic Pumping

Kaiser-Battistone offers a discount to Truesdale Lake residents for septic pumping service <> (914-232-8818).  Once you are on their calendar they will call annually to schedule your appointment. The discount in the past has been 10-15% I think.  If anyone ...
/ / lake management, News, News, septic

No Snowmobiles, No ATVs Allowed On Lake

The Lake is private property and deed restrictions dating back to the 1930's prohibit the use of gas powered vehicles on the lake.  This includes all gas engines from boat motors to snowmobiles to ATVs. To the person or people ...
/ / gas, News, News

Happy New Year!

To celebrate entering the 10th year of the website, I dug up this old article from the Patent Trader's August 23, 2001 issue about lake issues and lake management. It is a well written article and a good read.  ...

2008 CSLAP Report Posted

The 2008 Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) report is available online now.  The Truesdale Lake Management Committee members (Gary Struve, Debbie Fink, and recently Vi Patek) have been monitoring the health of Lake Truesdale since 1999 through this program ...
/ / CSLAP, lake management, News, NYSFOLA

EPA Releases National Lakes Assessment Report

On December 18th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a nationwide lakes assessment study it has been undertaking for nearly 5 years.  While it is not specific to Truesdale Lake, the report has lots of relevant information about lakes and ...
/ / EPA, Lake maintenance, lake management, News

Bald Eagle Spotted Near Inlet of Lake

Ray and Helen Morse spotted this adult bald eagle feasting on some of our lake's fine fish yesterday.  The eagle was on the ice near the main inlet stream coming in from Boway. Ray called Mark Patek who got in ...
/ / eagle, News, photo, wildlife

Paving Nearly Done

A crew of 12 worked from 6 am - 5 pm on Friday, December 4th to get the majority of the road and driveway paving completed.  The crew included 2 steamroller operators, a paving machine operator, a flame-fired curbing gizmo, ...
/ / beach, News, News, paving, photo, project, site 3, stormwater

New Lifejacket Law in NY State

Starting November 1, 2009 there is a new lifejacket law in New York State. Essentially what the law says is that during the coldest months of the year (Nov 1 - May 1), anyone on the boat has to have ...
/ / boating, law, News, News, safety

TLPOA Caroling at the Beach

Please Join Us For The 33rd Annual Christmas Sing Along at the Gilbert Street Beach! Sunday, Dec. 20 5:00 p.m. Bring Your Own Log! ...
/ / beach, caroling, Event, News, tlpoa

Separator Installed – Paving Tomorrow

The final underground pieces of the "Site 3" puzzle arrived from their casting in New Hampshire and were installed on Tuesday December 1.  The crew came back on Wednesday morning to check the flows and fixed some minor issues.  The ...
/ / News, News, photo, photo, project, site 3, stormwater

One Fine Sunday…

This is a panorama stitched together from six separate shots, taken from a spot adjacent to the beach area this past Sunday (29 Nov. 2009). Click on the photo to see a larger version. ...
/ / photo, photo, Truesdale Lake

November Sunset

A reminder of the beauty we see every day -- and sometimes take for granted.  Please post your photos! ...
/ / cool, photo, photo, Truesdale Lake

Stormwater Project in Final Phases

The Truesdale Lake Drive "site 3" stormwater project (click here for all sites described) is nearing completion.  There are two big steps before the project is done. First the hydrodynamic separator needs to be installed in the upper part of ...
/ / News, News, project, site 3, stormwater

Truesdale Lake Drive Beach Project Recap

The long awaited stormwater improvements to the stormwater drainage problems on Truesdale Lake Drive near the TEA beach are underway.  If you have not already seen the work, please stop by the beach area and check in on the project.  ...

TEA Fall Membership Meeting Nov 17, 2009

The Truesdale Estates Association will hold their Fall Membership Meeting on November 17, 2009 at the Horse & Hound Restaurant in the back room. Details below:
  • Date: 11/17/2009
  • Time: 7:30pm
  • Place: Horse & Hound Restaurant, 94 Spring Street, South ...
/ / Event, Event, tea

Stormwater Week Three

Week three and work continues. Check dams on the east side of the street (uphill) and work on new catchbasins. Soon the pipes will go in under the upper parking lot along with new catchbasins. Last thing to go underground ...
/ / News, News, site 3, stormwater

Stormwater Project Continues

The stormwater project entered its second week and work is progressing nicely. The pipes and manholes are in place under the lower parking lot and work made its way all the way across the street to begin the check dams ...
/ / beach, News, News, site 3, stormwater

About Rain Gardens

Rain gardens are gardens that are fed by rainfall formed streams.  The streams can be natural or man made such as runoff from a roof, driveway, or parking lot.  They are designed to retain water for several days, slowing it ...
/ / garden, lake management, News

TEA Board Meeting Nov 3rd 2009

Board meeting to be held at Ira & Laura Sanchick's house. Date: November 3rd, 2009. Time: 7:30-9:00pm Click contact us link and write a note for more information. Agenda is to prepare for Fall 2009 Membership Meeting ...
/ / Event, Event, tea

Saturday Rain Shows the Power of Stormwater Runoff

The 3 inches of rain that fell on Saturday, October 24th showed the power that water can exert over our man-made attempts at control. The fifty foot section of pipe laid on Friday was moved askew by the torrent from ...
/ / News, News, site 3, stormwater

Book: Diet For a Small Lake

Another book we recommend for lake watershed residents, lake managers, towns with lakes, and lake associations is titled "Diet for a Small Lake" and is published by the New York State Federation of Lake Associations (TEA and TLPOA are both ...
/ / book, book, lake management, News, News, NYSFOLA

Book: Lakescaping for Wildlife & Water Quality

If you are interested in helping our lake with your landscaping decisions, get a copy of this book from the Minnesota Dept of Natural Resources for $19.95.  (Amazon also sells it for a bit more.)  It is a 176 page ...
/ / book, book, lake management, News, News

Virtual Truesdale

If you are not at the lake, you can have the next best thing: a 360 degree panorama of the lake south of "Pirate Island" (the southernmost island). The panorama was shot in 2001 so some houses and trees look ...
/ / cool, News, panorama, photo

Stormwater Work Moving Along

Work on the Truesdale Lake Drive Stormwater Project got underway in earnest today. Preliminary work and staging had been underway for some time already.  The pipe from the plunge pond up to the separator unit was laid today.  Check the ...
/ / beach, News, project, site 3, stormwater, tea

Stormwater work underway on Truesdale Lake Drive

If you are wondering what is going on with all of the pipes and equipment at the TEA beach area on Truesdale Lake Drive, the answer is a stormwater management project funded by the New York City DEP with ...
/ / beach, News, project, site 3, stormwater, tea

New Website Starting Oct 19th, 2009

All of the old website can be found here: Over the next few weeks we will be migrating selected pages such as the association pages (TEA, TLPOA), FAQs, Downloads, and other resources. We will not be migrating the older ...

TLPOA and TEA Silent Auction of Boats

Saturday October 17th, 2009 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Rain or Shine Lakeshore Drive near Gilbert Street This will be a silent auction of several boats located on Lakeshore Drive. Bids will be accepted in person between 10 a.m. and ...
/ / 2009, Archive, auction, boating, boats, tea, tlpoa

Annual Clambake Set for Saturday, Sept 12th

The Annual TEA Clambake is set for Saturday, September 12th, 2009 beginning at 6:30pm. The event will be held at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive and is open to TEA Members, Associates, and their guests. If you are a Member ...

Update on Stormwater Project for Site #3 (TEA Beach area on Truesdale Lake)

Bid materials have been posted by the town and contractors have started walking the site and are preparing bids for the Truesdale Lake Site #3 (TEA Beach) project. 

Bidding closes August 25th, 2009. The town and lake representatives will review bids ...

Allied Lake Survey and Treatment Report July 13

Alkalinity: 100 DO (ppm): 12 Secchi (Visibility in ft.): 4 pH: 8.5 Temperature(oF): 76 Aquatic Vegetation Species noted: Potamogeton foliosus (Leafy Pondweed) Algae Species noted: Filamentous Algae, Unicellular Algae Treatments Conducted: Truesdale Lake was treated with copper sulfate for algae control. Water use restrictions were posted. The next ...

Allied Lake Survey and Treatment Report June 15

Alkalinity: 115 DO (ppm): 8 Secchi (Visibility in ft.): 8 pH: 8 Temperature(oF): 70 Aquatic Vegetation Species noted: Potamogeton foliosus (Leafy Pondweed) Algae Species noted: Filamentous Algae Treatments Conducted: A copper sulfate treatment was conducted on June 15th. Treatment notices were posted around the lake. (To view pictures of the ...

Sunfish Fleet #27 – Summer Racing Schedule 2009

TRUESDALE LAKE SUNFISH RACING SCHEDULE 2009 SUNFISH FLEET #27 OBJECTIVE The prime objective of our racing series is to have fun and encourage us all to leave our lawn maintenance, desk work and other chores and spend some time out ...

Allied Treatment Report June 1

Alkalinity: 110 DO (ppm): 7 Secchi (Visibility in ft.): 8.5 pH: 7 Temperature(oF): 68 Aquatic Vegetation Species noted: Potamogeton crispus (Curlyleaf Pondweed), Potamogeton foliosus (Leafy Pondweed) Algae Species noted: Filamentous Algae Treatments Conducted: none (To view pictures of the plants surveyed, go to their website, and click on the ...

Sunfish Spawning and Fish Deaths

Each spring at the lake edges you will see signs of Sunfish spawning. The sunfish create circular 'nests' by fanning away debris and exposing the rocks or sand below. They aggressively defend these nests from others in the water, including ...
/ / 2009, Archive, beach, fish, Lake maintenance

Lewisboro Lakes Report and Presentation Available at this website

The Lewisboro Lakes Report is available for download at this website by clicking on the Lewisboro Lakes link on the left hand side of this web page. The materials available are the original report (from February 6, 2009) in its entirety as ...

Westchester County Passes Phosphorus Fertilizer Ban

From / The Journal News: Quote: The Westchester County Board of Legislators last night unanimously approved a ban on phosphorus and added restrictions on lawn fertilizers as a way of improving the region's water supply. The law basically regulates the ...

May 7th EcoLogic Lakes Report Presentation to Town Board

On May 7th, 2009 at 7:30pm the firm EcoLogic, LLC of Cazenovia, NY will present the Townwide Lake Study to the Town Board. The Town Board meeting for that evening is scheduled for 7:30PM at the Increase Miller School in Goldens ...

Resolving Canada Geese workshops March 19 and 20 In Hudson Valley

We are passing on a letter from the New York State Federation of Lake Associations, of which Truesdale Lake is a member through both the TEA and the TLPOA. Nancy J. Mueller, Manager NYS Federation of Lake Associations, Inc. P.O. Box ...
/ / 2009, Archive, control, geese, lake management, waterfowl

Town of Lewisboro Lakes Management Plan [Nearly Ready to be] Published

In August 2007, EcoLogic, LLC entered into an agreement with the Town of Lewisboro via the Lewisboro Lakes Committee to develop a planning document outlining management of the lakes and watershed areas within the Town. The report will be available here when it is ...

No Leaf Pickup for Lake Areas this Fall

The town has discontinued its leaf pickup operations. Unless you have made other arrangements, please do not blow your leaves onto the road, they will not be picked up. Please inform your landscaper (if you use one) of the new ...
/ / 2008, Archive, autumn, leaf pickup, mulch

Hurricane Hanna Forces Change of Venue for Clambake

Attention Clambake RSVP'd+paid Attendees: The traditional end of summer celebration continues... indoors! The location of this year's clambake has moved from the TEA Beach to the South Salem Firehouse due to the impending Hurricane Hanna wind and rain expected tonight ...
/ / 2008, Archive, beach, clambake, hanna, hurricane, social, tea

Truesdale Lake Annual Moonlight Regatta

Truesdale Lake Annual Moonlight Regatta Saturday, August 16, 2008 - 9:00PM This coming Saturday is the annual moonlight regatta. Come out in your boat to join your neighbors as we sail, paddle, row or just float around the lake and ...
/ / 2008, Archive, boats, regatta, sailing, social, summer

Algae Treatment set for August 11th (monday) and August 25th (also monday)

Allied Biological will be treating the lake with cutrine/copper sulfate on Monday August 11th and Monday August 25th. 

Swimming prohibited for 24 hours. 

There is information about Copper Sulfate in the Downloads section of the website (see left side for downloads link) ...

Truesdale Lake Creel Survey Template Form Available for Download

The Truesdale Lake Creel Survey form is now available for downloading in the downloads section or simply click here to get the form. It is in MS Word format. To read details of the survey including contact information, click here. Original article is here ...
/ / 2008, Archive, creel survey, fish, wildlife

Treatment Rescheduled for Today from this past Monday

The lake treatment originally scheduled for Monday 6/16 was rescheduled to today due to rain on Monday. The treatment is a supplemental treatment of Sonar (Avast!). No swimming for 24 hours after application. Beaches are closed today ...

Truesdale Lake Summer Kickoff BBQ Party (TEA)

On Saturday, June 14th from 3PM-7PM, the Truesdale Estates Association (TEA) will hold its 51st annual summer kickoff barbecue. The theme this year is "bring a friend." Members and associates will receive invites in the mail with a "Bring-A-Friend Coupon" and are ...
/ / 2008, Archive, party, social, summer, tea

Truesdale Lake Creel Survey

This summer we will begin a fish survey of the lake with the assistance of Allied Biological. The survey is called a Creel Survey and will involve the collection of information on the fish caught in the lake. All residents ...

Monday June 1st Cutrine Treatment

This coming Monday, June 2nd, is scheduled for treatment for algae. The treatment is Cutrine (Copper Sulfate). They will also be collecting the FasTest samples then. 

No swimming for 24 hours after treatment. Beaches will be closed on Monday ...

First Treatment of 2008 Monday May 12th (Avast/Sonar)

The permits for lake treatment have been approved and the first treatment is scheduled for Monday, May 12th. The first treatment will be Avast/Sonar. Future treatments may include Aquathol-K and Copper Sulfate/Cutrine. (Click to see downloads section for treatment detailed information) ...

Ice Safety Information and Download

ICE SAFETY (this document is also available as a pdf download here) Truesdale Lake freezes in the winter and is often perfect for sledding, skating, ice hockey, cross country skiing and just taking a beautiful winter walk. However one must never go ...
/ / 2008, Archive, ice, safety, winter

New Year’s Resolutions for Lake Area Residents

Thanks to Janet Andersen for these timely resolutions: As we look forward to the next year, I send best wishes for healthy lakes in 2008. And I hope that you consider adding some of these resolutions to your personal list ...

Town Proposes Elimination of Lake Area Leaf Pickup

In the December 6th, 2007 issue of the Lewisboro Ledger, there is an article about eliminating the leaf pickup service the town provides to the lake communities. The article is here: <> The concern about leaves in the lake boil down ...

Article on Proposed Tax District in Journal News Nov 25, 2007

There is an article in the Nov 25th, 2007 edition of the Journal News about the proposed creation of a tax district for the neighborhoods with lake rights to Truesdale Lake. "Homeowners debate Truesdale Lake tax district" By SEAN GORMAN ...

Truesdale Leaf Pickup Week of November 26th

According to a recent town highway department bulletin, the Truesdale Lake neigborhoods will have all leaf pickup services during the week of November 26th. Please do not put out any more leaves after this date. This is a very important ...
/ / 2007, Archive, autumn, leaf pickup

TEA Clambake Set for September 8th

The Annual TEA Clambake is set for Saturday, September 8th, 2007 beginning at 7pm. The event will be held at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive and is open to TEA Members, Associates, and their guests. If you are ...
/ / 2007, Archive, clambake, social, summer, tea, wildlife

Lake Tax District on Town Board Work Session Agenda July 24th

The Lewisboro Town Board will be discussing the proposed Truesdale Lake Tax District during its work session on Tuesday July 24th, 2007 (Click here for agenda). Meeting is at John Jay High School and starts at 7:30pm. [Below are some ...

TEA 50th Anniversary Shirts Available

The TEA beach was formally opened in the summer of 1957. If anyone was around for the opening - or knows of folks who were there - please let us know since we'd like to get in touch and invite ...
/ / 2007, 50th, anniversary, Archive, beach, for sale, shirts, tea

No Dogs Allowed on Beaches: Here’s Why

No dogs are allowed at the beaches of Truesdale Lake. Why are no dogs allowed on these areas? - Westchester County prohibits pets from designated swimming areas. - It is against the TEA Beach Rules. - It is against the TLPOA Beach Rules. - ...
/ / 2007, Archive, beach rules, dogs, health, law, safety

Cutrine Lake Treatment Schedule for Rest of Summer

The lake will be treated with Cutrine on Monday July 2nd by Allied Biological. No swimming for 24 hours after treatment. Cutrine is a more effective substitute for Copper Sulfate. The full schedule for Cutrine treatment during summer 2007 is: ...

Tax District Proposed Bill “Cliff’s Notes”

A recent item on the website is the "Cliff's Notes" version of the Proposed Truesdale Lake Tax District Bill. Click here to view these notes. Thanks to Stephen Real for boiling the bill down to it's essence. For those who want to ...

Cutrine Lake Treatment Monday June 11

The lake will be treated with Cutrine on Monday June 11th by Allied Biological. No swimming for 24 hours after treatment. Cutrine is a more effective substitute for Copper Sulfate. Any questions, click Contact Us link. (Link to MSDS database - search for ...

Your Calls Needed! CSLAP Funding Late and In Jeopardy

Attention Community Members: Dedicated volunteers have been testing the waters of Truesdale Lake on a regular basis for over 7 years. This is done in cooperation with the NY State DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) and the NYSFOLA (New York State Federation of Lake ...

TEA Summer Kickoff BBQ June 9th at 3PM

TEA Members & Associates: The Summer Kickoff Party is at the TEA beach this Saturday June 9th, 2007. Party starts at 3PM - 7PM. BYO salads or dessert to share if you can! We'll have burgers, hot dogs, soft drinks, ...
/ / 2007, Archive, kickoff, party, social, summer, tea

TEA : Spring Membership Meeting April 12th, 2007

TEA Spring Membership Meeting All regular members of the Truesdale Estates Association are invited to attend. Date: April 12, 2007 Time: 7:30pm Where: Horse & Hound, Back Room See attached invite for more information. Please RSVP if you plan to attend: Via ...
/ / 2007, Archive, membership, spring meeting, tea

Latest Draft of Truesdale Lake Improvement District Bill is online

The latest update to the Truesdale Lake Improvement Tax District Bill is online for your viewing and downloading. Reading through the proposed law may spark some questions. If you have any, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page to see if your concern has ... Website about Canadian Geese Controls

The Canadian Geese population on Lake Truesdale varies from year to year and until now there was no local legal way to humanely control the population. The organization below offers training and information on geese control strategies. Several lake residents ...
/ / 2007, Archive, control, geese, permits, training, wildlife

Bald Eagle Spotted On Truesdale Lake By Local Resident (photos)

Lake resident Wendy "Eagle Eye" McLean spotted this bald eagle dining on some local sushi from the abundant stocks of Lake Truesdale. The eagle made its perch on one of the three islands in the lake (looks like the middle ...
/ / 2007, Archive, eagle, photo, wildlife

Truesdale Leaf Pickup Ends November 27th

According to a recent town highway department bulletin, the Truesdale Lake neigborhoods will have all leaf pickup services completed by November 27th. Please do not put out any more leaves after this date. This is a very important service the ...
/ / 2007, Archive, Lake maintenance, leaf pickup

TEA Fall Membership Meeting Set for November 14th

The Truesdale Estates Association (TEA) Fall Membership Meeting is set for Tuesday, November 14th at 7:30PM at the Horse & Hound on Spring Street. The Meeting is open to members of the TEA. There will be an informal meet-and-greet from ...
/ / Archive, fall, meeting, membership, tea

Copper Sulfate treatment rescheduled to Thursday August 31st

The Copper Sulfate treatment originally scheduled for today has been postponed and rescheduled to Thursday, August 31st due to heavy rains and runoff from the storm last night. Copper Sulfate is used to treat for algae. For more information, see Lake ...

TEA Clambake Set for September 9th starting at 7pm

The Annual TEA Clambake is set for Saturday, September 9th, 2006 beginning at 7pm. The event will be held at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive and is open to TEA Members, Associates, and their guests. If you are ...
/ / 2006, Archive, clambake, party, social, summer, tea

Wanted: New Beach Chairperson for 2007

Just wanted to advise everyone i will no longer be able to continue as beach chair. I am looking well in advance for a replacement . I would appreciate it if you would all put the word out. Someone with ...
/ / 2006, Archive, beach chairperson, tea

Lost Row Boat

There is a lost row boat at the TEA beach. It is on the left side of the water. It does have a sticker with #1187 it is silver and i think it seats 4 people. It also had one ...
/ / 2006, Archive, beach, lost and found, rowboat, tea

2005 CSLAP Report Published and Available

Volunteers from Lake Truesdale are out on a weekly basis monitoring various indicators of water quality. The NY State DEC funds the aggregation of the volunteer data from throughout NY State and publishes a report each year covering the ...
/ / 2005, Archive, CSLAP, lake management, report

Sunfish Fleet #27 Gets Ready For Summer 2006 Race Series

TRUESDALE LAKE SUNFISH RACING SCHEDULE 2006 SUNFISH FLEET #27 OBJECTIVE The prime objective of our racing series is to have fun and encourage us all to leave our lawn maintenance, desk work and other chores and spend some time ...
/ / 2006, Archive, sailing, social, summer, sunfish

Lake Restoration Project – Lake Tax District Frequently Asked Questions List

We want to make every effort to answer all of your questions and to structure this propsed tax district in a way that provides controls where they’re needed. Please register at the site with your email address so that we can stay ...

Copper Sulfate Treatment Schedule Summer 2006

Here is the copper sulfate treatment schedule that we have set up with Allied: June 26 July 10 July 24 August 14 August 28 Each day is a Monday since the beaches will be closed to swimming for 24 hours. This minimizes ...

TEA Summer Kickoff Party June 10th, 2006 starting at 3PM

NOTE: The TEA beach is set to open Memorial Day Weekend. TEA Members & Associates: The TEA Summer Kickoff Party is set for Saturday, June 10th at 3PM (rain date June 17th). There will be a DJ -- plus burgers, ...
/ / 2006, Archive, beach, party, summer, tea

Lake Tonetta Gets State Approval for Sterile Grass Carp to Control Weeds

Link to full article from THE JOURNAL NEWS (Original publication: May 14, 2006) here: <> Summary: Lake Tonetta in the town of Southeast, NY has received DEC permits that will allow them to introduce up to 485 sterile triploid grass ...

Lake Treatment Permits Approved, Treatment Scheduled for Monday, May 22nd

We have received approval from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for our lake treatment permits. Allied Biological is scheduled to treat the lake on Monday, May 22nd. Be especially cautious about using lake water for lawn or other plantings for ...

Patent Trader Article about Formation of North Salem Lake Tax District

The May 4th, 2006 Patent Trader (Real Estate Section) ran an article about Candlewood Lake in North Salem (Valeria Circle, just off route 22 over the Goldens Bridge line, not the Candlewood Lake in Danbury) receiving an OK to create ...

Lake Restoration Project Meeting Scheduled for March 28th

There will be a meeting held on March 28th, 2006 at 7:00pm to discuss the Truesdale Lake Restoration Project. The meeting site will be the Lewisboro Elementary School Cafeteria. All Lake residents are invited to attend. If you are within TLPOA, TEA, ...
/ / 2006, Archive, meeting, tax district Website

The New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA) has brought this great website to our attention. The site is It looks like a great resource for all things lake related. If you have a question, chances are there is a link ...

2005 Aquatic Plant Management Plan Available

Allied Biological has published the Lake Truesdale 2005 Aquatic Plant Management Plan. The document is available to read and download here. The report is a newly required component of the 2006 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation aquatic herbicide permit application. The report is incredibly ...

Premium Electric Boats

A Truesdale Lake fan recently alerted us to these high end Canadian-made electric boats made by The Canadian Electric Boat Company. Perfect for petroleum-free Lake Truesdale! from the website: "Most boat builders offer speed. When this electric boat was designed, CEBC had ...
/ / 2006, Archive, boating, cool

Aquatic Invasive Species Eradication Grant Program

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has informed us of a statewide grant for projects that aim to "eradicate aquatic invasive species from the waters and wetlands of New York State." This money is to be made ...

Description of Lake Truesdale Stormwater Improvement Projects and Estimated Cost

We have made available descriptions of the 6 stormwater improvement areas. To link to the document on this website, click here. From Mike Bartoss of Land-Tech Consultants: This memo is for your use in preparing an application for a financial grant to ...
/ / 2006, Archive, land-tech, project, stormwater

EOH Grant Meeting at Lake Katonah Clubhouse

Last night representatives of 7 lakes in Lewisboro along with Jim Nordgren, Mike Meyer (NYC DEP), and Gina D'Agrosa (Westchester County) met at the Lake Katonah Clubhouse to discuss use of the "East of Hudson" (EOH) Stormwater/Water Quality grant that ...
/ / 2005, Archive, eoh, grant, project, stormwater

TEA Fall Membership Meeting Wednesday, November 16th, 2005

We have scheduled our Fall TEA Membership Meeting. The meeting is open only to regular members of Truesdale Estates Association. It is not open to the public nor is it open to seasonal associate members. Date: Wed, November 16th Time: 7:30pm ...
/ / 2005, Archive, fall, meeting, membership, tea

Truesdale Leaf Pickup Week of November 28th, 2005

According to a town highway department bulletin dated October 19th, 2005, the Truesdale Lake neigborhoods will have leaf pickup during the week starting Monday, November 28th. This is a very important service the town provides to the lake communities. It ...
/ / 2005, Archive, Lake maintenance, leaf pickup

“Under-The-Radar Neighborhoods” – Truesdale Lake Area in Westchester Magazine

The October 2005 issue of Westchester Magazine features the Truesdale Lake area as one of the "Under-The-Radar Neighborhoods" in Westchester County. Quote: "What about a home in the $500 to $800-thousand range in a serene neighborhood, where kids ride their bikes along ...

Truesdale Lake Boat Inventory Underway – Get Stickers For Your Boats ASAP!

A Truesdale Lake Boat Inventory is underway!  If you are a property owner with deeded TEA or TLPOA rights and you have an unstickered boat on any of the properties around the lake, you must apply for a boat sticker ...

Aquatic Macrophyte (aka “Water Plants”) Survey Complete

Allied Biological has completed the Truesdale Lake Aquatic Macrophyte Survey. The study is available in the Downloads section under Lake Reports. This survey is a requirement of the NY State DEC as part of our comprehensive lake management plan. Starting next year (2006), lakes ...

Jack Fles Reclaims the President’s Cup

Truesdale Lake, Sept 5th, 2005 - Jack Fles won the 2005 Truesdale Lake Fleet #27 President's Cup Race, holding off four other sailors: Vi Patek, Skip Jahn, Ira Sanchick, and Rob Cummings. The wind was all over the place, switching from ...

Sunfish Summer 2005 Racing Season Has Two More Weekends Left!

If you are interested in Sunfish sailing, check out the Summer Race Series the next two Sundays at Truesdale Lake. The fleet meets at 2PM at the starting line which is across from the Gilbert Street Beach. Two official races ...
/ / 2005, Archive, sailing, summer, sunfish

Annual Clambake Set for Saturday, September 10th, 2005

The 48th Annual TEA Clambake is set for Saturday, September 10th, 2005 beginning at 6:30pm. The event will be held at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive and is open to TEA Members, Associates, and their guests. If you ...
/ / 2005, Archive, clambake, summer, tea

Full Moon Sail – Friday, August 19th, 2005

Last summer we held a hugely successful "Blue Moon Sail" where everyone gathered to view the summer blue moon (the second full moon in any given month). This summer, the moon will be full at 7:17PM on Friday, August 19th, ...

Copper Sulfate Treatment Schedule

Treatment to control algae growth will be on the following schedule: July 12 (Tuesday), August 1st, 15th, 29th (all Mondays). This information is also in the online calendar. No swimming for 24 hours after treatment. You will see yellow signs ...

Link to Recent Weeds Article In The Journal News

A recent article in The Journal News (6/21/05 on page B1) discusses permitting problems for weed control in New York State. Glenn Sullivan, president of Allied Biological (our weed treatment company) is quoted. Gary Struve from our Lake Management Committee ...

Aquathol-K Treatment Scheduled For June 27th, 2005

Allied Biological will be treating the lake with Aquathol-K on Monday, June 27th. Swimming is prohibited for 24 hours after the application of this herbicide. Both the TEA and TLPOA beaches will be closed on Monday. We also recommend that homeowners avoid irrigating ...

TLPOA Beach Party July 16th

TLPOA members are invited to the summer party starting at 7PM on July 16th. More details to follow... [if anyone has any photos or more information, click the Contact Us link on the left-hand side and send the details. Thanks!] ...
/ / 2005, Archive, party, summer, tlpoa

June Kickoff Party A Success!

TEA Beach, June 11th, 2005 - Despite dire forecasts and a few early sprinkles, the annual TEA June Summer Kickoff party was a success. Revelers stayed until late as the day just kept getting better and better. The DJ kicked ...
/ / 2005, Archive, beach, kickoff, party, summer, tea

June 11th is TEA Summer Kickoff Party

TEA Members & Associates: The TEA Summer Kickoff Party is set for Saturday, June 11th at 3PM. There will be a DJ -- plus burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and watermelon. Desserts and salad contributions welcomed! The party is open ...
/ / 2005, Archive, party, social, summer, tea

Carpe Carp? Is it time to Seize the Carp?

Sterile Triploid Carp have been a hot topic of conversation around the lake recently. What are they? Why are people talking about them? Are they good to eat? How can they help the lake? What are the drawbacks to employing ...

Green Lawns, Blue Waters – How to Care For Your Lawns and The Lake

A website dedicated to keeping lakes healthy, called Green Lawns, Blue Waters was recently brought to our attention by longtime lake resident Mark Patek. The site has information on phosphorus, nitrogen, phosphorus-free fertilizer, pet waste, and many other topics of interest to lake area homeowners. ...

New Sand Has Arrived! We Need Help Spreading It!

The TEA beach has gotten a delivery of sand to restore the sand lost in the storms over the fall, winter, and spring. We need your help spreading it out! If you can help, head down to the beach this ...
/ / 2005, Archive, beach, sand, tea

2005 Weed Control Permits Approved Pending Public Comment

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has deemed our weed control permits complete (per 5/11/05 email from Glenn Sullivan of Allied): Quote: > As of yesterday, your permit application was deemed complete by DEC. > Notice in the Environmental Notice Bulletin is ...

2005 Permit Applications Held Up In Albany

Our weed control permits are being held up by the folks in Albany. This happened last year and we all know what occurred with the weeds. I case you were not here or don't remember, I have posted a photo ...

Lake Stormwater Sites Walk April 2005

On April 16, 2005, a group of lake residents walked and drove to four of the six spots identified in the Land-Tech study as areas to focus on for future stormwater management programs. Mike Bartos of Land-Tech (author of the study) ...

Truesdale Lake Improvement District Working Meeting with TLPOA and TEA

Truesdale Lake Improvement District Working Meeting with TLPOA and TEA [Editor's Note - Even though this meeting has already occurred, there is still information about the proposed lake improvement district contained inside and it is worth a read as an ...

Lake Management : Your Role In Lake Preservation

Our lake is moderately eutrophic, and the rate of eutrophication is increasing rapidly. The dissolved nutrients in our lake promote weed growth, which in turns depletes oxygen. There is much you can do to slow the process. Many of the ...

Please Join Us For The 28th Annual Christmas Sing Along

Sunday night, December 19th, TLPOA is hosting a Caroling gathering at the Gilbert Street Beach. All residents are welcome and are encouraged to dress warmly! Details: * On The Beach * Sunday, December 19 * 6:00 p.m. * Bring Your ...

Truesdale Lake Tax Maps Available

If you are interested in tax maps for the Truesdale Lake area, they are available in the downloads section. Click on "Tax Maps" under the "Maps" section ...

Posting News At This Site Is Easy

Fall is coming to an end and winter will arrive soon. The lake will be frozen, drawing out skaters and ice fishermen. I encourage anyone who has a news item of interest to register at the site and post it ...
/ / 2004, Archive, News, photo, social

Ira Wins President’s Cup

Congratulations to sailor Ira Sanchick who won the annual Truesdale Lake President's Cup race on Labor Day, September 6th, 2004. Ten boats competed this year on a great sunny day. The race is traditionally run on Labor Day Monday each year. The ...

Fleet #27 Stays Afloat on Lake Truesdale (reprint)

The Lewisboro Ledger | Thursday, September 02, 2004 Edition By J.B. COZENS Vi Patek sounded an air horn across Lake Truesdale early Sunday afternoon, and over the next half hour, sailboats materialized and slowly congregated to the north end of ...

TEA Annual Clambake Coming Up

The Annual TEA Clambake is set for Saturday, September 11th at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive. If you are a Member In Good Standing of TEA or a Summer Associate Member, you should have gotten a mailing in ...
/ / 2004, Archive, beach, clambake, social, tea

One Week Left for Sunfish Series

The 10-week sunfish summer series races will end this coming Sunday with the final 2 races. Check the standings at There is a final single day race for the "President's Cup" of Truesdale Lake. It traditionally begins at 2PM on ...
/ / 2004, Archive, sailing, summer, sunfish

Copper Sufate Treatment Schedule Summer 2004

The lake will be treated with Copper Sulfate (to combat Algae growth) on the following tentative schedule for the rest of the summer (updated July 22nd): August 2, August 16, August 30th (every other Monday). These dates are weather-dependent. Heavy rain will cancel ...

2004 Sunfish Racing Season Kicks Off!

July 4th marked the opening of the Fleet #27 Racing Season on Truesdale Lake. Races are held every Sunday (2PM start time), rain or shine, starting across from the Gilbert Street Beach. Below is the race sheet, with detailed ...
/ / 2004, Archive, sailing, social, summer, sunfish

Copper Sulfate Treatment June 28th

Allied Biological treated the lake with Copper Sulfate, an Algaecide, on Monday, June 28th. Swimming is prohibited for 24 hours after application. Copper Sulfate is used to combat Algae growth (it does not kill weeds). Recently we have had an early ...

Aqua Cleaner Vacuums up Weeds & Debris

Recently the Lake Management Committee sent a letter to all riparian homeowners at Truesdale Lake. The letter notified homeowners about : 1.) The Aqua Cleaner service offered by Univeral Water Solutions of Rochester, NY. The Aqua Cleaner Service is essentially a vacuum which ...

Lifeguard Wanted for Summer Season

The TEA beach is looking for a lifeguard to work 3 days per week including at least 1 weekend day per week. Hours 11-7PM. Days are flexible. Salary is excellent. Must be at least 16 and have waterfront certifications. Contact Rob ...
/ / 2004, Archive, lifeguard, summer, tea

TEA Beach Clean-up Day is May 22nd

Volunteers from the TEA will be getting the TEA beach (Truesdale Lake Drive) ready for summer by spreading new sand, cleaning winter debris, and generally beautifying the beach. RSVP by clicking Contact Us link on the side of the page. We will ...
/ / 2004, Archive, beach, clean-up, social, summer, tea

Memorial Day Fair Information

Monday, May 31st, 2004 from 9:30am to 3:00pm is the South Salem Presbyterian Church Memorial Day Fair. Click on the link to visit the fair home page. Click "Read More" link below for more information. There will be: - 10k race ...

Please Drive Safely and Carefully

The vast majority of residents around the lake and surrounding community obey the speed limit. However, there are always a few who speed by as we are taking our walks or rides around the lake or working in our yards, ...
/ / 2004, Archive, driving, safety, walking

Lake Treatment Mailing Notice

Recently all Truesdale Lake residents received a mailing with information on the summer lake treatment and the chemicals used in this treatment.The treatment is performed during the warmer months of the year to control the growth of invasive weeds and ...

Local Vet Says Pick Up After Your Dog

(this letter was sent to the Lewisboro Ledger and printed in their March 4, 2004 issue) I live on Truesdale Lake. It is a hidden treasure with beautiful views for any season. This morning I went for a jog and ...

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year! I have added some items to various places on the site, including some maps at: the downloads section. Maps include the lake watershed map developed by Land-Tech, Inc. during their lake study ...
/ / 2004, Archive, autumn, new year, News, spring, summer, tea, tlpoa, winter

Welcome to the site, feel free to post articles or comment…

I am currently learning the capabilities of this new site software so the website is a bit bare at present. I have items from the website's prior incarnation that I will re-post as soon as I figure out a way ...
/ / 2003, Archive, tea, tlpoa, website, winter

New look for Truesdale Lake Website!

We have moved to a system that allows visitors to participate more in the website. Upon registering, you can post articles, news items, notices, and comments. You can also read notices others have left in the public areas without registering ...
/ / 2003, Archive, new, website

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