Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

February 1, 2024
by rob

Notice of Consent 2024 – Annual Notice Sent to Riparian Homeowners

These annual notices were sent via email to all association homeowners as required by New York State law. They are a continuation of our annual lake management program, including treatment, dating back over 50 years undertaken when we engaged Pond … Continue reading

May 24, 2022
by rob
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Lake Treatment – May 26, 2022

Our lake management company, The Pond & Lake Connection ( will treat the lake for weeds and algae as needed on Thursday May 26th. Weather permitting, the lake will be treated with Nautique ( and there is a 24hr restriction … Continue reading

October 28, 2016
by rob

Truesdale Lake Update 2017

Sharing this note from David Sachs, TLPOA President, about the past summer and preliminary plans for next summer. More to come

As of 2016-10-24

Good day to you all on this brisk and beautiful October afternoon. I wanted to bring you up to date about Truesdale Lake – some information about this past summer and then more information about plans for Summer 2017.

First of all, this past summer was one of the most challenging and frustrating in memory. Permits to treat the lake were not granted by the DEC until mid-July – and that was only after we begged and pleaded and cajoled them to approve them. DEC had changed their permitting process – and they did so late last spring – and then it all fell apart after that.

When we were able to treat, we did so – but by mid-July that means that you are treating for algae, since weed treating is normally done in the April time frame. Some people said that the water quality was good – which it was in some parts of the lake – but the south end of the lake clearly was not good – with weeds and algae everywhere. Frustration levels were (and probably are) high.

For the first time ever, we tried some weed harvesting – in late July, when it became clear that the TEA beach was unusable. Weed harvesting can be helpful, but many have said that it is a lot like mowing your lawn in the middle of the summer; it looks good for a week or so, and then it must be done again. Weed harvesting seems to be a lot like that, at least during the summer, when weeds and algae are actively growing.

(more of the letter is online in on the lake website…)

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May 26, 2005
by rob
Comments Off on Green Lawns, Blue Waters – How to Care For Your Lawns and The Lake

Green Lawns, Blue Waters – How to Care For Your Lawns and The Lake

A website dedicated to keeping lakes healthy, called Green Lawns, Blue Waters was recently brought to our attention by longtime lake resident Mark Patek. The site has information on phosphorus, nitrogen, phosphorus-free fertilizer, pet waste, and many other topics of interest to lake area homeowners. Some … Continue reading

May 14, 2004
by rob
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Aqua Cleaner Vacuums up Weeds & Debris

  Recently the Lake Management Committee sent a letter to all riparian homeowners at Truesdale Lake. The letter notified homeowners about : 1.) The Aqua Cleaner service offered by Univeral Water Solutions of Rochester, NY. The Aqua Cleaner Service is essentially a vacuum which … Continue reading