Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

TEA Summer Kickoff BBQ June 9th at 3PM

TEA Members & Associates:

The Summer Kickoff Party is at the TEA beach this Saturday June 9th, 2007.

Party starts at 3PM – 7PM. BYO salads or dessert to share if you can! We’ll have burgers, hot dogs, soft drinks, water, and chips!

We expect to have 50th Anniversary T-Shirts there for sale along with a limited number of Polo style shirts. Check out the designs here:

We’re looking forward to kicking off the 50th summer of the TEA beach!

(Rain date is the next day, Sunday June 10th at 3PM)

Any questions or to RSVP, call Rosemarie McCarthy (763-0744) or click the Contact Us link to the left.

Take care,

Rob Cummings

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