Spring is here and summer’s on its way! The annual TEA spring beach cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 18th 2024 from 9-11 a.m; (Rain date is Sunday, May 19th, 9-11 a.m.)
Clean up involves raking the shoreline of weeds, cleaning up after our resident geese, raking out the sand and spreading new sand, cleaning out the shed, installing the swim ropes and swimming platform and any other attention that is needed. Please let me (Sarah Polizzotto tea@truesdalelake.com – put BEACH CLEANUP in the subject) know if you can make it!
It’s also helpful if you’re able to bring rakes, shovels, hoes, clippers, and/or work gloves with you. The cleanup goes very quickly when we’ve got a big group working together on it.
Also, please save the date of Saturday, June 8th 2024, from 5:00 p.m. for the annual Welcome Summer Kickoff Barbecue! (Rain date is Sunday, June 9th). The TEA, as always, will provide burgers, chicken, hot dogs, etc. for the grill, as well as wine, beer, and soft drinks; and attendees will bring sides to share. An e-mail invitation will be sent out a little closer to the date with specifics and a sign-up sheet. If anyone would like to be part of the planning committee for the party, or help out on the day, please reach out! (tea@truesdalelake.com – put SUMMER PARTY in the subject)
Again, please reply to this email to let us know if you’re able to make the cleanup on May 18th. Many thanks, we’re looking forward to another beautiful summer season on the lake.
Kind regards,
Sarah Polizzotto & Kate Grieve, TEA Beach Chairs