View of Sunfish Fleet #27 heading North on first leg of race. (Photo by Melissa Lawrence)
The Truesdale Lake Sunfish Fleet #27 had its first event of the Fall 2014 Series on Sunday afternoon. Four sailors came out to sail – originally five sailors were on the water but an equipment problem caused one sailor to withdraw before the races began.
Conditions were ideal and breezy. Perfect for a full lake “long course” to start the races.
Rob Cummings won the first race, beating Jonathan Rodgers, Ira Sanchick, and new racer Jay Lawrence. Ira won the second race, edging out Rob and Jay.
Next Sunday we will race again — start time will be 1:00 PMÂ across from the Gilbert Street beach. We want to start earlier than usual to leave enough time for sailors to get back to their home docks and head out to the lakewide meeting set for 4:30pm at the Cyrus Russell House.
Current Standings are below. Rob is currently in the lead with Ira a close second. Jay and Jonathan are tied in 3rd place.
Scoring: 1 point for starting, 1 point for finishing, 1 point for every boat you finish ahead of, +0.5 bonus points for winning a race – best 5 scores are used to determine series winner. You don’t need to sail every weekend or race every race to be in contention for the Fall Series title.
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Here’s a link to series results from 2001-2005 (what we have found so far). We’re seeing about digging up older Fleet #27 series and other records. We will post what we find.