April 29, 2016
by rob
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Truesdale Lake Property Owners Association (TLPOA) and Truesdale Estates Association (TEA) will continue the Lake Management Program for Truesdale Lake in 2016. The Program is intended to control pondweeds (Potamogeton crispus and P. foliosus) and algae, thus improving water quality conditions as well as the recreational and aesthetic value of the lake. We hope to bring a more natural balance to the lake in 2016 by reducing the herbicide treatment allowing a moderate growth of pondweeds in an effort to offset the significant algae growth we have seen over the past few seasons.
>Note: Mark June 16th as Lake Management Day:
> – 7-8pm TLPOA Annual Meeting (TLPOA Members only please)
> – 8:15 – 9:45pm presentation at South Salem Presbyterian Church on Lake Management status – all lake residents welcome
The Program is being carried out by NYSDEC certified personnel from the lake management firm SÅŒLitude Lake Management, (formerly ALLIED BIOLOGICAL INC.), registered with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (16506). NYSDEC permit applications will be submitted requesting approval for the application of the herbicide Aquathol-K (endothall) and the algaecide Copper sulfate.
Treatments are anticipated to occur between April 1 and August 31, 2016 and will proceed only after the issuance of NYSDEC permits and authorization from the Client. Aquatic pesticide applications will only occur if sufficient aquatic vegetation is present to warrant treatment and favorable weather conditions exist. Prior notification of the exact dates of treatment will be provided to the Association and NYSDEC 7 days prior to treatment and by shoreline posting on the day of application. Water use restrictions are as follows: Continue reading →