Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

May 22, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on Summer Kickoff Party

Summer Kickoff Party

June 13th Summer Kickoff Party Open House — From 3-7pm on Saturday June 13th we will welcome in the summer season at the TEA Beach on Truesdale Lake Drive. All lake area residents welcome.

If you are interested in helping to plan this event, please get in touch with Lisa Capobianco by sending an email to with subject “Kickoff Party.”

We will supply the burgers, hot dogs, buns, and soft beverages. You supply the rest (desserts, chips, non-soft beverages, etc.). We will kick off the summer in style! Continue reading

May 11, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on Treatments May 14th and May 28th

Treatments May 14th and May 28th

Allied is planning to treat the lake with Aquathol K for weeds this Thursday, May 14th (weather permitting). We will leave the lake level low until Thursday since it will have to be held in for 14 days after treatment. This will maximize the effectiveness of the treatment by not letting the herbicide spill out of the lake. This means on May 14th we will be putting the boards in the dam to raise the lake level to summer heights. (more information at site) Continue reading

May 8, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on TEA Beach Clean Up Saturday May 16th

TEA Beach Clean Up Saturday May 16th

Saturday, May 16th Beach Pre-Opening Clean up and Pizza Open House

We are planning on gathering at the TEA beach on Saturday May 16th from 9am-12noon to spread new sand, put up the beach ropes, and beautify the beach after the long winter.

Come any time between 9am and noon and help for an hour or two or three. At noon we will get pizzas delivered to feed the workers!

Rain date: In case of bad weather (hard rain, more than a drizzle) we may switch to May 17th. RSVP Continue reading

November 18, 2014
by rob
Comments Off on Blue Green Algae Article in NY State Conservationist Magazine April 2014

Blue Green Algae Article in NY State Conservationist Magazine April 2014

I have scanned in and posted below a great article titled “My Poor Little Lake” about Blue-Green algae and lakes it has affected across New York State. The article was written by Scott Kisbaugh and Karen Stainbrook who both work … Continue reading

July 26, 2013
by rob
Comments Off on Beaches Are Open!

Beaches Are Open!

The last few days has seen a marked improvement in the water clarity and quality. Most likely this is due to the heat wave lifting and recent cooling rain. Enjoy the lake this weekend!