Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

March 1, 2016
by rob
Comments Off on NYSFOLA Conference April 29-May 1: The Water is Great in New York State

NYSFOLA Conference April 29-May 1: The Water is Great in New York State

From the New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA) below about the annual conference April 29th – May 1st, 2016 at the White Eagle Conference Center in Hamilton, NY:

“Greetings NYSFOLA Members!

“The Water is Great in New York State” 2016 Annual Conference agenda is now on our website at We have a few of the NYSFOLA “standards” for first time attendees as well as some new additions that we think you’ll enjoy!

For fun, we have a “Paint a Lake” event on Friday night, but you must hurry if you want to bring out your inner artist. Parrticipation is limited to the first 20 registrants. We will also be having a Live Wine Auction, featuring the Seneca and Cayuga Wine Trails. This will take place on Saturday night after the banquet. All proceeds benefit NYSFOLA. Don’t forget to bring something for the annual Silent Auction. It’s always a fun event that benefits the organization.

We are looking forward to this annual reunion of NYSFOLA members from across the state. If you’ve never been to a NYSFOLA conference, we hope that you will make this your year.

We are still accepting nominations for the 2016 Lake Steward Awards. Has someone gone “above and beyond the call of duty” for your lake association? Tell us about them. Awards will be presented at the banquet on Saturday evening.

Also, don’t forget to submit your newsletter for the 2016 Newsletter awards. We enjoy reading your news, and you might win a prize! All submissions must be received at the NYSFOLA office by April 15th.

See you at White Eagle!” Continue reading

January 1, 2016
by rob
Comments Off on Welcome 2016! Some Lake Resolutions for the New Year

Welcome 2016! Some Lake Resolutions for the New Year

Some Lake Stewardship Resolutions for the new year (links to help with each resolution are on the website version linked at bottom):

1. I will get my septic tank pumped and inspected. If the tank baffles are missing or damaged, I’ll have them replaced. (Kaiser-Battistone offers 15% discount for lake area residents – but you have to tell them about the discount!)
2. I will “overseed” my lawn rather than spread fertilizer or pesticides. I’ll tell my lawn service – or myself – to cut my grass high and leave the clippings on the lawn. If I think fertilizer is needed, I’ll use phosphate-free fertilizer since it’s the law. I will also tell my lawn care company that it is illegal in Westchester County to use phosphate based fertilizer unless extensive testing has been done on the soil – and even then only on a limited basis and never within 20 feet of the lake.
3. If I live on the lake, I’ll plant a “buffer” of native plants to slow the flow of rainwater or stormwater (and the pollutants and nutrients it carries) into the lake. I’ll pull up some invasive plants and plant some native ones.
4. I’ll pick up after my pets and throw their poop into the trash.
5. This year I’ll make sure no oil or gas from my mower or car spills on the ground or into the lake…. (MORE AT LINK!)
. Continue reading

December 16, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on Truesdale Lake – End of Year Report

Truesdale Lake – End of Year Report

Allied Biological issued their first of a kind end of year report for Truesdale Lake.

It summarizes the state of the lake and the treatments made to the lake. It’s a quick read and a good reference. Hopefully they continue producing these annual reports. Continue reading

December 9, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on Lake Manager Talk December 10th at 7:30pm

Lake Manager Talk December 10th at 7:30pm

Forwarding a note From David Sachs via Next-door Truesdale website:

“Good afternoon on this overcast and damp and chilly December afternoon. Just a quick reminder – Michael Martin from Princeton Hydro will be speaking tomorrow evening – about lake management in general and Truesdale Lake in specific.

We will begin at 7:30 promptly and will end, I would assume, about 9 or 9:30. Michael has managed lakes for 30 years, and has a lot of interesting ideas to share. Some are similar to things you have heard before, and others are new and different. Come and join us if you can.”

Link to note: Continue reading

December 2, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on Lake Watershed Survey

Lake Watershed Survey

Christian Jenne, graduate student of Lake Management at the State University of New York at Oneonta, has put together and distributed a survey to help determine characteristics of our lake and the surrounding area. This feedback will be one facet in helping Christian put together a comprehensive lake management plan for Truesdale Lake.

The survey can be downloaded here in fillable PDF form. You can email it back to him at once you have completed the survey. Or you can print it out and fill in your answers and send it back (by December 12) to:

Christian Jenne
c/o Biological Field Station
5838 State Highway 80
Cooperstown, NY 13326
Thanks for your help with this. Continue reading

September 6, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on Field Guide to Invasive Plants

Field Guide to Invasive Plants

If you have ever wondered plants in Truesdale Lake are invasive, this free PDF booklet will tell you. We have a couple in the book but not many. One of the reasons we have boat stickers is to keep tabs on boats and avoid transporting invasive species into the lake that are not present already.

PDF Book Available for Download at link. Continue reading

July 30, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on Truesdale Lake Treatment Update – 2015-07-30

Truesdale Lake Treatment Update – 2015-07-30

Note from David Sachs, TLPOA President:

Good morning to you all. As many of you know, treating the lake is a complex business, and sometimes we are unable to treat it even when we are ready, willing and eager to do so. After the treatment this past Tuesday (July 28) was cancelled, we conferred with Allied Biological – the firm that manages the actual treatments – and also with the NYSDEC to get an expedited treatment for today. After many phone calls between Allied, NYSDEC and us, expedited permission was granted (usually you have to wait a full week, or sometimes two, between treatments). Allied was supposed to treat today – and we took a number of Secchi readings (indicators of lake clarity) to help. Allied had someone here on the lake at 7 a.m. this morning. Sadly, here is what we were told:

“Jeff was on the lake at 7:00 this morning. Secchi measured at 13 inches (too low) throughout the lake and the dissolved oxygen reading was 16 (too high). Treatment cannot be conducted at these measurements. NYSDEC has been notified that the next visit is scheduled for Tuesday 8/4.”

(full story at site) Continue reading

July 23, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on Remaining Algae Treatments for Summer 2015

Remaining Algae Treatments for Summer 2015

We currently have 3 more algae treatments scheduled for this summer: July 28, August 11, and August 25 (all Tuesdays).

All treatments are dependent on lake condition and weather. NY State does not allow us to treat more frequently than every two weeks so if any of these are postponed due to weather or other conditions that will affect the treatment schedule after that date. Continue reading