Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York


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TLPOA – Truesdale Lake Property Owners Association

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TLPOA Map and TLPOA Properties Listing

The Truesdale Lake Property Owners Association (TLPOA) Map is available here.

The TLPOA is primarily in the northwest and northeast portion of Truesdale Lake.

Houses are on Hoyt Street, Indian Lane, Gilbert Street, Bouton Street, Howe Street, certain houses on Main Street, and the northern end of Lake Shore Drive starting with 48 & 49 Lake Shore Drive and north. Not all houses on each of these streets is in the TLPOA boundaries. The house must be on the common well to be a TLPOA member.

Check the map and TLPOA Property Listing page as well as the FAQ for details.

If you are purchasing a property on Truesdale Lake and have a question about what association it resides in, start with our Real Estate section

Note each household is only a member in one association. TLPOA Members are not members of TEA or vice versa. The association is totally dependent on the property address.

TLPOA Newsletter

TLPOA Beach Key Request Form

TLPOA Beach Rules

TLPOA Beach Calendar

TLPOA Boat Storage Policy

TLPOA members can store boats at the TLPOA-owned lots around the lake.

All boats (whether kept on your property or at a boat storage lot) must have a valid Truesdale Lake boat sticker.

Boats stored at lot without a sticker will be removed. No boats (except the maintenance boat) are permitted to be stored at the beach property.

Can I join TLPOA if I am not in a TLPOA house?

No. TLPOA is only open to houses served by the Truesdale Corporation common well. If your house is not on this common well, you are not in the TLPOA.

There is currently no other way to become a Truesdale lake member other than property ownership of land in one of the lake associations with deeded rights to Lake Truesdale — and maintaining that membership through regular payment of association dues and assessments.

TLPOA Bylaws as amended 2008

These were provided to us by the TLPOA for reference only. For definitive bylaws please request them from the TLPOA via their contact address above.

TLPOA Water Quality Reports

These are reports from the Truesdale Corporation water system.

Historic TLPOA and Truesdale Lake related survey maps from 1926 – 1975

[NOTE: if any information has changed or needs updating, please contact the website using the ‘Contact Us’ form link on the side.]