Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

February 13, 2006
by rob
Comments Off on 2005 Aquatic Plant Management Plan Available

2005 Aquatic Plant Management Plan Available

Allied Biological has published the Lake Truesdale 2005 Aquatic Plant Management Plan. The document is available to read and download here. The report is a newly required component of the 2006 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation aquatic herbicide permit application. The report is incredibly … Continue reading

June 20, 2005
by rob
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Aquathol-K Treatment Scheduled For June 27th, 2005

Allied Biological will be treating the lake with Aquathol-K on Monday, June 27th. Swimming is prohibited for 24 hours after the application of this herbicide. Both the TEA and TLPOA beaches will be closed on Monday. We also recommend that homeowners avoid irrigating … Continue reading

May 29, 2005
by rob
Comments Off on Carpe Carp? Is it time to Seize the Carp?

Carpe Carp? Is it time to Seize the Carp?

Sterile Triploid Carp have been a hot topic of conversation around the lake recently. What are they? Why are people talking about them? Are they good to eat? How can they help the lake? What are the drawbacks to employing … Continue reading

May 26, 2005
by rob
Comments Off on Green Lawns, Blue Waters – How to Care For Your Lawns and The Lake

Green Lawns, Blue Waters – How to Care For Your Lawns and The Lake

A website dedicated to keeping lakes healthy, called Green Lawns, Blue Waters was recently brought to our attention by longtime lake resident Mark Patek. The site has information on phosphorus, nitrogen, phosphorus-free fertilizer, pet waste, and many other topics of interest to lake area homeowners. Some … Continue reading

January 3, 2005
by rob
Comments Off on Truesdale Lake Improvement District Working Meeting with TLPOA and TEA

Truesdale Lake Improvement District Working Meeting with TLPOA and TEA

Truesdale Lake Improvement District Working Meeting with TLPOA and TEA [Editor’s Note – Even though this meeting has already occurred, there is still information about the proposed lake improvement district contained inside and it is worth a read as an … Continue reading

December 15, 2004
by rob
Comments Off on Lake Management : Your Role In Lake Preservation

Lake Management : Your Role In Lake Preservation

Our lake is moderately eutrophic, and the rate of eutrophication is increasing rapidly. The dissolved nutrients in our lake promote weed growth, which in turns depletes oxygen. There is much you can do to slow the process. Many of the … Continue reading

May 14, 2004
by rob
Comments Off on Aqua Cleaner Vacuums up Weeds & Debris

Aqua Cleaner Vacuums up Weeds & Debris

  Recently the Lake Management Committee sent a letter to all riparian homeowners at Truesdale Lake. The letter notified homeowners about : 1.) The Aqua Cleaner service offered by Univeral Water Solutions of Rochester, NY. The Aqua Cleaner Service is essentially a vacuum which … Continue reading