Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York


We love our dogs — and we also love our community. We all share the beautiful lake and scenic walk around the lake. Many people enjoy taking their dogs out for a walk around our beautiful lake — and most of those owners are responsible and pick up after their pet. But there are more than a few that make it more difficult to enjoy the lake.

If you follow some commonsense rules and laws, the lake and scenic walk will continue to be enjoyable by all!

  1. Please ALWAYS pick up after your dog.
    • All roads around the lake are in the watershed for the lake. That means any poop on the roads flows into the lake as raw sewage.
    • If your dog poops on your own lawn, please clean it up before it washes into the lake. This is for your sake as well as others who live around the lake. There are services like Doody Calls, Poop 911, or Poop Butler and others that will clean your lawn regularly for a fee if you don’t have time or patience for this task.
  2. Please keep your dog on a leash. Dogs can be unpredictable around other people or dogs. Be safe.
  3. No dogs on beaches! (See below)
  4. When you walk your dog around the lake, please bring a bag and dispose of your dog’s poop in your own garbage can — not in your neighbor’s garbage can. Dogs will eat other dogs’ poop (yes that is gross, but it is true). Any diseases one dog had are now shared by two or more dogs.

One irresponsible owner can cause an outbreak in a dog community. Don’t be that owner — and don’t be the one that enables that owner. Speak up if you see bad practices such as leaving poop behind, letting dogs wander into neighbor’s yards, or walking dogs off leash.

No Dogs Allowed On Beaches: Here’s Why

img4689a5387c560No dogs are allowed at the beaches of Truesdale Lake. Why are no dogs allowed on these areas?

The diseases above can cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and blindness. The effects are more severe for our youngest and most at-risk citizens (infants, cancer patients, immune system compromised individuals). You know that kids will be at the beach. Don’t put them at risk.

From the Federal Centers For Disease Control (CDC) website:

Some people are more likely than others to get diseases from dogs. A person’s age and health status may affect his or her immune system, increasing the chances of getting sick. People who are more likely to get diseases from dogs include infants, children younger than 5 years old, organ transplant patients, people with HIV/AIDS, Lupus patients, and people being treated for cancer. Special advice is available for people who are at greater risk than others of getting diseases from animals.

See the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) website for more information.

If you think “My dogs are clean, dewormed, etc. so they shouldn’t be a problem — I’ll take my dog to run on the beach when no one is around” — DON’T DO THIS! If you do you are placing your short term selfish desires above the long-term health of the lake community and its most vulnerable residents. Other pet owners will see you and assume it is OK to let their dogs go on the beach area.

Any problems that happen will affect the small children who are the most frequent beach users — and also the most likely to encounter your pet’s feces in the sand at the beach. Nobody knows with absolute certainty that their pet is disease or parasite free.

“I wouldn’t let my pet ‘go’ anywhere on the beach area.” If you have a remote control switch for your pet’s bowels I am sure other dog owners would love to get one too. Be realistic and keep your dog off the beach at all times.

We have also heard “the geese poop on the beach all the time – what difference will my dog make?” While it is true that geese share our lake, they are also wild animals. Unlike dogs, they have no owner (you) who is responsible for them, knows the law, and doesn’t want to cause harm to a child. Also, there are fish in the lake, and frogs, and turtles, and heron, raccoons, muskrats, fishers, otters, and the occasional bald eagle. All presumably do their business in the lake. Again we have no choice in the matter. But your dog is controlled (most of the time) by you!

Dogs are not children and you should never make the mistake of thinking they are more important than our children. You should know the law, the rules, and the proper thing to do. Be an adult.

Please – Do not ever take your dogs onto the beaches of Truesdale Lake.  Not only is it the law — it is the right thing to do!

Also: If you walk your dog or dogs around our lake, please read these two articles:


Local Vet Says Pick Up After Your Dog

(this letter was sent to the Lewisboro Ledger and printed in their March 4, 2004 issue)

I live on Truesdale Lake. It is a hidden treasure with beautiful views for any season.


This morning I went for a jog and was taken aback by the amount of dog feces a.k.a. poop I had to jump over during my 3 mile run around the lake.

Many people enjoy walking the lake loop because of the gorgeous water views but to have to watch every step you take because of the tremendous amount of dog feces is just not right.

Not only is it unpleasant to step on, but there are also some serious health reasons for avoiding dog poop. Dog feces can carry potentially harmful pathogens to humans and other pets alike. Certain diseases such as Toxocarosis (Roundworm infection) and Ancylostomosis (Hookworm infection) can be transmitted to other dogs and possibly children by the ingestion of contaminated feces.

As a veterinarian, I treat many cases of roundworm and hookworm infection in my patients every week. I routinely deworm all puppies and kittens 2- 4 times before they are even 16 weeks of age. Even older animals can become infected with roundworms and/or hookworms if they ingest contaminated feces.

Animals that are not routinely dewormed can be unknowingly infected with these parasites. Infected animals can then shed microscopic eggs in their feces, which can then transmit the disease to other animals if the poop is “accidentally” ingested. Eggs may remain in the soil for many months and contaminate the environment. Young children should not play in areas contaminated with dog feces.

If you would like more information on how roundworms and hookworms infect humans, go to the Centers For Disease Control Website at Search the alphabetical list under roundworms and hookworms. See how serious these diseases can be for you and your beloved pets.

I’d also like to mention that according to our Town Clerk Kathleen Cory that although the town doesn’t “have a “pooper scooper” law–our town code says dogs can’t make the “deposit” on the road in the first place.

As a resident of Lake Truesdale, I want to say enjoy your walks, take your pets out for exercise, enjoy the beautiful views,
but please pick up after your dog.

Thank you,

Carol Gamez D.V.M.