Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

July 30, 2015
by rob
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Truesdale Lake Treatment Update – 2015-07-30

Note from David Sachs, TLPOA President:

Good morning to you all. As many of you know, treating the lake is a complex business, and sometimes we are unable to treat it even when we are ready, willing and eager to do so. After the treatment this past Tuesday (July 28) was cancelled, we conferred with Allied Biological – the firm that manages the actual treatments – and also with the NYSDEC to get an expedited treatment for today. After many phone calls between Allied, NYSDEC and us, expedited permission was granted (usually you have to wait a full week, or sometimes two, between treatments). Allied was supposed to treat today – and we took a number of Secchi readings (indicators of lake clarity) to help. Allied had someone here on the lake at 7 a.m. this morning. Sadly, here is what we were told:

“Jeff was on the lake at 7:00 this morning. Secchi measured at 13 inches (too low) throughout the lake and the dissolved oxygen reading was 16 (too high). Treatment cannot be conducted at these measurements. NYSDEC has been notified that the next visit is scheduled for Tuesday 8/4.”

(full story at site) Continue reading

July 23, 2015
by rob
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Remaining Algae Treatments for Summer 2015

We currently have 3 more algae treatments scheduled for this summer: July 28, August 11, and August 25 (all Tuesdays).

All treatments are dependent on lake condition and weather. NY State does not allow us to treat more frequently than every two weeks so if any of these are postponed due to weather or other conditions that will affect the treatment schedule after that date. Continue reading

July 15, 2015
by rob
Comments Off on 5th Year for Church Tavern Biathlon

5th Year for Church Tavern Biathlon

“Who Will Take The Tankards?” asks the sign at the end of Spring Street near St John’s Church. That means the Church Tavern Biathlon is BACK! The 7 mile biking portion of the course circles Lake Truesdale in a counter-clockwise manner while the run portion follows a shorter 4 mile course where runners catch a glimpse of the lake.

The South Salem Church Tavern Biathlon, is hosted by St. John’s Church and will take place on Labor Day, September 7th at 9:30am. The biathlon is returning for its fifth year in 2015.

[see full article and photos at link] Continue reading