Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

May 24, 2022
by rob
Comments Off on Lake Treatment – May 26, 2022

Lake Treatment – May 26, 2022

Our lake management company, The Pond & Lake Connection ( will treat the lake for weeds and algae as needed on Thursday May 26th.

Weather permitting, the lake will be treated with Nautique ( and there is a 24hr restriction for irrigation if you use lake water on your plants or lawn. No other usage restriction. It is okay to swim and it is okay to irrigate by Friday night.


Truesdale Lake Management Committee

May 5, 2022
by rob
Comments Off on Moonlight Regatta June 11 – Plus Summer Kickoff

Moonlight Regatta June 11 – Plus Summer Kickoff

TEA typically opens the summer with an open invite to lake residents & guests to our BBQ at the TEA Beach the second Saturday in June. (June 11, 2022) #weatherpermitting

This year this date corresponds to the first (nearly) full moon of the summer. So we are combining the kickoff and moonlight regatta!

5pm kickoff at TEA beach, we provide the burgers, hot dogs, chicken and soft drinks. You provide the rest. (desserts, salads, alt bev) Arrive by boat, car, bike, or foot – your choice.

At around 8pm we will head out on the moonlit lake. (BYO Truesdale Lake registered boat with a Truesdale Lake Sticker or make arrangements ahead with someone who has one!) Moon will rise over trees on the east side of the lake at around 5:21pm and be up at 80% full by regatta time — lighting up the water.

BYO Light Source(s) to help navigate home.

Lightup decoration on boats encouraged – not too bright! Glow sticks, LEDs, etc. if you have a dock, navigation lights are appreciated! (Not too bright)

#moonlightregatta #truesdalelake #laketruesdale #summerbbq #openhouse

May 3, 2022
by rob
Comments Off on Let’s Talk Lakes – Conference & CSLAP training

Let’s Talk Lakes – Conference & CSLAP training

June 3, 2022; 9am – 2pm • Sedgewood Club, Kent, NY

8:30 registration & networking CSLAP Training 2-4pm

Meeting set up in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension, the New York Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA), Town of Kent, Putnam County Dept of Health, and Putnam County Soil & Water Conservation.

Registration only, no walk-ins:

Registration closes May 25th.

A Lively and Informative Program for Lake Enthusiasts in the Lower Hudson Valley

Who should attend?

  • Lake advisory board & lake association members
  • People who live on or care about lakes
  • NYSFOLA members & volunteers Program Focus
    • Learn how to decrease nutrient pollution
    • Help protect our lakes and water quality
    • Learn evidence-based, best management practices
    • Network with other lake enthusiasts
    • Gain aquatic weed identification skills

Attend an optional training for CSLAP Volunteers

Light breakfast and Lunch will be provided. Cost to attend $10/per person.

For more information including Agenda, Speaker lineup, and Registration please visit the following link or SCAN QR code with a cell phone camera.

If you have any questions or special needs please contact Cornell Cooperative Extension (845) 278-6738 or email

April 29, 2022
by rob
Comments Off on TEA Beach Cleanup – May 21

TEA Beach Cleanup – May 21

The annual pre-season beach cleanup and beautification at the Truesdale Estates Association beach on Truesdale Lake Drive is set for Saturday, May 21 from 9am-12noon.

Let us know if you can come out!

We will be putting out the swimming dock, stringing new buoys on new swim ropes, raking the sand out, cleaning any winter damage, gardening, and generally making the beach ready for the summer. Depending on availability we may be doing some repairs to the dock on the property.

Even if you can only come for an hour or so it will help out the overall effort! Many hands make light work. Bring rake, shovel, and any other tools you think will be useful.

Please RSVP to Lisa Capobianco at or


April 15, 2022
by rob
Comments Off on Canada Goose Control 2022

Canada Goose Control 2022

We have resumed actively oiling goose eggs on the three big islands of Lake Truesdale for spring 2022. We do this to control the population of Resident Canada Geese on the lake.

We have checked the three islands of the lake as of today and we have found a total of nine nests between the three islands and have begun oiling and addling and marking the eggs. We will continue to monitor the islands through the spring and act as needed since new nesting pairs show up throughout the spring season.

Egg oiling requires a permit from the Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) which we have obtained. Truesdale Estates Association has renewed its FWS RCGR (Resident Canada Goose Registration) permit #13757A and currently there are six residents who are named on the permit.

This is a FREE program for our lake. The only cost is the time given by the volunteers.

We can add anyone from the lake community who is interested in helping! See below for more info.

Nesting pair of Canada geese stand guard at their nest on Pirate Island on April 15, 2022.

The program on Truesdale Lake started in 2008 and has been very successful in controlling the population of resident Canadian Geese on the lake. The number of geese was in the hundreds in the early and mid-2000s and the oiling program has been successful in reducing these to several dozen in the past 10 years.

In 2019 the program did not have anyone oiling the eggs and the resident geese population shot back up into the 70-80 range – and possibly more. In 2020 we resumed the FWS program and there was only one resident family of Canada Geese on the lake for the summer. (There are frequently transient geese but they usually do not stay long.)

If you are interested in helping out, please contact us via email at or via our Contact Form. The process is not too difficult and training is easy. We would need to add your name to our FWS permit before you can be involved with the oiling program.

What is egg oiling?

Egg oiling is a long-term strategy that reduces the number of resident Canada Geese on Truesdale and other lakes through 1.) physical intervention and 2.) behavior changes.

Physical Intervention

The physical intervention is the actual oiling of the eggs after mating has occurred but before the eggs have developed embryos. In our lake this typically takes place in late March or early April and can be pinpointed by observing the mating ritual of the local geese couples and finding their island nests about a week later.

Oiling works best with a crew of two or three working together. One person finds the nests, one person keeps the geese away from the nest, and one person oils the eggs. It is possible to do this with one person if they bring along two umbrellas to shield the activity over the nests.

Oiled eggs are marked with sharpies to keep track of which ones have been treated. Records are kept for the number and location of the nests and the number of eggs in each nest as a requirement of permission from the Fish & Wildlife Service.

Behavior Change

The behavior change for the geese is the most important long term consequence of oiling the eggs.

We oil the eggs rather than simply break them because if the eggs are broken the goose simply lays more eggs. However, if the eggs are oiled, the development of the egg is stopped by preventing oxygen flow into the egg. This prevents the egg from hatching.

Since the geese do not know this, they sit on the eggs for the 5-6 weeks it takes for hatching. When the oiled eggs do not hatch, the geese view it as a “failed nesting.”

Resident Geese bad; Migratory Geese good

After a successful nesting which results in hatched eggs, the adult geese shed their flight feathers and take up residence with their new goslings on the lake for the entire summer and fall. We cannot chase them away.

This is NOT the outcome we want.

It is important to get all of the eggs and all nests oiled – or as many that are found. If there are enough goslings in a flock, even other members of the flock who may have had failed nestings will stick around and lose their flight feathers to support the new parents in the flock as “aunts” and “uncles.” This creates a large resident flock for the entire summer.

In a failed nesting with no goslings hatched, the adults keep their flight feathers, take off, and head further north for the summer. They do not have the time to lay more eggs and have the goslings fledge and fly before the end of the season. They are bachelors and bachelorettes.

This is the outcome we want.

These geese who fly away after a failed nesting also do not develop a preference for returning to Lake Truesdale next summer. They resume being Migratory Canada Geese (good) rather than Resident Canada Geese (bad).

Keeping the geese migratory means the problem is reduced both in the current year and in subsequent years.

Other geese will find and take up residence on Truesdale if we stop oiling the eggs, so we must keep up the program to head off more future residents.

We will also always have transient migratory geese — you can tell these geese since they are willing and able to fly away and visit other lakes since they do not have goslings to protect.

Oiling Results

Last year, the crew of egg oilers has oiled over 100 eggs between the three islands. This prevented the hatching of those eggs and has interrupted the resident behavior of those goose parents. The aim was to not have them return for 2022 — and the numbers are down from 2021 to 2022 so far. But there is a lot of spring season left.

To be successful, there has to be an initial oiling treatment and several follow up oiling treatments. Timing is the key to successful outcomes. New couples appeared and new nests were created after our first and second trips to the islands. Each island ultimately required 4-5 trips. We have done two so far for 2022

Summary: Egg oiling has made a huge difference in controlling the resident goose population on Lake Truesdale.

When we first moved here in 1999, we would arrive home to 60-80 geese/goslings on our lawn. There was easily double or triple that number on the lake. Lawns were covered in goose droppings. The beaches were favorite spots for goose gatherings. I have photos (deep in the archive) that I can dig up in case you think I am egg-agerating.

We have gotten it much more under control relative to those days — but we can always do better. Will you step up to help? We can always use more volunteers! Thanks everyone for your help and support.

March 8, 2022
by rob
Comments Off on Spring 2022 TEA Membership Meeting: Mon, April 4

Spring 2022 TEA Membership Meeting: Mon, April 4

Spring 2022 Membership Meeting April 4th @ Horse & Hound

The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, April 4, 2022 at the Horse & Hound at 94 Spring Street. We also plan to have a laptop/camera at the meeting broadcasting over Zoom for TEA members interested in watching remotely.

Meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Note: This meeting is for TEA Members only.

Email to RSVP for in-person. If you want the Zoom Broadcast Link ask for it when you RSVP.

If you are new to the TEA or you want to update us on your information, please fill out the TEA Resident Questionnaire. Thanks!

➡ President and other Officer reports
➡ Treasurer:

  • Final FY2021-2022 Budget vs. Actual review
  • Proposed Budget for 2022-23 Fiscal Year (& Vote*)

➡ Beach Report / Lake Committee update
➡ Upcoming meeting schedule for coming year.

The TEA Officer roles are two year terms. At the end of 2022 the terms end and we need to get them filled for the 2023-2024 term. WE NEED SOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS! a lot of the same people are taking on the board and officer roles, some for many years. Fresh eyes and fresh energy is needed and valued. If you are new to the community and want to help, there are lots of ways to pitch in.

Current TEA Officers for 2021-22:

President (Rob Cummings) – organizes & runs meetings, in charge of recruiting next president and officers. Can sign checks.

Vice President (Howard Citron) – runs meetings when President can’t attend. Fills in other roles as needed. Can sign checks.

Treasurer (Mike Vellensky) – deposits checks, writes checks, tracks and reports on income/expense and bank balances. Tax filing 990.

Recording Secretary (Wendy Daniels) – Takes meeting minutes, sends drafts to board and membership attendees post-meeting.

Corresponding Secretary (Michael Jackson) – Receives and replies to association correspondence.

Sergeant-at-Arms (Kay Jex) – guards the door (or virtual door)

Formal roles for Officers are in the TEA Bylaws here:

TEA Bylaws

At-large Board members (7-9 members needed) attend 4 standing meetings per year. Current board members are: Lisa Capobianco (Beach Chairperson), Glenn Capobianco, Harron Appleman, Melissa Scarlatto, Tom Houlihan, Ira Sanchick, Kathleen Ward Gallagher, Carol Gamez, Debbie Fink.

Standing Association Meetings are on the following schedule:
-TEA Membership Meetings (entire membership invited 2x/year):
—First Monday of April (April 4, 2022, Spring Membership Meeting)
—First Monday of November (Nov 7, 2022, Fall Membership Meeting)
-TEA Board Meetings (board members only):
—First Monday of March (March 6, 2023)
—First Monday of October (Oct 3, 2022)
Special Meetings can be called for association business.

Critical positions that don’t have to be board members:

Beach Chairperson – Hire and train lifeguards, coordinate beach clean-up, monitor beach conditions, keep an eye on beach things like electricity and trash service. Lots more! A lot of overlap with the Social Chairperson.

Social Chairperson – Plan and get volunteers for any social events – primarily the Summer Kickoff BBQ the second weekend in June. Some events can be at our beach while others we can coordinate with TLPOA. This position is all about fun!

Volunteer Opportunities & Committees:

Beach Clean-up Day – the Saturday before Memorial Day Weekend (May) each year. Lots of sand spreading, weed cleanup, general maintenance, and straightening up the beach getting ready for the first official weekend of summer on Memorial Day Weekend.

Floats and Dock installation, management, and winterizing – 2-3 people needed – at the beginning of the season, usually on Beach Clean-up Day, volunteers put out the floats and swim dock. 2-3 people. At the end of the season, this group pulls in the floats and winterizes & secures the swim dock

Lake Management Committee Member – be the TEA liaison to TLPOA Lake Manager John Gusmano and Pond & Lake Connection (James Gorman, main contact). Participate in email communications and bring any concerns to the TEA & TEA Board. More info:

CSLAP Testing Member (1 person needed) – We are looking to rejoin the New York State Federation of Lake Associations “Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program” which uses trained volunteers to sample the water conditions of Truesdale Lake and hundreds of other NY State Lakes. More info is at:

Resident Canada Geese Registration and Egg Control program volunteers (2-3 people needed to go out to the islands in March and April) – Each year we get permits from the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) to oil and addle eggs in the nests of Resident Canada geese. 20+ years ago there were hundreds of Canada geese that would take up permanent residence on Truesdale Lake for the summer. This causes unhealthy conditions in the lake and on lawns. More information at

Truesdale Lake Dock Committee (TLDC) – We have a joint TEA/TLPOA/Vreeland/Lake Shore Drive committee that accepts applications for new and renovated docks. The TLDC process is designed to help the homeowner comply with our requirements and the Town of Lewisboro’s regulations..

Truesdale Fishing Committee – fishing guidelines and signage around Truesdale Lake. Fishing information here:

Ad-hoc Building Committee – We built two boat racks at the TEA beach. These racks have 2 spots available for TEA members. If you are interested in a spot on the rack, the season rental is $100. If you are interested in helping build another one at the TEA Gilbert/Lake Shore property let us know. Other projects of the Building Committee in 2022 will include the new shed installation including a proposed tiki bar.

Landscaping committee – anyone with ideas to beautify our already lovely beach let us know. We have ornamental grasses along the boat launch fence side. Always looking for additional ideas to make it look good.

In 2022 we are looking to replace or repair the following items at the beach:

  • Boat Launch Dock bridge
  • Swim ropes and floats
  • Storage Shed

Anything else you can think of? Let us know…

Some helpful links for lake residents new and old:

TEA Map and Other TEA Resources Online
Map available at the website here:

For residents new to the lake, download the TEA Welcome and Information Packet from this location as well.

*If you are interested in volunteering for the TEA board or a specific activity, please email or fill out this questionnaire.

Contact Information

Truesdale Estates Association
PO Box 363
South Salem, NY 10590

*if you are not current with your TEA dues, you cannot vote until your dues are brought current.

January 5, 2022
by rob
Comments Off on Lake New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

Lake New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

Some Lake Stewardship Resolutions for the new year:

  1. I will join and volunteer with my lake association and make my voice heard and my energy felt during this coming year.
  2. I will get my septic tank pumped and inspected. If the tank baffles are missing or damaged, I’ll have them replaced. (Wind River, formerly Kaiser-Battistone offers 15% discount for lake area residents – but you have to tell them about the discount!) Regular septic pumping and maintenance is prudent for homeowners and for the lake health.
  3. I will “overseed” my lawn rather than spread fertilizer or pesticides. I’ll tell my lawn service – or myself – to cut my grass high and leave the clippings on the lawn. If I think fertilizer is needed, I’ll use phosphate-free fertilizer since it’s the law. I will also tell my lawn care company that it is illegal in Westchester County to use phosphate based fertilizer unless extensive testing has been done on the soil – and even then only on a limited basis and never within 20 feet of the lake.
  4. If I live on the lake, I’ll plant a “buffer” of native plants to slow the flow of rainwater or stormwater (and the pollutants and nutrients it carries) into the lake. (More info from Penn State.) I’ll also pull up some invasive plants and plant some native ones.
  5. I’ll pick up after my pets — and for the love of all that’s neighborly — I will throw their poop into MY OWN trash.
  6. This year I’ll make sure no oil or gas from my mower or car spills on the ground or into the lake.
  7. If I take coolers, sand toys, or other beach or boat items to another waterbody, I’ll make sure that they are free of weeds and shells before bringing them back here so I don’t transport invasive plants and animals.
  8. If I visit the association beaches and boat launch properties, I will leave them in better condition than when I arrived. That includes putting all beach toys away and removing trash.
  9. If I fish on the lake, I will clean up my fishing tackle, monofilament, and any hooks that get snared. I will get my Truesdale Resident Fishing Tag and display it when I fish on the lake. I will not fish in areas where fishing is prohibited (all beaches and the dam/spillway near the siphons). I will not leave fishing equipment, debris, or garbage around or in the lake. It does not disappear and it kills birds, turtles, and other wildlife.
  10. If I haven’t done so already, this is the year I’ll take a safe boating course.
  11. I will make sure my Truesdale Lake boat sticker is still affixed to all of my boats. If any have come off I will replace them. If I have new or unregistered boats I will register them and get a sticker. This applies for boats stored on private lakefronts as well as the boat launch properties.
  12. For when the lake is frozen if I have a ladder I will keep it close by the lake in case an ice rescue is needed.
  13. I’ll start or use a compost pile (away from the lake shore, wet areas, or streams).
  14. If it’s icy, I’ll minimize my use of salt by using kitty litter or sand where I can.
  15. I’ll learn more about my lake’s history, health, plants, and animals this year.
  16. I will send photos I take around the lake to us here ( or tag them #truesdalelake on our Instagram page so everyone can enjoy!
  17. I will try out sailing in the Truesdale Sunfish Fleet #27 this spring and summer. (Sunfish are available to borrow from lake residents if you’d like to give it a try – contact us ahead of the Sunday races and we can figure it out.)

Happy 2022 to all!

Thanks to Janet Andersen and others for these timely resolutions, add yours below in the comments.

December 4, 2021
by rob
Comments Off on Update on TEA Boat Launch Property at Corner of Lake Shore Drive and Gilbert Street

Update on TEA Boat Launch Property at Corner of Lake Shore Drive and Gilbert Street

In September, a request from Lewisboro highway superintendent Peter Ripperger about cutting down dead ash trees near power lines on the TEA’s boat launch property (1.5 acres) at the intersection of Lake Shore Drive and Gilbert Street started a multi-phase TEA project that will be ongoing for several years.

Phase 1 (complete):

  • Dangerous tree cutting. 18 dead ash trees were cut and cleared in September 2021.

Phase 2 (complete):

  • Clean up debris remaining from the tree clearing including vines, stumps, broken branches, and barberry plants destroyed by the heavy work of the tree cutting in phase 1. Phase 2 scoped out November 2021 and work was completed December 2021.

Phase 3 (2 years, Winter 2021-Spring 2023):

Goals: 1.) Convert the newly cleared area into a native plant pollinator pathway. 2.) Repair fencing, gates, and locks to boat launch entrances. 3.) Install private property, boat launch permission, and resident fishing tag requirement signage on all gateways.

Native pollinator/plant pathway establishment requires solarization of the cleared area to kill the persistent invasive species currently established on the property (barberry, privet, wild rose, burning bush, Norway maples, others) without the use of chemicals. Without solarization, the invasive species will return in the spring and a perfect opportunity to reclaim native planting areas to a section of the property in flux due to the tree work and ground disturbance will be lost.

The property has several watercourses that will carry any chemicals used directly into the lake. This is something we (and everyone around the lake) should avoid doing at all costs since it damages our most precious natural resource and the animals, plants, and insects that reside here with us.

Steps in Phase 3 include:

  • Take inventory of plants currently present on site.
  • Consult local native plant experts.
  • Purchase tarps and other ground coverings. Place around disturbed area to solarize invasives (kills without chemicals). This process takes two years and it will look ugly.
  • Lewisboro Garden Club experts recommended placing water bars or rocks near the pipe at the corner of Gilbert and Lake Shore to direct and slow the velocity of the water and limit erosion.
  • Repair and reinstall split rail fencing along the property line/roads edge.
  • Install fence gates, lockable latches, and private property signage at the two boat launch entrances.
  • Speak with town wetland consultant about permits needed for planting and fencing work.

Phase 4 (Spring 2024):

Replanting disturbed and newly solarized area.

Phase 5 (starting in 2023, ongoing):

  • Expand invasive plant control beyond the current disturbed area at the corner of Lake Shore and Gilbert Streets.
  • Cut back the invasive plants and repeat Phase 3 and Phase 4 over time to reclaim the land cover.
  • Replace over time with native species that are beneficial to the native plant, animal, and insect ecosystem.
  • Observe which native species are needed and thrive best. Adjust as needed for success.

This long-term project will help our lake maintain a healthier balance and attract a larger diversity of native species over time.

We are not “clear-cutting” this area. We are not creating a “park” either. We envision a vibrant, healthy, green area that will provide ground cover to this unique undeveloped riparian property on Truesdale Lake. It is the largest mostly undeveloped property on the lake and it provides some of the best cover for nesting birds, small mammals, and amphibians in our very busy recreational lake.

Note: The project phases and outline is subject to change as time, budget, goals, and permits require.

If you are interested in helping out, please reach out to If you have expertise you’d like to offer, we welcome your input.


Property between phase 1 and phase 2 (October 2021)
After phase 2 clean-up (December 2021)

December 3, 2021
by rob
Comments Off on Holiday Caroling and Fundraiser

Holiday Caroling and Fundraiser

Join us for a Holiday Caroling Night at the TLPOA Beach! December 19th @ 6 PM

Part of the evening will be a Luminary Fundraiser to support Animal Nation!

In the spirit of the Holiday Season, we would like to continue the charitable component to our Caroling Night!

Help us decorate the streets of our neighborhood for Caroling Night while spreading light and love (and vital support) to animals in need.  

Every luminary set purchased is a donation to Animal Nation.

We are asking for a $5 minimum donation for a set of 10 paper bags and candles. That covers our cost and gives $2 to Animal Nation. Each set includes an even number of paper bags and tea lights – 10 is enough to add some light along the street, while 40 would extend to your neighbors’ and likely up to your door too! If you are able, please consider donating more and 100% of every additional dollar will go to their Sanctuary!

All luminary sets will be dropped off at your home on December 18th. Please have your luminaries lit along the street near your home by sundown on December 19th. Then grab your cocoa and enjoy a twinkly walk to the beach for our annual caroling night!!

The evening event will begin at 6 PM at the Indian Lane Dam and make its way down Gilbert Street to the beach for Caroling where a few fire pits, a guest musician, goody bags and a visit from Santa will greet the group.

Please use the form below to place your order.  All orders must be received by Noon on December 11th! 

TLPOA Charitable Fundraiser – Luminary Order Form

We look forward to a wonderful evening and supporting a local organization!
TLPOA Social Committee

Note: Lake residents from all Truesdale associations are welcome to participate. Thank you TLPOA members for always making this a welcoming event every year! 🙂