Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

Dock Reasonable Use Criteria

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Reasonable Use Criteria (RUC) for Building and Maintaining a Dock on Truesdale Lake

Reasonable Use Criteria for Building and Maintaining a Dock on Truesdale Lake includes, but is not limited to the following:


Dock Design Guidelines (for properties < =1/2 acre OR <= 50 foot frontage)

☐Platform width less than or equal to 12 feet

☐Platform length less than or equal to 12 feet

☐Finger width less than or equal to 4 feet

☐Total length less than or equal to 32 feet

☐Minimum setback 12 feet from property line extension

☐Permanent supports must be a minimum of 3 feet inside dock owner’s property line

☐Dock supports must not disturb or extend into the lake bottom


Dock Design Guidelines (for properties > 1/2 acre AND > 50 foot frontage)

☐Platform width less than or equal to 14 feet

☐Platform length less than or equal to 14 feet

☐Finger width less than or equal to 4.5 feet

☐Total length less than or equal to 40 feet

☐Minimum setback 15 feet from property line extension

☐Permanent supports must be a minimum of 3 feet inside dock owner’s property line

☐Dock supports must not disturb or extend into the lake bottom


Lake and Lake Bed Maintenance Guidelines

☐ Septic systems must be maintained and pumped at least every 36 months

☐ Property owner must be in good membership standing with respective lake association

☐ In cases where the property is not associated with a specific lake association, property owner must contribute a fair amount towards the annual management and treatment of Truesdale Lake comparable to the portion of the lake associations’ fees that are apportioned to lake maintenance

☐ Property owner must maintain a homeowner’s insurance policy that covers property extensions

☐ Property owner must maintain the dock until it is removed or replaced


General Approvals

☐ Property owner must receive consent from TEA to build and maintain a dock

☐ Property owner must apply for and receive all necessary town, wetlands, and DEC approvals and building permits

☐ Property owners must not obstruct the free flow of water and boat traffic on the lake with dock construction out of proportion with the individual property and lakefront, even if the guidelines seem to allow it. In nearly all such cases, a site visit is needed.


Below are some examples of dock configurations. Please note individual properties may and will have limitations that may not allow for the exact dock you want to build. In some limited circumstances, no dock at all may be buildable given a property’s constraints. Limits are set by, among other things, setbacks, water flow, vegetation, property lines, water depth, rocks, etc.

In all instances keep in mind that the lake bottom is owned by the Truesdale Estates Association. Building on it – or attaching to it – is not permitted.

If Truesdale Lake Dock Committee approval is given to construct the dock, the homeowner can take that approval and all of the documents (plans, photos, approval letter, etc) to apply for a wetlands permit with the Town of Lewisboro. Our committee’s approval process is designed to make the application to the town very smooth.


Floating dock configuration EXAMPLE with terms. We also need Top and Side elevations.

One suggested EXAMPLE configuration