The Truesdale Estates Association (TEA) beach is on Truesdale Lake Drive. It is open to TEA members in good standing and accompanied guests. Please sign in when you arrive at the beach.
The entries below show the beach calendar if it has been updated. Click on the event if one is listed to see the details.
The beach property, including the fishing dock, is private. Only TEA Regular Members and accompanied guests are permitted to use the TEA beach.
No boat storage is allowed at the beach property, with the exception of the lifeguard boat.
Full Truesdale Boat information is available at this page. This includes information about gas powered boats and boat launch permission
Below are some brief notes about Boats at Truesdale Lake:
- Only lake residents are permitted to have boats in Truesdale Lake.
- No public boat launching is allowed at the TEA boat launch. The launch is for the exclusive use of TEA members in good standing.
- We also grant permission for TLPOA and Lovecross/Vreeland association members to use the boat launch if needed for non-gasoline powered resident-owned boats.
- If you are a resident and you need a boat sticker/permit, please visit the boat sticker application page here.
- Boat registration is free for lake residents.
- We check all registrations against a list of properties in the associations.
- If you are not a resident and member in good standing, you will not be issued a sticker for your boat.
If you have a question for the TEA board, please contact us at
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