Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

TEA Clambake Cancelled – Potluck Dinner Planned Instead

TEA Members, Associates, and Friends:

Unfortunately the TEA Clambake had to be cancelled***. We only got 14 RSVPs by the RSVP date which is not enough to justify a catered affair with DJ (we typically have 60-90 attendees). The power outage after the hurricane week really threw things off since that is our big RSVP week and many many people understandably had other priorities. With a good deal of arm twisting, Carol did manage to transfer all of the deposits we put down to next year’s clambake (mark it on your calendar – Sept 8th, 2012!) from the caterer, DJ, and table rentals, so that saves the association from taking a bath with the $$ in the long run. We are counting on being back to the traditional clambake next year. Consider this your very early “save the date” notice! 😉

***As for this coming Saturday night — we are planning on having a party at the beach (adults only, like the clambake) from 6:30-11:30 but potluck style. We have a bunch of tables (can always use more though!) that can be used and the theme is up in the air but we will figure something out — suggestions welcome! We also have access to a sound system, speakers, and music, plus possible karaoke if you dare. We also have tikis and some other party fixins. There are charcoal grills at the beach and we may wheel a few gas grills over as well to cook some food up as needed. And we may just light up a bonfire on the beach… (smores anyone?)

We plan to make it a festive evening for all — hope you can come!

Let us know if you are interested! Respond to with questions or RSVP — or just show up with some good food, good drink, and good cheer!! BYO Chair! 😉

Party on!

-The Clambake Committee

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