This post is summarized/edited/updated from a note sent from Susan Enos:
On October 8, there was a well attended presentation by Ken Kohlbrenner (Woodard & Curran engineering firm), Tony Goncalves (Lewisboro Town Supervisor), and Chris Burdick (NY State Representative and former town of Bedford Supervisor) on the proposed waste water treatment system and sewer district for selected homeowners from the Three Lakes and Truesdale Lake.
- See Sept 2024 Meeting Announcement post here, also sent via email to lake association residents:
Here are links to both the notes and video of the 10/08 Sewer District meeting:
- Link to notes from the October 8th, 2024 meeting:
- Link to 10/8/24 meeting video: available at the Lewisboro TV channel:
On October 29, there was a similar presentation by Ken Kohlbrenner and Tony on the proposed septic replacement project and septic district and for Lake Kitchawan.
- Link to October 29th, 2024 septic meeting notes:
- The video of the 10/29/24 meeting is at the Lewisboro TV channel here:
Further information will be posted at the website and also on the Lewisboro Lakes page on the Town of Lewisboro website. Most of the Kitchawan homeowners who attended the Oct 29, 2024 meeting seemed in favor of the project.
The other good news regarding the sewer and septic projects is that Lewisboro was recently awarded a grant of $375K from the Water Infrastructure Improvement Program (WIIA) for the sewer project. In the grant application we had requested $3.2M, so this leaves us with a current shortfall for the sewer project. Tony Goncalves has offered to follow up on the grant amount awarded and help plan a strategy going forward.
There are dedicated funds from other sources which will hopefully enable Lewisboro to go forward with the proposed septic replacement project for Lake Kitchawan as well as providing a basis for the proposed wastewater treatment project for Truesdale and the Three Lakes. I will keep you informed as we get more information. –Sue Enos, Truesdale Lake resident and LLC member
Past posts on this proposed project can be found here:
Phase 1 Map (phase 1 & 2 maps are in earlier posts):