TEA typically opens the summer with an open invite to lake residents & guests to our BBQ at the TEA Beach the second Saturday in June. (June 11, 2022) #weatherpermitting
This year this date corresponds to the first (nearly) full moon of the summer. So we are combining the kickoff and moonlight regatta!
5pm kickoff at TEA beach, we provide the burgers, hot dogs, chicken and soft drinks. You provide the rest. (desserts, salads, alt bev) Arrive by boat, car, bike, or foot – your choice.
At around 8pm we will head out on the moonlit lake. (BYO Truesdale Lake registered boat with a Truesdale Lake Sticker or make arrangements ahead with someone who has one!) Moon will rise over trees on the east side of the lake at around 5:21pm and be up at 80% full by regatta time — lighting up the water.
BYO Light Source(s) to help navigate home.
Lightup decoration on boats encouraged – not too bright! Glow sticks, LEDs, etc. if you have a dock, navigation lights are appreciated! (Not too bright)