Come out on the lake to welcome the full moon FRIDAY July 23, 2021.

- Plan to be underway by 8:15 (prep your boats during daylight hours) and arrive mid-lake by 8:30pm. The moon will rise at 8:32pm but won’t be visible over the eastern treeline until around 9pm.
- All ages welcome!
- Light up your boats creatively — but not too brightly. Glow sticks, LEDs, lanterns with dimming control, etc.
- Hang out as long as you’d like. BYO whatever you’d like. Sharing optional but welcomed.
- Meet new neighbors and reacquaint with old ones.
- Save the higher powered lights to help you get back to your launch area afterwards. Please refrain from shining bright lights while gathered.
- Once people have adjusted to night vision you’d be amazed how well you can see by full moonlight.
Weather dependent — we can still go out with cloud cover but steady rain cancels. Hoping for the same magical weather we had event last August!
Ideas, questions, feedback? Let us all know…
See event and updates on Nextdoor Truesdale and Lake Truesdale Instagram