Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

June 21, 2016
by rob
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Lake Management Presentation by Christian Jenne from SUNY Oneonta

On Thursday, June 16th, Christian Jenne presented his preliminary findings on the state of Truesdale Lake. Slides from his presentation are below. His final written report – which is also his Masters in Lake Management thesis for the SUNY Oneonta Masters in Lake Management program – we anticipate will be published in September 2016.

Click below to view slides. (these are available at lake website in this article)

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June 15, 2016
by rob
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Lake Meeting June 16th

Reminder: Two meetings on Thursday evening 6/16 at the South Salem Presbyterian Church.

1.) TLPOA members will meet from 7 – 8 p.m. — to review TLPOA matters (our budget, our water system, our plans for the coming year). **This first meeting is only for TLPOA members.**

2.) Then, at 8:15 – all those interested in Truesdale Lake are invited for the second meeting. Christian Jenne (from the SUNY Oneonta lake management team – who has been working with us for the past two years) — will make a presentation — and then we will have some time for questions and to discuss “next steps.”

The second meeting is open to all lake residents and will run from 8:15 until about 9:45. Continue reading

June 14, 2016
by rob
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Call for Summer Lake Photos

Send in your Summer Photos all summer long to and I will post them at the lake website.

Photos can feature wildlife, summer activities, leaves, flowers, boating, swimming, sailing, fishing — or pretty much anything that happens in summer around and on Truesdale Lake.

If you have a title for your photo, let me know. All photos will be credited to the photographer.

Thanks! … Rob Continue reading

June 2, 2016
by rob
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Dead Fish

You may have noticed dead fish along the shoreline recently. We have seen this before with Sunfish late every spring. But this looks like a different species of fish – Alewife – which we have not seen before in such quantities.

Testing will be done on some of these fish to rule out any unnatural causes for their deaths.

For now we are assuming that it was a combination of factors that led to their deaths:

-The sudden heatwave of Memorial Day weekend,
-The end of the spawning season which leaves fish exhausted and fragile (been there, done that),
-and large flocks of Cormorants hunting these fish which stresses them more.

In short, very likely natural causes.

[ If you are interested in following this topic, you should join the Nextdoor Truesdale neighborhood page and check out your neighbor’s posts and information about these and other current topics! Link to join: ]

It is important to note that we have NOT treated the lake to date in 2016 so anything related to Aquathol-K or other treatments can be ruled out as a cause.

We are also interested in learning how Alewife came to be in Truesdale Lake and what impact their population will have on the lake ecosystem. Christian Jenne, who is studying the lake from the SUNY Oneonta Lake Management program, can hopefully offer insight into the impact the fish may have and if it is new to our lake.

It is possible the fish were stocked upstream and escaped down into the lake. Or a lake resident or fisherman may have added them on purpose or inadvertently, perhaps from a baitfish bucket? The long term impact remains to be seen.

Here’s a link to an interesting article Barbara Cohen found online from the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant program with some more detailed explanations noting that Alewife are usually salt water fish and spawn in fresh water unless trapped upstream. Quoting from that article:

“Alewives are not well adapted to the osmotic stress associated with life in fresh water. In freshwater, the salt concentration in a fish’s body is higher than the surrounding water. For this reason water tends to leak into the cells of the fish, a process called osmosis. Freshwater fish must constantly ‘pump’ water out of their bodies; fish that are well adapted to a freshwater environment have larger kidneys than their saltwater counterparts. Because of this physiological stress, alewives are rather sensitive to disturbances in [their] environment… A severe change in water temperature … can cause the fish to die.”

We will update this article if we learn anything new. Continue reading