Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

October 16, 2024
by rob

Fall 2024 TEA Membership Meeting: Mon, Nov 11

Fall 2024 Membership Meeting November 11th @ Horse & Hound

The TEA Annual Spring Membership Meeting is planned for Monday, November 11, 2024 at the Horse & Hound at 94 Spring Street. We also plan to have a laptop/camera at the meeting broadcasting over Zoom for TEA members interested in watching remotely.

Meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Note: This meeting is for TEA Members only.

Email to RSVP for in-person. If you want the Zoom Link please ask for it when you RSVP.

If you are new to the TEA or you want to update us on your information, please fill out the TEA Resident Questionnaire. Thanks!

➡ President and other Officer reports
➡ Treasurer:

  • YTD FY2024-2025 Budget vs. Actual review

➡ Beach Report / Lake Committee update

➡ Projects Update: Drawdown / Septics / Sewer
➡ Upcoming meeting schedule for coming year.

The TEA Officer roles are two year terms. At the end of 2024 the terms will end and we need to fill the roles for the next 2 year (2025-2026) term.


A lot of the same people are taking on the board and officer roles, some for many years. Fresh eyes and fresh energy is needed and valued. If you are new to the community and want to help, there are lots of ways to pitch in.

Current TEA Officers for 2023-24: (Terms Expiring Dec 31, 2024)

  • President (Jo Ann and George Ferrigno, co-presidents) – organizes & runs meetings, in charge of recruiting next president and officers. Can sign checks.
  • Vice President (Debbie Fink) – runs meetings when President can’t attend. Fills in other roles as needed. Can sign checks.
  • Treasurer (Ruth Vellensky) – deposits checks, writes checks, tracks and reports on income/expense and bank balances. Tax filing 990.
  • Recording Secretary (Howard Citron) – Takes meeting minutes, sends drafts to board and membership attendees post-meeting.
  • Corresponding Secretary (Rob Cummings) – Receives and replies to association correspondence.
  • Sergeant-at-Arms (Kate Grieve) – guards the door (or virtual door).

For the upcoming 2025-26 term we have officers for the following positions — with others open as noted:

  • President – Rob Cummings (unless someone else wants to do it)
  • Vice President – OPEN
  • Treasurer – Ellen Rose
  • Recording Secretary – OPEN
  • Corresponding Secretary – OPEN
  • Sergeant At Arms – OPEN

Formal roles/descriptions for Officers are in the TEA Bylaws here:

At-large Board members (7-10 members needed) attend 4 standing meetings per year. Current board members are: Sarah Polizzotto, Kate Grieve, Mike Vellensky, Lisa Capobianco, Glenn Capobianco, Harron Appleman, Melissa Scarlatto, Tom Houlihan, Ira Sanchick, Kathleen Ward Gallagher, Carol Gamez, and Wendy Daniels.

Sarah Polizzotto and Kate Grieve are the co-beach chairs.

Standing Association Meetings are on the following UPDATED schedule:
-TEA Membership Meetings (entire membership invited 2x/year):
SECOND Monday of April (April 14, 2025, Spring Membership Meeting)
—SECOND Monday of November (Nov 11, 2024, Fall Membership Meeting, the one coming up)
-TEA Board Meetings (board members only):
—SECOND Monday of March (March 10, 2025)
—SECOND Monday of October (Oct 13, 2025)
Special Meetings can be called for association business.

Critical positions that don’t have to be board members:

Beach Chairperson – Hire and train lifeguards, coordinate beach clean-up, monitor beach conditions, keep an eye on beach things like electricity and trash service. Lots more! A lot of overlap with the Social Chairperson. Sarah Polizzotto and Kate Grieve are currently co-chairs.

Social Chairperson – Plan and get volunteers for any social events – primarily the Summer Kickoff BBQ the second weekend in June. Some events can be at our beach while others we can coordinate with TLPOA. This position is all about fun!

Volunteer Opportunities & Committees:

Beach Clean-up Day – the Saturday before Memorial Day Weekend (May) each year. Lots of sand spreading, weed cleanup, general maintenance, and straightening up the beach getting ready for the first official weekend of summer on Memorial Day Weekend.

Floats and Dock installation, management, and winterizing – 2-3 people needed – at the beginning of the season, usually on Beach Clean-up Day, volunteers put out the floats and swim dock. 2-3 people. At the end of the season, this group pulls in the floats and winterizes & secures the swim dock.

Lake Management Committee Member – be the TEA liaison to TLPOA Lake Manager John Gusmano and Pond & Lake Connection (James Gorman, main contact). Participate in email communications and bring any concerns to the TEA & TEA Board. More info:

CSLAP Testing Member (1 person needed) – We are looking to rejoin the New York State Federation of Lake Associations “Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program” which uses trained volunteers to sample the water conditions of Truesdale Lake and hundreds of other NY State Lakes. More info is at:

Resident Canada Geese Registration and Egg Control program volunteers (2-3 people needed to go out to the islands in March and April) – Each year we get permits from the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) to oil and addle eggs in the nests of Resident Canada geese. 20+ years ago there were hundreds of Canada geese that would take up permanent residence on Truesdale Lake for the summer. This causes unhealthy conditions in the lake and on lawns. More information at

Truesdale Lake Dock Committee (TLDC) – We have a joint TEA/TLPOA/Vreeland/Lake Shore Drive committee that accepts applications for new and renovated docks. The TLDC process is designed to help the homeowner comply with our requirements and the Town of Lewisboro’s regulations..

Truesdale Fishing Committee – fishing guidelines and signage around Truesdale Lake. Fishing information here:

Ad-hoc Building Committee – We built two boat racks at the TEA beach. These racks have 2 spots available for TEA members. If you are interested in a spot on the rack, the season rental is $100. If you are interested in helping build an additional boat rack at our TEA Gilbert/Lake Shore boat launch property let us know. Other projects of the Building Committee in 2022 will include the new shed installation including a proposed tiki bar.

Landscaping committee – anyone with ideas to beautify our already lovely beach let us know. We have ornamental grasses along the boat launch fence side. Always looking for additional ideas to make it look good.

In 2025 we are looking to replace or repair the following items at the beach:

  • Boat Launch Dock, bridge, and path
  • Storage Shed / electric
  • 3rd Boat rack

Anything else you can think of? Let us know…

Some helpful links for lake residents new and old:

TEA Map and Other TEA Resources Online
Map available at the website here:

For residents new to the lake, download the TEA Welcome and Information Packet from this link above as well.

*If you are interested in volunteering for the TEA board or a specific activity, please email or fill out this questionnaire.

Contact Information

Truesdale Estates Association
PO Box 363
South Salem, NY 10590

*if you are not current with your TEA dues, you cannot vote until your dues are brought current.

TEA Board Meeting – Notes Fall 2024 – SUMMARY OF ITEMS OF INTEREST

Drawdown 2024-25

Septic/Sewer Plan – Engineering studies (FUTURE)

Beach improvements

  • Dock rebuilding – Corey (who did the step repair) will get us price.
  • Phragmites are beginning to spread again and will need to be cut back in 2025. Our landscaper did the south side of beach 4-5 years ago. Need to do for next to plunge pond/Boat Launch area.
  • Shed replacement
    • Electric meter move
  • 3rd boat rack – members to build

October 4, 2024
by rob

Proposed Lewisboro sewer district – Clean W.O.T.R. Project

Information for the lake community – public information session – Tuesday October 8, 2024 @ 7:30pm at the Lewisboro Courthouse / Commons at 79 Bouton Road. Email questions to

Note: This document in PDF form is available at the bottom of this post.

Past posts on this proposed project can be found here:

A sewer district for Lakes Waccabuc, Oscaleta, Truesdale, and Rippowam

In 2021, the town obtained grant funds for engineering studies on lakes Kitchawan, Truesdale, and Waccabuc. Study results pointed to failing and poorly functioning septic systems as a source of phosphorus pollution to our lakes – and, as you know, phosphorus enables growth of algae and aquatic plants. Septic systems work when the wastewater can percolate and be purified by chemical and bacterial actions in the soil. A failing septic system has wastewater evident from the surface or backing up into the home. Poorly functioning septic systems allow septic wastewater to reach groundwater before being purified. Groundwater can then carry phosphorus to the lakes and into the aquifer that provides our drinking water. Poorly functioning septic systems may pass DOH muster but still polute.

In our watersheds, poorly functioning septic systems are likely to be a larger issue than failing systems. Poorly functioning systems can result from environmental constraints or aging system components. Septic systems need good soils to treat wastewater. Poorly functioning septic systems may be on steep slopes (>15%), or have shallow depth to bedrock, shallow depth to groundwater, very fast or very slow infiltration rates, or be within 150’ of lakes, streams, or wetlands. Or they could be old. EPA estimates that the lifespan of a septic system is 50 years. Cornell Cooperative Extension says the best case useful life is 20 to 30 years. Regular pumping and maintenance should help extend operational life, but at some point septic systems will need replacement. Most of the homes around our lakes were built more than 50 years ago. But even with replacement, the environmental issues of slope and soil on our constrainted lots have not changed. Sewers will ensure that the waste is properly handled.

With Input from community members and elected officials, engineers developed a sewer proposal, sized based on anticipated funding availability of $40M. The plan includes selected parcels on Truesdale, Waccabuc, Rippowam, and Oscaleta lakes. The wastewater treatment plant would be near the Town’s current recycling center and highway garage. A collection system will run from the homes, along the roads, to the wastewater treatment plant. After treatment, plant effluent would be discharged into the Waccabuc River tributary stream that flows out of Truesdale Lake.

Many steps remain before implementation. We need to obtain funding. The plan requires approval by a host of permitting agencies. A majority of homes that would be in the project must vote in favor.

Proposed septic district (image)

Proposed Lewisboro sewer district – Clean W.O.T.R. Project – FAQ’s

  1. Why establish a sewer tax district?

A tax district is a legal structure which isolates the costs of a project to those who benefit from the project, i.e., the costs of the sewer tax district only apply to the users of the sewer. The Town will use its taxing powers to collect payments, and those in the district will have tax-deductible payments (although SALT applies). Tax districts are set up for water systems (like in Vista), for fire departments (like South Salem, Vista, and Goldens Bridge FDs). Peach Lake set up a tax district for their sewer system.

  1. What is the procedure to set up a tax district?

Engineers draw up a Map, Plan and Report, which specifies the type of district, the parcels included, the budget, and the per-parcel cost. The costs can be structured based on number of parcels or property value. Town Board approves the district formation and holds a referendum. Property owners within the district would then vote to approve or reject the proposed district. The exact voting rules will be explained before the vote. We certainly hope that a large majority would vote in favor. The Town Board would then approve the tax district. District formation will also require approval by the office of the State Comptroller.

  1. What properties would be included in the tax district?

The proposed sewer district currently includes 304 houses around Truesdale, Waccabuc, Oscaleta, and Rippowam. This will be finalized in the Map, Plan, and Report, available before the vote is taken.

  1. How much money is required for the projects?

We plan to get the capital funding required through grants and funds obtained by the Town. The beneficiaries, that is, the homes within the tax district, must pay for the ongoing operations and maintenance as a tax. The ongoing costs of the sewer district are likely to be higher than the periodic cost to pump a conventional septic tank.

  1. About how much will this cost me? Will I have to do any maintenance?

Maintenance and repairs are the responsibility of the district, and you will not have to worry about repair costs to your septic system ever again. The current estimates are that the annual cost for each home in the sewer district will be roughly $1450, or a bit less than $125/month. We will know more details when the map, plan, and report is complete.

  1. Where will the proposed treatment plant be located? Will it be offensive?

The treatment plant will be located behind the Town House, where the current recycling center and some highway equipment is stored. The sewage treatment will be indoors and contained, and both odor and noise abatement will be part of the design. It is likely that the building will look like a barn or similar structure appropriate for its setting. For examples, see the wastewater treatment plants at the Lewisboro Elementary School, at Oakridge Commons, at Wild Oaks, and at Michelle Estates.

  1. Where will the effluent from the treatment plant go? Will it go into Truesdale Lake?

The treatment plant wastewater will be piped to the Waccabuc River tributary created by the outfall from Truesdale Lake, and will enter near where Main Street crosses over the stream. The treated effluent will not enter any of the lakes. Dewatered solids remaining at the plant after processing will be removed by a septic pumping truck.

July 17, 2024
by rob
Comments Off on Lake Treatment tomorrow 7/18 #Cutrine

Lake Treatment tomorrow 7/18 #Cutrine

@pond_and_lake_connection is coming tomorrow (Thursday 7/18) to treat the lake with #cutrine to control algae. No Water restrictions #truesdalelake

Follow for more lake related photos, video, and announcements.

June 29, 2024
by rob
Comments Off on Algae Treatment Thursday 6/27/24

Algae Treatment Thursday 6/27/24

@pond_and_lake_connection came today to treat the lake with #cutrine to control algae. Water restrictions (swimming, irrigation) are 24 hours so all will be ready for the weekend #truesdalelake

Follow for more photos, video, and announcements.

June 2, 2024
by rob
Comments Off on Lower Hudson Lakes Conference – June 14, 2024

Lower Hudson Lakes Conference – June 14, 2024

NYSFOLA Lower Hudson Regional Conference
June 14, 2024 – 9:00am to 12:30pm

at The Sedgewood Club on China Pond, Kent, NY

The Sedgewood Club on China Pond, Kent, NY

Registration Reminder — If you have already registered, thank you. There is no need to re-register.

We are currently at two-thirds of capacity. Please register soon.

Registration will close at 6:00pm on June 11 or earlier if we reach capacity.

Speak with experts. Connect with local lake users. Share ideas and experiences.Registration is $15 and includes optional networking lunch.
Registration required. No walk-ins please!Planned agenda:How Much Do You Need? (surveying, sampling, surveillance)
        Scott Kishbaugh, Division of Water, NYSDEC (ret)
Tried and True Technologies – or are they?
        Chris Mikolajczyk, CLM, Princeton Hydro
Watershed Disturbance and Lake Phosphorus
        Alene Onion, Division of Water, NYSDEC
It’s in the Bag – Passive phosphorus uptake
        AJ Reyes, CLM, GEI Consultants

Speaker sessions run through 12:30.
Optional lunch for networking or speaker roundtables 12:30 – 2:30.
Please consider bringing a refillable water bottle to limit waste.

Looking forward to seeing you there! 

–Janet Andersen and Ina Cholst

Presented by: New York State Federation of Lake Associations, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Putnam County, Putnam County Soil and Water Conservation, Town of Kent Lakes Association, and The Sedgewood Club.

May 24, 2024
by rob
Comments Off on Friday June 21st – Summer Solstice FULL MOON Regatta!

Friday June 21st – Summer Solstice FULL MOON Regatta!

Get yourself and your boat(s) ready for the first Truesdale Lake moonlight regatta of 2024. Date is June 21st (the Strawberry Moon). If the weather cooperates this will be a fun way to kick off the true summer season on the lake!

This is the summer solstice as well – and the moon will be completely full at exactly 9:07pm on Friday June 21st the longest daylight day of the year.

Bring the kids. Bring the lights! Bring the cheer! More information and photos is here:

Sunset is at 8:30pm on Friday, June 21st. Civil twilight begins at 9:04pm. We recommend heading out on the lake between these times. Moonrise is 8:49pm and the moon will rise over trees on the east side of the lake 15-20 minutes after then — lighting up the water.

Prep your watercraft — in the daylight — with lights and provisions. Check your light batteries beforehand! Bring extra provisions to share!

BYO Truesdale Lake registered boat with a Truesdale Lake Registration Sticker — or make arrangements ahead to join with someone who has one!

Remember to bring light source(s) to help navigate home.

Lighting decoration on boats encouraged and helpful to the other boats out in the night-time.

Please don’t make your boat too bright – if you are not sure, test it a few nights beforehand. Residents have used glow sticks, LEDs, lanterns, etc. if you have a dock on the lake, putting out navigation lights is appreciated!

#moonlightregatta #truesdalelake #laketruesdale – post your pics – both prep and out on the lake!

May 20, 2024
by rob
Comments Off on TLPOA Spring 2024 Newsletter

TLPOA Spring 2024 Newsletter

This newsletter is published and sent to the TLPOA membership. Some of the items are TLPOA specific, but many of them are of interest to all lake residents regardless of association.

Here’s a snippet of the top front page… (more at the link below or click the image to view PDF)

Here it is:

May 20, 2024
by rob
Comments Off on Lake Wide Tag Sale – June 1 (Rain Date Jun 8)

Lake Wide Tag Sale – June 1 (Rain Date Jun 8)

From the TLPOA:

“The TLPOA social committee is organizing a lake-wide tag sale for June 1st (rain date June 8th). We are asking lake community households that want to participate to sign up (link below) and we will advertise to the wider, local communities and create a map for people to locate the participating households. TEA members are also very welcome to sign up and participate if they’re interested.”

See link to sign up: To have a house entered on the map entry is $30. Proceeds will go towards lake improvements. 

April 30, 2024
by rob
Comments Off on Continued push for sewer proposal

Continued push for sewer proposal

UPDATE from the Lewisboro Septic/Sewer Working Group which includes residents of Truesdale Lake and the Three Lakes (Waccabuc, Rippowam, Oscaleta) plus Town Board members, other officials, and consulting engineers.

A brief recap: In 2021, the town obtained grant funds for engineering studies on lakes Kitchawan, Truesdale, and Waccabuc. Study results pointed to failing and poorly functioning septic systems as a source of phosphorus pollution to our lakes – and, as you know, phosphorus enables growth of algae and aquatic plants. While well-sited and maintained septic systems can treat waste effectively, sewers, where affordable, will ensure that the waste is properly handled.

Initial wastewater solution With a lot of input from community members, elected officials, and engineers, a preliminary sewer approach was established, sized based on anticipated funding availability of $40M. The plan includes selected parcels on Truesdale, Waccabuc, Rippowam, and Oscaleta lakes. The wastewater treatment plant would be near the current recycling center and highway garage. A collection system will run from the homes, along the roads, to the wastewater treatment plant. After treatment, plant effluent would be discharged into the stream that flows out of Truesdale Lake.

Many steps remain before implementation. The town must be successful in two different grants. The town will reapply for grants in 2024. Additional funding from Westchester County and NYCDEP needs to be approved. The plan requires approval by a host of permitting agencies. Homes that would be in the project must vote in favor.

The draft plan may change for many reasons, including funding availability. It is very exciting to see these proposals moving forward. Stay tuned for more updates.