The Truesdale Lake Drive “site 3” stormwater project (click here for all sites described) is nearing completion. There are two big steps before the project is done.
First the hydrodynamic separator needs to be installed in the upper part of the lower parking lot. After this is done, the second major item — paving it all — can get underway.
Last week the boat launch ramp was built. This will make it easier for the treatment boat to get in and out of the lake. On the flipside, it will make it easier for non-resident day boaters to use the lake which is not allowed. The TEA will be putting a chain across the lower driveway with key access to prevent this. The fire department will be given a key to use when they are training.
In addition, three trees were added to fill in some of the trees that were taken down during the construction. Waterside plantings are next and will probably go in next week.
- Showing the new boat launch
- Site 3 Detail of Separator
- Wider view of pond and boat launch.
- Pipe leading to plunge pond. Note new tree on left.