GET PUMPED!! Septic, that is.
Did you know?
The Town of Lewisboro requires that Lewisboro residents must pump their septic tanks at least every 5 years. If you live on or close to the lake, you should pump every 2-3 years.
Why is this important?
Truesdale Lake is on the New York State “Impaired and Threatened Waters List” because we have an excessive amount of phosphorus. Much of the phosphorus comes from human waste that leaches into the lake from poorly maintained or failing septic systems. Too much phosphorus causes excessive weed growth, algae and harmful algal blooms. Most of the phosphorus continues to accumulate at the bottom of the lake which worsens these conditions from year to year. Poor water quality interferes with swimming, boating, fishing and the enjoyment of our beautiful lake.
Approximately 23% of all Truesdale Lake residents have not pumped their septic tanks in 5 or more years!
How do I know when I last pumped my septic tank?
Westchester County records the pump out service dates for every property in the County. These records are not always 100% correct because sometimes septic pump out companies fail to submit accurate data (name/address/date) on the required forms.
You can access septic pump out records on your property through this link: https://gis.westchestergov.com/
Type “Septic pump out” and the year you want to access in the search window. Enter your street address on the GIS map. (Please note: Data from 2023 is not yet available. If you pumped this year, it hasn’t been published).
Are there any alternative solutions to reduce septic pollution being considered for Truesdale Lake?
Currently, a new wastewater treatment system is being explored for parts of the Truesdale and Three
Lakes communities. This project is dependent on substantial competitive grants being awarded to the
Town of Lewisboro and would take years to be built. More information is at https://www.lewisborogov.com/community/page/lewisboro-lakes and https://www.lewisborogov.com/sites/default/files/fileattachments/community/page/20695/2023-
More information is on our lake website here: https://truesdalelake.com/2023/07/cleaning-up-our-lakes-septics-sewers/
What should I do to “Get Pumped”?
Schedule an appointment with a septic company to pump out your septic tank. A list of some local companies used by many Lewisboro residents (but not necessarily recommended) follows.
If the company you choose is from Connecticut or out of Westchester County, make sure that the company will accurately report your name, address and service date to Westchester County.
Keep a copy of your receipt!
Thank you in advance for “Getting Pumped” this fall!
Message from TLPOA, TEA and Truesdale friends and neighbors
Some Local Septic Companies:
- East Coast Septic Service; 914-922-0854
- Gary E. Powell; 914-234-7455
- Kaiser Batisone; 914-774-1952
- Katonah Septic; 914-755-8836
- Ronnie’s Septic Tank; 914-774-1952
- Vogler Brothers Septic; 914-232-5535
- Westchester Septic Service; 914-232-3943 (Kenny Munoz)