If the property is not listed here, it is not in the TEA deeded lake rights original subdivision.Â
Important: If the property is not listed here, it is not in the TEA deeded lake rights original subdivision.Â
We cannot add properties to the TEA original subdivision. Lake rights cannot be purchased separately from the properties listed here.
Lake rights come with the properties in the original TEA subdivision. Only homeowners who own property in the original TEA subdivision can become regular members of the TEA with voting rights and the ability to serve on the board as members and officers. Members must maintain annual membership in TEA.
Homeowners who purchase houses in the original TEA subdivision can join TEA, Inc and become members of the association.
It is possible to purchase one of the very few undeveloped/undevelopable property within the TEA lake rights borders from the list below and become a household member of TEA by applying for and joining the association by paying initiation fee and consistently paying annual dues. Any year dues are not paid will result in suspension of TEA property access. If not paid promptly after then, permanent expulsion from the association property access results. Multiple households cannot be members through one property.
Multiple properties can be part of one household. TEA bills dues per household, not per lot. We have included the Owner ID # to help determine if multiple properties are owned by a single household. (For example, owner ID #2003 owns multiple lots.)
Multiple households cannot join the association through one property.
Some properties are Undeveloped (marked with a “U”). Some of these are undevelopable lots (lake access right of way, too small to build on, or wetlands). Some of the undeveloped properties are attached to another lot that the house actually resides on. For example, owner #2189 at 1 Country Lane (near the bottom of the list below) has one house but it is on 4 separate lots due to quirks in the original subdivision. TEA only bills once for the whole household.
This listing below indicates if a household/lot is a member in good standing with TEA (“Paid” or “Not Paid”). A “Member in Good Standing” is a member who is currently part of the association and is current with their annual association dues. Members who remain unpaid become “suspended members” who can be “expelled.” Expelled members cannot rejoin the TEA. However, when an expelled members house is sold, the new owners can join the TEA when they purchase the house. If the new owners do not join within 1 year of house purchase then the household remains as expelled. This listing was updated 12/31/2020 but consult tea@truesdalelake.com for current status.
If you are purchasing a property and would like to know its current status (good standing, suspended, or expelled) in the TEA, please contact tea@truesdalelake.com.
If a household/lot is not current with membership payments, a new owner can reapply for TEA membership within one year of purchase date.
New TEA homeowners must gain approval at a TEA board meeting then pay the initiation fee and first year’s dues to join the association.
Map-Block-Lot | # | streetName | Paid Dues? | OWNER ID | developed |
36I-10810-11 | Â | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2003 | U |
36I-10810-12 | Â | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2003 | U |
36I-10810-13 | 44 | Salem Lane | current | 2026 | Â |
36I-10810-14 | 40 | Salem Lane | current | 2568 | Â |
36I-10810-15 | 14 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36I-10810-16 | 16 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-17 | 18 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-18 | 20 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-19 | 22 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-20 | 24 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-21 | 26 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-22 | 28 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-23 | 30 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-24 | 32 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36J-10810-25 | 34 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36K-10810-26 | 36 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36K-10810-27 | 38 | Salem Lane | current | 2003 | U |
36K-10810-28 | 12 | Salem Lane | current | 2046 | Â |
36K-10810-29 | 10 | Salem Lane | current | 2194 | Â |
36K-10810-30 | 8 | Salem Lane | current | 2194 | Â |
36K-10810-31 | 6 | Salem Lane | current | 2588 | Â |
36K-10810-32 | 2 | Salem Lane | current | 2192 | Â |
36K-10810-33 | Â | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2192 | Â |
36K-10810-34 | 4 | Salem Lane | current | 2598 | Â |
36K-10810-35 | 22 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2657 | U |
36K-10810-36 | 20 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2589 | Â |
36K-10810-37 | 18 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2589 | U |
36L-10810-38 | 16 | Truesdale Lake Drive | expelled/Talbot | 2120 | Â |
36L-10810-39 | 14 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2126 | Â |
36L-10810-40 | 12 | Truesdale Lake Drive | expelled/Burns | 2010 | Â |
36L-10810-41 | 10 | Truesdale Lake Drive | late | 2619 | Â |
36L-10810-42 | 8 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2056 | U |
36L-10810-43 | 6 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2056 | Â |
36L-10810-44 | 8 | Boway | current | 2092 | Â |
36L-10810-45 | 6 | Boway | current | 2108 | Â |
36L-10810-46 | 2 | Boway | current | 2602 | Â |
36L-10810-47 | 4 | Boway | current | 2602 | U |
36L-10810-48 | 2 | Truesdale Lake Drive | Â | 2148 | U |
36L-10810-49 | 4 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2163 | Â |
36L-10810-52 | 6 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2056 | U |
36L-10810-53 | 4 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2163 | Â |
36I-10814-1 | 56 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2587 | Â |
36I-10814-2 | 33 | Salem Lane | expelled/Berlt | 2005 | Â |
36I-10814-3 | 31 | Salem Lane | new – joining | 2642 | Â |
36I-10814-4 | 29 | Salem Lane | current | 2023 | Â |
36J-10814-5 | 27 | Salem Lane | new – paid | 2645 | Â |
36J-10814-6 | 25 | Salem Lane | current | 2043 | Â |
36J-10814-7 | 23 | Salem Lane | current | 2090 | Â |
36J-10814-8 | 21 | Salem Lane | current | 2105 | Â |
36J-10814-9 | 19 | Salem Lane | current | 2604 | Â |
36J-10814-10 | 17 | Salem Lane | current | 2165 | Â |
36J-10814-11 | 15 | Salem Lane | current | 2071 | Â |
36J-10814-12 | 11 | Salem Lane | current | 2073 | Â |
36K-10814-13 | 9 | Salem Lane | current | 2534 | Â |
36K-10814-14 | 7 | Salem Lane | current | 2526 | Â |
36K-10814-15 | 5 | Salem Lane | current | 2536 | Â |
36J-10814-16 | 3 | Salem Lane | current | 2612 | Â |
36J-10814-17 | 1 | Salem Lane | current | 2032 | Â |
36J-10814-18 | 34 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2068 | Â |
36J-10814-19 | 36 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2001 | Â |
36J-10814-20 | 38 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2596 | Â |
36J-10814-21 | 40 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2640 | Â |
36J-10814-22 | 42 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2627 | Â |
36J-10814-23 | 44 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2022 | Â |
36J-10814-24 | 46 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2111 | Â |
36I-10814-25 | 48 | Truesdale Lake Drive | Â | 2564000 | U |
36I-10814-26 | 50 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2004 | Â |
36I-10814-27 | 52 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2006 | Â |
36I-10815-1 | 71 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2040 | Â |
36I-10815-2 | 69 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2132 | Â |
36I-10815-3 | 67 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2002 | Â |
36I-10815-4 | 65 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2057 | Â |
36I-10815-5 | 63 | Truesdale Lake Drive | Â | 2110 | Â |
36I-10815-6 | 61 | Truesdale Lake Drive | new – joining | 2655 | Â |
36I-10815-7 | 59 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2041 | Â |
36I-10815-8 | 57 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2042 | Â |
36I-10815-9 | 55 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2050 | Â |
36I-10815-10 | 53 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2643 | Â |
36I-10815-11 | 51 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2069 | Â |
36I-10815-12 | 49 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2063 | Â |
36J-10815-13 | 47 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2013 | Â |
36J-10815-15 | 43 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2104 | Â |
36J-10815-16 | 41 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2622 | Â |
36J-10815-17 | 39 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2563 | Â |
36J-10815-18 | 37 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2045 | Â |
36J-10815-19 | 35 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2098 | Â |
36J-10815-20 | 33 | Truesdale Lake Drive | expelled/Cote | 2019 | Â |
36J-10815-21 | 31 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2637 | U |
36K-10815-22 | 29 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2130 | Â |
36K-10815-23 | 27 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2016 | Â |
36K-10815-24 | 25 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2628 | Â |
36K-10815-25 | 23 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2020 | Â |
36K-10815-27 | 21 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2508 | Â |
36K-10815-28 | 19 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2573 | Â |
36L-10815-29 | 17 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2644 | Â |
36L-10815-30 | 15 | Truesdale Lake Drive | late | 2186 | Â |
36L-10815-31 | 11 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2606 | Â |
36L-10815-32 | 9 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2636 | Â |
36L-10815-33 | 7 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2636 | U |
36L-10815-34 | 5 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2164 | Â |
36L-10815-35 | 3 | Truesdale Lake Drive | new – joining | 2660 | Â |
36L-10815-36 | Â | Lake Shore Drive | new – joining | 2660 | U |
36J-10815-38 | 31 | Truesdale Lake Drive | current | 2637 | Â |
32A-10817-1 | 2 | Stewart/ 70 Bouton | current | 2566 | Â |
32A-10817-2 | 4 | Stewart Road | expelled/Mazzari | 2618 | Â |
32A-10817-3 | 6 | Stewart Road | expelled/Salerno | 2590 | Â |
32A-10817-4 | 8 | Stewart Road | current | 2646 | Â |
32A-10817-5 | 14 | Stewart Road | expelled/Murphy | 2608 | Â |
32A-10817-6 | 16 | Stewart Road | expelled/Stankiewicz | 2630 | Â |
32A-10817-7 | 18 | Stewart Road | expelled/Rosa | 2101 | Â |
32A-10817-8 | 10 | Stewart Road | expelled/Bozahora | 2008 | U |
32A-10818-1 | 1 | Stewart Road | expelled/Dorgan | 2027 | Â |
32A-10818-2 | 70 | Bouton Rd | current | 2591 | Â |
32A-10818-3 | 3 | Stewart Road | current | 2114 | Â |
32A-10818-4 | 5 | Stewart Road | expelled/Thirlwall | 2121 | Â |
32A-10818-5 | 7 | Stewart Road | late/suspended | 2625 | Â |
32A-10818-6 | 9 | Stewart Road | expelled/Gill | 2049 | Â |
32A-10818-7 | 11 | Stewart Road | current | 2611 | Â |
32A-10818-8 | 15 | Stewart Road | current | 2078 | Â |
32A-10818-9 | 17 | Stewart Road | expelled/Zaffiro | 2620 | Â |
32A-10818-10 | 19 | Stewart Road | expelled/Nolan | 2517 | Â |
32B-10819-1 | 2 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Taft | 2119 | Â |
32B-10819-2 | 4 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Macri | 2072 | Â |
32B-10819-3 | 6 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Elias | 2031 | Â |
32B-10819-4 | 8 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2067 | Â |
32B-10819-5 | 43 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Fried | 2551 | Â |
32B-10819-6 | 41 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/FerentiniT | 2038 | Â |
32B-10819-7 | 35 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Marciante | 2075 | Â |
32B-10819-8 | 33 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2593 | Â |
32B-10819-9 | 31 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/McAvey | 2077 | Â |
32B-10819-10 | 29 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2651 | Â |
32-10819-11 | 27 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2639 | Â |
32-10819-12 | 25 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Weingarten | 2129 | Â |
32-10819-13 | 23 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2095 | Â |
32-10819-14 | 21 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Micka | 2080 | Â |
32-10819-15 | 19 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Gennimi | 2048 | Â |
32B-10819-16 | 17 | Lower Salem Road | Â | 2148 | U |
32B-10819-17 | 15 | Lower Salem Road | Â | 2148 | U |
32B-10819-18 | 11 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2605 | Â |
32B-10819-19 | 9 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/FerentiniO | 2037 | Â |
32B-10819-20 | 7 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Schwartzberg | 2107 | Â |
32B-10819-21 | 5 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Feinstein | 2035 | Â |
32B-10819-22 | 3 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2187 | Â |
32B-10819-23 | 116 | Bouton Rd | expelled/Didato | 2518 | Â |
32B-10819-24 | 90 | Main St. | expelled/Turkel | 2123 | Â |
32B-10819-25 | 92 | Main St. | Â | 2539 | U |
32B-10819-26 | 94 | Main St. | Â | 2539 | U |
32B-10819-27 | 106 | Main St. | current | 2641 | Â |
32B-10820-1 | 10 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Ring | 2100 | Â |
32B-10820-2 | 24 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Connell | 2017 | Â |
32B-10820-3 | 22 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Broer | 2009 | Â |
32B-10820-4 | 20 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Tarada | 2166 | Â |
32B-10820-5 | 18 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2091 | Â |
32B-10820-6 | 16 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2621 | Â |
32B-10820-7 | 14 | Lower Salem Road | expelled/Curry | 2021 | Â |
32B-10820-8 | 12 | Lower Salem Road | current | 2191 | Â |
36A-11168-14 | Â | Boway | current | 2189 | Â |
36A-11168-15 | Â | Boway | current | 2189 | U |
36A-11168-16 | Â | Boway | current | 2189 | Â |
36B-11168-17 | Â | Boway | current | 2615 | Â |
36B-11168-18 | 138 | Boway | current | 2088 | Â |
36A-11168-20 | 1 | Country Lane | current | 2189 | Â |
36B-11168-22 | 142 | Boway | current | 2615 | Â |
36B-11168-23 | Â | Boway | Â | 2158 | U |
36B-11168-24 | 148 | Boway | current | 2012 | Â |
36B-11168-25 | 150 | Boway | current | 2106 | Â |
36B-11168-26 | Â | Boway | Â | 2158 | U |
Information about other Truesdale Lake associations including property information can be found here.
In the map below the TEA properties are listed in yellow: