The heat wave and lack of rain has caused a blue green algae bloom at the lake. All beaches are closed for the weekend. Residents are advised to avoid swimming in the lake until further notice. Pets should avoid the water as well.
We have a regular water testing program in place with the NY State DEC and a note from our contact Scott Kishbaugh follows:
The screening results from your most recent CSLAP sample (7/15) came back indicating high blue green algae levels. We don’t yet know if bloom conditions are apparent, but lake residents and their pets are advised to avoid direct exposure and seek medical attention if they experience any symptoms typical of blue green algae bloom exposure. You can find out more about harmful algae blooms from our website at and the DOH website at ( I will pass these results along to DEC and DOH regional staff early next week, and I will pass along toxin results as soon as I get them.
Thank you for your understanding. We are scheduled for a treatment on Monday and the heat wave is expected to break on sunday night. We are hopeful this will allow us to re-open the beaches early next week.