Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

Avian Flu Update and Tracking Form


Truesdale Lake is a popular stop on the migratory bird pathway between the tropics and the northern summer breeding grounds of many waterfowl. Canada geese, common merganser, double crested cormorants, ruddy ducks, buffleheads, mallards, and many other transient visitors will be seen in the coming weeks visiting our waters, shorelines, and islands.

Unfortunately, avian flu (H5N1) has been affecting many bird populations including domesticated and wild birds.

There has been a recent case nearby where 60 chickens at Animal Nation (a pet and farm animal rescue facility in South Salem) that had to be euthanized because they tested positive for bird flu. This facility is around a mile from Truesdale Lake.

New York State wants to know if and when you find dead birds, including dead waterfowl

They have produced a web form for reporting sick or dead birds in order to help track whether avian flu is spreading in NY.  Here’s the link to the form:

This note is meant to be precautionary, not alarming.

NYS DEC has a webpage explaining precautions you should take around dead birds:

No human to human bird flu cases have been found to date. Let’s keep it that way.

There have been cases of wild bird to domestic cat spread – with pet cats unfortunately dying of the disease. During this migratory season it might be wise to keep your cats fully inside.

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