Get yourself and your boat(s) ready for the first Truesdale Lake moonlight regatta of 2024. Date is June 21st (the Strawberry Moon). If the weather cooperates this will be a fun way to kick off the true summer season on the lake!
This is the summer solstice as well – and the moon will be completely full at exactly 9:07pm on Friday June 21st the longest daylight day of the year.
Bring the kids. Bring the lights! Bring the cheer! More information and photos is here: https://truesdalelake.com/moonlight/

Sunset is at 8:30pm on Friday, June 21st. Civil twilight begins at 9:04pm. We recommend heading out on the lake between these times. Moonrise is 8:49pm and the moon will rise over trees on the east side of the lake 15-20 minutes after then — lighting up the water.
Prep your watercraft — in the daylight — with lights and provisions. Check your light batteries beforehand! Bring extra provisions to share!
BYO Truesdale Lake registered boat with a Truesdale Lake Registration Sticker — or make arrangements ahead to join with someone who has one!
Remember to bring light source(s) to help navigate home.
Lighting decoration on boats encouraged and helpful to the other boats out in the night-time.
Please don’t make your boat too bright – if you are not sure, test it a few nights beforehand. Residents have used glow sticks, LEDs, lanterns, etc. if you have a dock on the lake, putting out navigation lights is appreciated!