Skip Jahn put the cherry on the top of his 2020 Truesdale Lake Summer Sunfish season by taking the annual President’s Cup race on Labor Day Monday.
Just one day prior to this race, Skip completed the Sunfish Fleet #27 summer series with not only the series championship but also perfect attendance at all 20 summer series races.
Coming in a strong second was Jonathan Rodgers who tipped his cap to Skip. “He had the start figured out most weeks and just wouldn’t give up his lead once he got it.”
Third overall was Fleet Commodore Ira Sanchick who had a slow season start but finished strong. Ira overtook Rob Cummings in the last week to secure the bronze. Rob’s was convinced there were turtles under his boat slowing him down just enough for Ira to get by. Next year Rob plans to befriend the reptiles of the lake and convince them to take his side. Rob shared the perfect attendance award with Skip for 2020.

Veteran Truesdale sailor Paul Dennis was fifth overall in the Sunrise sail. Rookie sailor Eric Novak came up sixth in the season, earning the “most improved” award which comes with a painting of him sail on the lake. With his new boat and “Mojito” sail he will be ready to get even better next year.
Kevin Hobson represented Ohio State in the red and white sail. New sailors Elizabeth and Paul Amerling had a good introduction to sailing on the lake, with Elizabeth taking second overall in her third race ever. Veteran sailor Bob Branizza recovered from injury to join the fleet late in the season and had some good showings.
The fleet will continue to sail on Sundays in the Fall as long as the weather is good and there is interest. These races are standalone events for fun and good competition. All are invited.
If you have never sailed and/or raced, this is a great time to come out in a non-competitive format to learn some tips and techniques. Email to get in touch.
See you on the lake!
Presidents Cup 2020 Race Results (Labor Day Monday)
- Skip
- Jonathan
- Kevin
- Rob
- Ira
- Paul D
- Eric
- Bob
- Paul A