Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

Diet For A Small Lake – FREE book download


We have published this in the past, but for all new residents — and those who may have missed it the prior publications — this is a great resource for learning about the lake. If you ever wonder “how do these people know all this stuff about the lakes?” a lot of it came from reading this book. If you want to learn about living on and around a lake, this is the book.

The classic lake management book ‘Diet for a Small Lake‘ has been made available as a FREE pdf download. Originally published in 1990 — this is the 2009 edition which is the latest update.

The physical book is published at cost – hardcover is $25 and paperback copies sell for $15 if you want something to hold on to (order form here). The publication is 318 pages and chock full of useful information for homeowners and other stakeholders in the lake area. This pdf version of it contains the whole book.

The book is an cooperative effort between the NYSFOLA and the NYS DEC.

From the description:

Diet for a Small Lake is a combined effort by the New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA) and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). It is designed to motivate private citizens who may not have knowledge or experience in the field of lake and watershed management. Examples from within New York State are provided to illustrate the topics. References to state laws and government structure are specific to New York State, making this book a valuable reference for professionals in the field of water resources management. The information will build the knowledge and confidence required to delve deeper into lake management. Appendices F, G and H contain internet resources, references cited, and additional readings for those who seek more information.

We advise new and old lake watershed homeowners to grab the download and dive in!

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