Some Lake Stewardship Resolutions:
- I will get my septic tank pumped and inspected. If the tank baffles are missing or damaged, I’ll have them replaced. (Kaiser-Battistone offers 15% discount for lake area residents – but you have to tell them about the discount!)
- I will “overseed” my lawn rather than spread fertilizer or pesticides. I’ll tell my lawn service – or myself – to cut my grass high and leave the clippings on the lawn. If I think fertilizer is needed, I’ll use phosphate-free fertilizer since it’s the law. I will also tell my lawn care company that it is illegal in Westchester County to use phosphate based fertilizer unless extensive testing has been done on the soil – and even then only on a limited basis and never within 20 feet of the lake.
- If I live on the lake, I’ll plant a “buffer” of native plants to slow the flow of rainwater or stormwater (and the pollutants and nutrients it carries) into the lake. I’ll pull up some invasive plants and plant some native ones.
- I’ll pick up after my pets and throw their poop into the trash.
- This year I’ll make sure no oil or gas from my mower or car spills on the ground or into the lake.
- If I take coolers, sand toys, or other beach or boat items to another waterbody, I’ll make sure that they are free of weeds and shells before bringing them back here so I don’t transport invasive plants and animals.
If I haven’t done so already, this is the year I’ll take a safe boating course.
- I’ll start or use a compost pile (away from the lake shore, wet areas, or streams).
- If it’s icy, I’ll minimize my use of salt by using kitty litter or sand where I can.
- I’ll learn more about my lake’s history, health, plants, or animals this year.
- I will send photos I take around the lake to us here ( so we can post for everyone to enjoy!
- I will join and volunteer with my lake association and make my voice heard and my energy felt during this coming year.
Happy New Year to all!
Thanks to Janet Andersen and others for these timely resolutions, add yours below in the comments.