Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

Quick Update on Lake

Secchi disk examples

Secchi disk examples

Good afternoon to you all. Ray Morse has been taking secchi readings of the lake (basically a test to tell you how clear, or not clear, the water is) for a long time. On Monday – before any lake treatment, the clarity level was about 1 foot. Here is what he just told us: “The Secchi Reading this morning (July 31) was 3 ft 7 in which is 1 foot more than yesterday (Tuesday). The other good news is that the lake looks as good as I have seen all summer. No green showing by my dock and I can see bottom near my wall and don’t see any weed growth. Something is working right.”

I thought that you all would be pleased to hear this. It sounds as if the treatment on Monday is helping, along with the change in the weather the past few days.



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