Truesdale Lake  

South Salem, New York

TEA Beach Lifeguard Schedule

Calendar-icon-294x300New! The TEA Beach Schedule Is Available at This Website

We have a new feature at the website: the TEA Beach Lifeguard Calendar!

A direct link is here:

There is also a quick link to the calendar on every page of the lake website (in the right hand sidebar).

The TEA lifeguards are using this online calendar to schedule their shifts during the summer season. TEA members and associates can check on coverage. The aim is to have full 11am-7pm coverage every day during the summer (weather permitting) except Mondays. On the off chance there is a gap in the coverage for a few hours, you will be able to tell from the site.

Keep in mind if weather conditions cause the lifeguard to close the beach — and then the weather clears several hours later —  the lifeguard may not return unless they are close by. This call is made based on the current weather conditions and best available forecast at the time.

Contact the TEA ( if you have any questions.

-TEA Board and Beach Committee

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