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Who made Truesdale Lake?
The Truesdale Lake Property Owners Association (TLPOA), a private and exclusive club with 20 summer time residents, created the 83.3 acre Lake in 1927 by damming a stream and flooding a small pond and surrounding swamp.

The Truesdale Estates Assocation (TEA) was formed in the early 1930’s when the land on the west side of Lake Truesdale was purchased from TLPOA.

The primary water flow into the Lake comes from the swamp on Pumping Station Road in Ridgefield.
Why are there two associations?
There are actually four distinct groups of homeowners living on Truesdale Lake.

First is the Truesdale Lake Property Owners Assocation (TLPOA). This is the group that created the lake in 1927. Homes in this association are located primarily on the northwest and northeast portion of the lake.

Membership in the TLPOA is determined by whether or not the home gets its water from the TLPOA common well. Homes in this association are either riparian (lakefront) or close to the lake on adjoining streets. There are approximately 175 homes in the TLPOA.

Second, the Truesdale Estates Association (TEA) was formed in the 1930s. Membership in the TEA is determined by deeded lake rights granted at the time of the original development of five parcels of land in South Salem in the lake area.

The TEA land is not contiguous and not all on the lake. There are TEA houses on the southeast portion of the lake (including Truesdale Lake Drive and Salem Lane) as well as on Lower Salem Lane, Boway, Main Street, and Stewart Road. There are 134 landowners in the TEA.

TEA also invites up to 30 households from the surrounding community to join their beach as summer season members ("associates").

The third group of homeowners in the lake community are the unaffiliated Lake Shore Drive homeowners. These nine houses are riparian (lakeside) but are not part of either TLPOA or TEA. They are invited by the TEA to join as summer beach members at a reduced rate.

The fourth group of homeowners are in the Vreeland property owners. These houses are located off of Boway where the main stream feeds Truesdale Lake. We are unsure of the number of houses in this association and if anyone has the definitive number, please contact us so we can update this FAQ!
Why don't the associations merge into one "Truesdale Lake Association"?
Good question! This is how I have come to understand the situation: Mainly because the TLPOA, in addition to being an association, also runs the Truesdale Corporation. This entity supplies water via a common well to the 170 odd households in the TLPOA.

In contrast, all of the TEA, Lake Shore Drive "no-mans land", and Vreeland properties get their water from individual wells.

The individual charters of the TEA and TLPOA delineate the properties which are on the association rolls. The formation of a single association would logically result in the dissolution of the TEA and TLPOA. Since there are land ownership issues, financial considerations, etc. with any merger, I don't see it happening any time soon or ever. The benefit for the associations is just not there.

On the other hand, if residents decide that lake management and upkeep creates a common good throughout the community, it is possible to form a "water/sewer/improvement district" with taxing authority. With this power, it would be possible to issue bonds and undertake major projects such as dam rehabilitation, dredging, and long-term stormwater runoff abatement and cleanup projects.

Disclaimer: Of course the above paragraph is purely speculative at this point, but it could happen. I am not a lawyer and have no idea of the issues involved!

If you have a comment, better information, or a more thorough understanding of this all, please use the "Contact Us" link on the left side and I will get your note. Be sure to include your email address so I can get in touch if I have any questions.
Where did the lake get its name?
Two possibilities:

#1) check this website: Lewisboro Ledger Answer Book from the site:
When was the town founded and by whom?
Settlers first appeared in the area now known as Lewisboro around 1720. According to legend, the first men to actually live in the area were William Truesdale and Samuel Tuttle. The men bought land from the Ridgefield Proprietors and headed west over the mountain ridge that separates the two towns. They attempted to tame the wilderness, which proved to be too difficult a task. According to the story, the two were killed by Indians and not a trace was left except the name Truesdale, which now graces a lake in the general vicinity of their land purchases.

#2) It was a family name from the 18th century. I believe they owned the land in the area.


Excerpt: (note reference to Truesdale Lake at bottom)
235. Jesse Truesdell

(Source: Carla Parrish):
Had extended service as an officer in the Westchester Militia. He waschosen 1st Lieut of the Middle Battalion from the northern district ofSalem, the commission issued September 13, 1775 (Council Aptmts, NY Hist.Soc., 1925, 159). Due to "certain non-acceptances" the Chairman of theCounty reported that Jesse was chosen Captain, November 17, 1775, andrequested early issuance of this commission (Calendar, NY Hist Doc, I,205). In 1777 his company, in Col. Thomas Thomas' Regt of Westchestermilitia, consisted of: 1 Capt, 2 Lieut, 1 Bens, 3 Sgts, 1 drummer and 32Pvt, and received £258 16 2 for service at various times between Augustand December 1777 (NY State Lib "Payroll" audited in Philadelphia 1786).On May 28, 1778 he was appointed Captain to command the North Salem Co.He served at various times as a Captain in 3d Regt. and in 4th Regt.under Col. Crane, his name being on the State Treasurer's pay books,between March 1779 and November 1781. He was a Major in 2d Regt., April12, 1782. After the war, as "Trusdal" he was appointed First Major, June24, 1786, under LtCol John Hyatt and a successor was announced to hisvacancy March 25, 1787 (Council Aptmts 80).
In 1779, with others, he united to form a Congregational Church at Salemand was on the committee "to get preaching" (Hist Westchester Co., ScharfII, 523). On various occasions Rev. Silas Constant, pastor of thePresbyterian Church at Yorktown, NY stayed at Jesse Truesdell's home. In1790, living in North Salem, his family consisted of six. He wasadmitted as a freeman in 1805, first taxed in 1813, last in 1815. Hejoined the Danbury Church, June 03, 1810 on recommendation from the Ridgefield Church.
Following the Revolution Jesse Truesdell was a member of a Committee todispose of properties held by convicted Tories (Westchester Deeds, L290.Also NYGBR LXXI 277). In this manner he acquired the lands of Benjamin Close in North Salem. His home, still standing, is near Truesdale Lake, now in the hands of a real estate corporation.

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