Fleet #27 Race Recap

Season Race Number:

Prevailing Wind:
Wind Description:

Approx. Temperature:
8/24/2003, Race #1

Course Description:

Race Comments:
Good wind conditions greeted the four sailors who met for the first race. Mark, Ira, and Jack got off to a good start heading north. Rob had to tack across behind the other sailors to reach the starting line. The north mark saw all four sailors in a bunch but Jack got around first, followed by Mark, Ira, and Rob. The long downwind leg saw a race for second place with Ira, Mark and Rob alternately taking over that position. At the southwest bouy, Ira and Rob rounded at the same time. They were neck and neck at the Southeast buoy as well. Jack and Mark were just a bit ahead going upwind for the final leg. Ira and Rob took opposite tacks. Jack took first with Mark just behind. They turned around to watch Rob just edge out Ira by a boat length to take third.

Total Sailors Racing: 4

Race Recap

Sailor Finish order Points
Jack Fles 1 5.5
Mark Patek 2 4
Robert Cummings 3 3
Ira Sanchick 4 2