Fleet #27 Race Recap

Season Race Number:

Prevailing Wind:
Wind Description:

Approx. Temperature:
8/3/2003, Race #1

Course Description:

Race Comments:
Sailors got off to a slow start due to the ominous thunderclouds and actual thunder about an hour before race time. But getting sails up proved to be worth it today with a strong south wind blowing constantly. Skip and Jack led the race out of the blocks. Ira, Mike Sanchick, Bob, and Rob were in a pack followed closely by Mike Cummings in his first race of the season. Ira pulled out third place and Rob stretched into fourth with a boat borrowed from Mark. Bob was placing fifth but veered off to help a capsized spectator who went over with his young son. That allowed the two Mikes to pass him for 5th and 6th. Special bonus points for Bob for giving aid when needed.

Total Sailors Racing: 7

Race Recap

Sailor Finish order Points
Jack Fles 1 8.5
Skip Jahn 2 7
Ira Sanchick 3 6
Robert Cummings 4 5
Mike Sanchick 5 4
Mike Cummings 6 3
Bob Branizza 7 2