The prime objective of our racing series is to have fun and encourage us all to leave our lawn maintenance, desk work and other chores and spend some time out on our beautiful Lake Truesdale.
A summer Sunfish series of 20 races will be held, with 2 races each Sunday, the first beginning at 2:00 p.m. Practice races will be held in June. The regular series on the 10 Sundays from July 4-Sept 5. (“President’s Cup special race on 9/6- Labor Day) Since we only count your best 10 races, you can win the series, and still miss 1/2 the races.
If sufficient boats participate- two fleets will compete allowing beginners an easier learning experience otherwise beginners will also be given early starts and minimal rule enforcement.
The winner keeps the fleet trophy for a year. There may also be a painting of boats on the lake by Joan Fles for most improved skipper..
Two official races will be run each Sunday. A race will be canceled if no boat finishes within one hour of the start. The winner of the series will be determined by adding up the scores for each boat's best 10 races out of a possible 20. Ties will be broken by counting the number of firsts.
1 point for starting (register with race committee),
1 point for finishing
1 point for each boat you beat , 1/2 point for first place finish
Results posted at: http://www.truesdalelake.com/sunfish
The new standard yacht racing rules apply. Summary follows.
STARTING line in lake in front of the Patek’s across from Gilbert St. beach
STARBOARD is the right side of the boat when you are looking forward.
PORT is the opposite side of starboard - the left side.
STARBOARD TACK is when the wind is coming over the starboard side & the boom is on the port side.
Primary RIGHT OF WAY rules:
A boat on starboard tack has right of way over a boat on port tack.
When two boats are side by side on the same tack, the downwind (leeward) boat usually has right of way unless it overtook the windward boat from completely behind it or is too close to a race buoy.
WHEN CHANGING TACKS and thus getting right of way, the other boat must be given room to get out of the way.
Boats should avoid collisions.
RULE OF 720 DEGREES: if you foul another boat you must sail around in two complete circles (any size).
CREW Senior may race with or without crew, with no scoring penalties.
The regular weekend racers would be happy to help you learn to sail or to help you learn the racing rules. We can often provide a spare boat for those who would like to try out racing or for those who have weekend guests who know how to race and want to join in.
If you have any questions, please call Mark Patek 763-8078, Jack Fles 763-3477, or Ray Morse 763-5695
Need Parts?: check: www.apsltd.com (800-729-9767); sailaction.com; teamvanguard.com
For hints, other races etc join the International Sunfish Association -248 673-2750 or see Mark Patek