Fleet #27 Race Recap

Season Race Number:

Prevailing Wind:
Wind Description:

Approx. Temperature:
8/21/2005, Race #2

Partly Sunny
Course Description:

Race Comments:
Since the wind was light, we decided a short race was in order. The start was good, with sailors scattering to try to locate the wind. Jack made it around the north buoy first with Mark and Ira a bit behind and Rob closing in. Vi joined the pack just behind. Vi and Rob chose a direct course close to the rocks and Ira went a bit east. Mark got stuck in irons and fell behind. Rob and Vi went neck-in-neck between the West and East buoys with Vi turning first. Jack was ahead but chose a westerly tack, expecting a downwind push across the finish line. Rob and Vi instead headed straight for the finish line since the wind seemed to be coming more steadily from the west. Closer to the finish line, Rob caught a puff sending him ahead but the wind shifted again, pushing Jack to within striking distance of the win. Another quick wind shift favoring Rob took him over the finish line mere feet ahead of Jack. Jack took second just ahead of Vi a boat length behind. Ira crossed next with Mark catching up quickly.

Total Sailors Racing: 5

Race Recap

Sailor Finish order Points
Robert Cummings 1 6.5
Jack Fles 2 5
Vi Patek 3 4
Ira Sanchick 4 3
Mark Patek 5 2