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Posted by rjc23 on 2009/8/18 15:40:13 (63 reads)

Bid materials have been posted by the town and contractors have started walking the site and are preparing bids for the Truesdale Lake Site #3 (TEA Beach) project.

Bidding closes August 25th, 2009. The town and lake representatives will review bids after bidding has closed.

To view other files related to this project, click here to see directory links for files you can download.

If you are a contractor, you can request a bid materials packet from the Town of Lewisboro on Main Street in South Salem, NY.

If you are a resident of Truesdale Lake and have a question about this project, please click the "Contact Us" link on the left hand side and let us know your question(s).

Prior related links:
Engineering Plans 2006 - http://www.truesdalelake.com/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=5&lid=48
Project Writeups 2006 - http://www.truesdalelake.com/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=5&lid=44
Project Writeups 2005 - http://www.truesdalelake.com/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=5&lid=43
Lewisboro Lakes Report 2009 - http://www.truesdalelake.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=118

Posted by rjc23 on 2009/7/16 16:39:34 (69 reads)

Alkalinity: 100
DO (ppm): 12
Secchi (Visibility in ft.): 4
pH: 8.5
Temperature(oF): 76
Aquatic Vegetation Species noted: Potamogeton foliosus (Leafy Pondweed)
Algae Species noted: Filamentous Algae, Unicellular Algae
Treatments Conducted: Truesdale Lake was treated with copper sulfate for algae control. Water use restrictions were posted. The next scheduled treatment visit is July 27th.

Comments: Water column brown with unicellular algae. Trace amount of floating and benthic filamentous algae scattered along the shoreline. Small patch of dead and/or dying Leafy Pondweed at launch end of lake.

We asked Allied for some additional 'layperson' comments about the testing and Glenn Sullivan, president of Allied Biological, wrote:

"There are a few things of note on this survey, most relating to the algae. The DO (dissolved oxygen) is adequate for fish, but at 76 F, it is actually above saturation. That means at night the DO probably is less than desirable (it reverses at night as plants and algae respirate), and could influence fish or nutrient release. The secchi (clarity) is acceptable, but also less than desirable. Both of these reflect the presence of abundant algae in the water column, which is why the algaecide treatment was needed.

The survey notes the presence of one plant, and only in the south end of the lake. From a swimming perspective this is good, but ecologically it is not.

Any lake should support a diversity of plants in at least 20-30% of the lake area. Obviously, when a lake's entire shoreline is developed, and the lake is shallow, plants become "weeds" and are often removed. That is the way the lake has always been managed. We have tried to encourage plants in areas where they might be acceptable (water greater than 6'), but that hasn't been very successful. Unfortunately there isn't a reliable method of introducing submersed aquatic plants to areas you want them.

(To view pictures of the plants surveyed, go to their website, www.alliedbiological.com and click on the Plant Identification tab)

Click here to download a pdf copy of treatment and survey report. Right-click (control-click on a Mac) and choose "save as..." if you want to save it to your computer.

Posted by admin on 2009/6/17 15:00:59 (87 reads)

Alkalinity: 115
DO (ppm): 8
Secchi (Visibility in ft.): 8
pH: 8
Temperature(oF): 70
Aquatic Vegetation Species noted: Potamogeton foliosus (Leafy Pondweed)
Algae Species noted: Filamentous Algae
Treatments Conducted: A copper sulfate treatment was conducted on June 15th. Treatment notices were posted around the lake.

(To view pictures of the plants surveyed, go to their website, www.alliedbiological.com and click on the Plant Identification tab)

Comments: Leafy Pondweed showing clear signs of senescence at this time. There are no leaves attached to the decomposing
stems. Moderate to heavy filamentous algae growth on the decomposed plant material preventing plants from settling to
lake bottom. Sparse to heavy filamentous algae along most of the shoreline and in the north end from the island north
across the lake. The spillway is blocked, but there is very heavy inflow from the inlet stream.

Click here to download a pdf copy of treatment and survey report. Right-click (control-click on a Mac) and choose "save as..." if you want to save it to your computer.

Posted by rjc23 on 2009/6/4 11:33:07 (98 reads)

Alkalinity: 110
DO (ppm): 7
Secchi (Visibility in ft.): 8.5
pH: 7
Temperature(oF): 68
Aquatic Vegetation Species noted: Potamogeton crispus (Curlyleaf Pondweed), Potamogeton foliosus (Leafy Pondweed)
Algae Species noted: Filamentous Algae
Treatments Conducted: none
(To view pictures of the plants surveyed, go to their website, www.alliedbiological.com and click on the Plant Identification tab)

Comments: Curlyleaf pondweed was dying off, however, leafy pondweed was not yet showing signs of Sonar damage. Filamentous algae covered 50% of the surface in the southwest beach. After motoring over it, the algae was submerged and occupied less than 10% of the surface. Two FasTEST samples were taken, sample A from the north (outlet), Sample B from the southern end. The aeration system filter and four stones on each of the 3 diffusers were replaced, and the diffusers were repositioned in a straight line along the south rope.

Posted by rjc23 on 2009/5/17 22:15:11 (112 reads)

The Lewisboro Lakes Report is available for download at this website by clicking on the Lewisboro Lakes link on the left hand side of this web page.

The materials available are the original report (from February 6, 2009) in its entirety as well as fact sheets for each of the seven lakes broken out. There is also the MS Access file available to download if you want to delve into the data.

The May 2009 presentation of the report to the Town Board and public is also available at the same link.

Posted by rjc23 on 2009/5/11 14:31:57 (138 reads)

The Allied Biological boat will be out Monday, May 18th (weather permitting) for the first Truesdale Lake treatment of 2009.

Write or call if you have questions.

Posted by rjc23 on 2009/4/30 12:32:33 (127 reads)

From LoHud.com / The Journal News:


The Westchester County Board of Legislators last night unanimously approved a ban on phosphorus and added restrictions on lawn fertilizers as a way of improving the region's water supply. The law basically regulates the use and sale of fertilizers...

...The aim is to reduce runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus into water bodies, such as the Hudson River and Long Island Sound, where they feed algae, which then blocks sunlight and consumes oxygen from the water that aquatic life needs to survive.

If you live in the lake watershed you should already be using phosphorus free fertilizer. Using phosphorus-based fertilizer contributes to weed and algae growth in our lake and also downstream. The soil in this region already has plenty of phosphorus.

There are other more environmentally sensitive fertilizers available at many local nurseries including Gossett Brothers on Route 35.

Posted by rjc23 on 2009/4/15 17:36:44 (113 reads)

On May 7th at 7:30pm the firm EcoLogic, LLC of Cazenovia, NY will present the townwide lake study to the Town Board. The Town Board meeting for that evening is scheduled for 7:30PM at the Increase Miller School in Goldens Bridge. See the Town of Lewisboro website for more details and agenda.


In August 2007, EcoLogic, LLC entered into an agreement with the Town of Lewisboro via the Lewisboro Lakes Committee to develop a planning document outlining management of the lakes and watershed areas within the Town.

The report will be available here when it is presented and accepted by the committee and the town (around 10Mb pdf file).

The zip file containing the MS Access database used for producing the charts, graphs, and analysis will also be available here. (2.5Mb est zipped size)[/url]

Four specific objectives were cited:
• Create a central repository of natural resource data, statistics, and testing data for each of the lakes in the Town;
• Summarize each lake’s water quality and environmental concerns;
• Recommend the most logical, environmentally sound, and cost-effective sequence of projects to improve and maintain water quality throughout the Town;
• Synthesize and collate all the studies on each of the lakes.

Additional data gathering and evaluation tasks were included to meet the overall objectives. This document – Town-Wide Comprehensive Lakes Management Plan - summarizes the water quality and aquatic habitat conditions of seven lakes in the Town of Lewisboro, and recommends measures for their protection and restoration.

Report Organization

The Town-wide Lakes Management Plan is organized in three sections. The first is composed of this introduction, a summary of the environmental settings of the lakes, followed by “Fact Sheets” for each lake. These fact sheets may be used as reference material for the lake associations. The second section discusses the water quality issues on a Town wide basis, identifies the pollutant(s) of concern and their source(s), and identifies reductions needed to meet restoration goals. The third and final section is a synthesis of management options and sets forth recommendations and priority actions for the Town of Lewisboro.

Plan published by EcoLogic, LLC of Cazenovia, NY.

Posted by rjc23 on 2009/2/24 15:00:29 (149 reads)

We are passing on a letter from the New York State Federation of Lake Associations, of which Truesdale Lake is a member through both the TEA and the TLPOA.

Nancy J. Mueller, Manager
NYS Federation of Lake Associations, Inc.
P.O. Box 84
LaFayette, NY 13084

The Estuary Training Program would like to announce two upcoming workshops on Resolving Canada Geese Conflicts.

Thursday March 19, 2009, 1:00 to 4:30 pm
Teatown Lake Reservation, Ossining, NY (Westchester County)
Register here, copy and paste into your browser:

Register here, copy and paste into your browser:

Friday March 20, 2009, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Agroforestry Resource Center
6055 Route 23, Acra, NY 12405
Register here, copy and paste into your browser:

Each workshop will cover Canada Geese behavior, effective geese management techniques, case studies from other communities, federal and state regulations, and where to find additional resources. Speakers include:
David Feld, GeesePeace, Inc.
Bryan Swift, Game Bird Unit NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife
Stacy Pecor Preusser, USDA Wildlife Services

This workshop is for property, school grounds, recreational facility and park managers, golf courses, college and corporate campuses, lake associations, homeowner associations, cemeteries, public health managers, and the interested public.

The workshops will provide valuable information that will prepare participants for action this upcoming spring.

The workshops are identical, so those interested need only register for one. The workshops are free but registration is required. See links above. Please register by March 16.

Because geese do not recognize property boundaries and so will nest on one property and cause a nuisance on another, it is important for neighboring properties to be aware of management techniques. We encourage you to invite your neighboring property owners to this event. Please forward this announcement.

Posted by rjc23 on 2008/11/24 15:46:38 (210 reads)

In August 2007, EcoLogic, LLC entered into an agreement with the Town of Lewisboro via the Lewisboro Lakes Committee to develop a planning document outlining management of the lakes and watershed areas within the Town.

The report will be available here when it is presented and accepted by the committee and the town (around 10Mb pdf file).

The zip file containing the MS Access database used for producing the charts, graphs, and analysis will also be available here. (2.5Mb est zipped size)[/url]

Four specific objectives were cited:
• Create a central repository of natural resource data, statistics, and testing data for each of the lakes in the Town;
• Summarize each lake’s water quality and environmental concerns;
• Recommend the most logical, environmentally sound, and cost-effective sequence of projects to improve and maintain water quality throughout the Town;
• Synthesize and collate all the studies on each of the lakes.

Additional data gathering and evaluation tasks were included to meet the overall objectives. This document – Town-Wide Comprehensive Lakes Management Plan - summarizes the water quality and aquatic habitat conditions of seven lakes in the Town of Lewisboro, and recommends measures for their protection and restoration.

Report Organization

The Town-wide Lakes Management Plan is organized in three sections. The first is composed of this introduction, a summary of the environmental settings of the lakes, followed by “Fact Sheets” for each lake. These fact sheets may be used as reference material for the lake associations. The second section discusses the water quality issues on a Town wide basis, identifies the pollutant(s) of concern and their source(s), and identifies reductions needed to meet restoration goals. The third and final section is a synthesis of management options and sets forth recommendations and priority actions for the Town of Lewisboro.

Plan published by EcoLogic, LLC of Cazenovia, NY.

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