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Posted by rjc23 on 2007/7/18 15:50:30 (420 reads)

The Lewisboro Town Board will be discussing the proposed Truesdale Lake Tax District during its work session on Tuesday July 24th (Click here for agenda). Meeting is at John Jay High School and starts at 7:30pm.

[Below are some website links to help understand what the district is]

Click on the map to the right to view a larger map of the proposed district.

Click here to visit the Lake Restoration Project home page.

Click here to visit the "Frequently Asked Questions" about the Lake Restoration Project and Tax District.

A recent item on the website is the "Cliff's Notes" version of the Proposed Truesdale Lake Tax District Bill. Click here to view these notes.

For those who want to see it all, the full text of the bill can be found by clicking here.

Posted by rjc23 on 2007/7/6 23:07:48 (392 reads)

The Town Board may be discussing the proposed Truesdale Lake tax district at this Tuesday (7/10/07) night's meeting. As of 7/6/07 it does not appear on the agenda, but it may be added later. Please come to the meeting to voice your opinion or learn more about the proposed district. [Below are some website links to help understand what the district is]

The meeting is scheduled to start at 7:30pm at the John Jay High School Library. We will update this page if the district discussion appears on the agenda or we learn that it will not be discussed.

[UPDATE 7/8/07]: The Tax District discussion has been moved to the July 24th Town Board working session. We will keep this site updated with any details.

Click on the map to the right to view a larger map of the proposed district.

Click here to visit the Lake Restoration Project home page.

Click here to visit the "Frequently Asked Questions" about the Lake Restoration Project and Tax District.

A recent item on the website is the "Cliff's Notes" version of the Proposed Truesdale Lake Tax District Bill. Click here to view these notes.

For those who want to see it all, the full text of the bill can be found by clicking here.

Posted by rjc23 on 2007/6/25 1:12:17 (349 reads)

The lake will be treated with Cutrine on Monday July 2nd by Allied Biological. No swimming for 24 hours after treatment. Cutrine is a more effective substitute for Copper Sulfate.

The full schedule for Cutrine treatment during summer 2007 is:
July 2, 16, 30, August 13, 27 - all are Mondays.

These dates are subject to change based on predicted or actual rainfall if it would affect the retention period required by the NY State DEP regulations.

Any questions, click Contact Us link on the left.

( Link to MSDS database - search for Cutrine)

Posted by rjc23 on 2007/6/19 19:58:23 (400 reads)

A recent item on the website is the "Cliff's Notes" version of the Proposed Truesdale Lake Tax District Bill. Click here to view these notes. Thanks to Stephen Real for boiling the bill down to it's essence.

For those who want to see it all, the full text of the bill can be found by clicking here.

If you have questions about the proposed Truesdale Lake Improvement Tax District, you can find the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list here.

The main home page for the entire Truesdale Lake Improvement project is here.

The map to the right can be found here.

Posted by rjc23 on 2007/6/8 13:10:43 (338 reads)

The lake will be treated with Cutrine on Monday June 11th by Allied Biological. No swimming for 24 hours after treatment. Cutrine is a more effective substitute for Copper Sulfate.

Any questions, click Contact Us link.

(Link to MSDS database - search for Cutrine)

Posted by rjc23 on 2007/6/6 11:26:47 (339 reads)

Attention Community Members: Dedicated volunteers have been testing the waters of Truesdale Lake on a regular basis for over 7 years. This is done in cooperation with the NY State DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) and the NYSFOLA (New York State Federation of Lake Associations). The program is called CSLAP (Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program).

Below is a letter from the manager of the NYSFOLA about some help you can provide in order to make our elected officials in Albany aware of the importance of this monitoring for our lake. Since the program is run by volunteers at the invidual lake level, the only cost to the state is the lab testing of the samples received. In this way it is very cost efficient and there is a continuous statewide record of the health of NY State's lakes as well as our lake.

CSLAP Reports are published once a year. Here is a link to the latest Truesdale Lake report from 2005. The 2006 report should be available soon.

Our representatives in Albany are:
Senator Vincent Leibell
Phone: (518) 455-3111

Assemblyman Adam Bradley
Phone: 518-455-5397

---- letter below sent to CSLAP volunteers ----

TO: CSLAP Volunteers
FROM: Nancy Mueller, Manager, NYSFOLA
DATE: June 5, 2007

RE: CSLAP Needs You!

CSLAP Volunteers:

Due to the recent administration change in Albany, the contract for analytical services between DEC and Upstate Freshwater Institute has not yet been approved by “the powers that be.” We are shipping bottles, etc. as usual, but sampling cannot begin until the situation is resolved. (This has happened before and will happen again!)
Please do not start sampling until you hear from us that we have the ability to pay the lab!! At this time, we do not anticipate a lengthy delay.

Unfortunately, the situation has now gone from bad to worse, and for the first time in over 20 years, we may not be able to run the Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (the worst case scenario). Even in the best case, we are going to be starting later than usual.

Therefore, I am asking you to consider taking 15-20 minutes to call your state representatives in Albany [see phone numbers above]. Tell them that you represent a lake in the Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program which is a volunteer monitoring program run jointly by the NYS Federation of Lake Associations, Inc. and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Let them know that several hundred volunteers representing over 100 lakes and several hundred volunteers are waiting to start the season but cannot because DEC’s contract for laboratory services has not been approved by the State Comptroller’s Office. Ask them if they can help you find out the status of the contract and when sampling might be able to commence.

The more calls they get, the more likely that we will get action! You might also consider a call to the Governor’s Office, but I tried this and got forwarded and put on hold at least 5 times!!

In the meantime, I continue to pack and ship boxes and sampling equipment. We are moving forward as if our usual start dates were in place. Everyone should have bottles by mid- June, and I know that several new lakes still need sampling equipment. It’s on the way!!

Thanks for your patience and assistance. We will keep everyone posted!!!

Posted by rjc23 on 2007/3/20 14:09:58 (378 reads)

The Canadian Geese population on Lake Truesdale varies from year to year and until now there was no local legal way to humanely control the population. The organization below offers training and information on geese control strategies. Several lake residents have gone through the training and can train others who are interested.

Note that unless you have the proper training, certification, and permits, any disturbance of Canadian Geese (adult, gosling, nests, or eggs) is a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and a federal crime. However, due to the exploding population of "resident Canada geese," the Fish and Wildlife Administration is considering Resident Canada Goose Management strategies. (also see Q&A section)

Click the "Contact Us" link to the left for more information.

From the Site (www.geesepeace.org):


Each spring geese return to their place of birth or to areas where they have previously nested. They mate in February and March and begin nesting in April. Beginnings in early April nests are located and the eggs oiled (coated with corn oil). Nesting season is over in early to mid May.

During this period geese should be allowed on site for the purposes of mating and nesting. If geese are prevented from returning and nesting in known locations, the geese will nest anyway, somewhere in the vicinity, but in places where GeesePeace volunteers or you may not be able to locate the nests. The result is you still have goslings on your site. If nesting is taking place near your water body/property, it is also important that all property owners are contacted and encouraged to participate in the egg oiling program. Geese parents will walk their goslings to the water body closest to where they were born.

When there are few or no goslings, the effectiveness of the other integrated strategies is greatly enhanced. When there are goslings, geese parents will not leave and other members of the flock will also stay around.

Don't Feed The Geese!

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