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Category: Lake Management
Download Now!Lake Health and What You Can Do Popular Version: 
Submitted Date:  2006/3/9
A 3 page summary of 7 steps you can take to minimize your individual negative impact on the Truesdale Lake watershed and lake. Thanks to Wendy McLean for putting this information together.

From the document:

What you can do ...
Good stewardship by the individual, whether a lake homeowner or simply a lake user, can do much to enhance the lake environment and serve as a beginning for sound lake management. Although most of the following comments are directed to lake homeowners, many also apply to those who live anywhere within a lake's watershed. Your collective efforts will yield the greatest dividends for you and the lake. Here's what you can do to protect and improve a lake by minimizing polluted runoff.

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Category: Lake Management
Download Now!Aquascaping Information - Plantings for near or just in the water Popular Version: 1.0
Submitted Date:  2004/6/6
Description of Aquascaping (planting) service from Allied Biological. Has a list of plants that are good for the water!

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Category: Lake Management
Download Now!"Lakes Full of Weeds" Journal News Article - June 21, 2005 Popular Version: 1.0
Submitted Date:  2005/6/23
A recent article in The Journal News (6/21/05 on page B1) discusses permitting problems for weed control in New York State.

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Category: Lake Management
Download Now!Benefit District Article from Common Ground Magazine Popular Version: pdf
Submitted Date:  2006/4/4
Great article outlining the case for Benefit / Improvement Districts. Four pages and a good read.

Downloaded 185 times  185  File Size 996.09 KB  Supported Platforms pdf (acrobat)  Home Page http://truesdalelake.com/modules/mydownloads/images/downloads/specialtaxditrictarticle.pdf
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Category: Lake Management
Download Now!Leaf Pickup Notice Popular Version: 2007
Submitted Date:  2007/10/11
Town Leaf Pickup Schedule for Lake Communities

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