TLPOA Beach Rules

- Beach use by TLPOA residents and their guests only.
- An adult resident member must accompany guests, including non-resident family members.
- Swim only in designated areas.
- No diving or jumping off the back of the float.
- No animals, glassware, alcohol or music on the beach.
- No boating or fishing in the swimming area.
- No roughhousing.
- To use the float, children must pass a swim test or wear approved U.S. Coast Guard floatation device and be accompanied by an adult.
- Beach will be vacated by 8:30 p.m.
- Parties require approval of TLPOA representative.
- During lifeguard hours an adult must accompany children under the age of 12. During non-life guard hours, an adult must accompany children under the age of 16.
- Remove your trash and keep the beach clean.
- No smoking.
- Curb your dog in the parking area!
- No water guns or "Super Soakers".
- Lock the gate when you leave.

Please also note some good neighbor items: Be respectful of our neighbors around and across from the beach. Noise travels and cars parked near homes should not block homeowner access.

Also, parking at the beach is at a premium during certain times and is for beach use only. Please do not park so close to the garbage or portable toilet facility that your car either blocks access or could be damaged during the servicing of those units. Finally, people have chairs and other items that they need to carry onto the beach. If you park too close to the gate your car may also receive some unnecessary scratches if you do not allow enough access for people to get through to the beach gate.

Questions? The TLPOA is lucky to have some new volunteers this year!
Want to schedule a party? Gina Tegtmeier 763-3923
General questions? Karen Jahn 763-3643, Ann Treantafeles 763-6284
Want to help with Water Sports Day? Call Marcie Silverman 763-1941

This article comes from Truesdale Lake Website

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