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Date 2003/12/15 22:45:12 | Topic: General

I am currently learning the capabilities of this new site software so the website is a bit bare at present.

I have items from the website's prior incarnation that I will re-post as soon as I figure out a way to organize everything!

If you have photos, that you want to include with your posts, select "Submit News" and click on the button marked "Manager." Then select "General." This allows you to upload photos from your computer (like this one).

To add the photo to your post, click one of the three "alignment" buttons to place the photo. You'll be taken back to the "Submit News" page and you can "Preview" your post (don't forget to "Post" it if you choose preview!)

Looking forward to seeing posts and photos from the community! Feel free to contact me if you have questions.
-Rob C


This article comes from Truesdale Lake Website

The URL for this story is: